Nightly Roundup #1443
by Calpain
I need to get around to playing Breath of the Wild. I'm a big Zelda fan, but I just haven't found the time or motivation to do so. Maybe over winter break?
News time guys! Get it after the break.
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Electronic Music: D1scordant - Aggressor [Industrial] / MC-Arch & Agatan - Not Like Them (TCB Remix) [Dubstep]
by ExplodingPonyToastSome gritty electronic stuff here. First up D1scordant has released a heavy industrial electronic piece about Tempest that features some harsh synth design and pounding percussion that has a pretty energetic and dystopian feel throughout. In the second spot TCB has remixed Arch and Agatan's latest release into some pretty unique-feeling dubstep. It uses the vocals from the original excellently, and the drops are very creative. Check them both out below!
op 10:00 PM
Labels: Dubstep, Electronic, Industrial, Media, Music: Instrumental, Music: Remix, Music: Vocal -
Nightly Discussion #1230
by Calpain
I think some of my favorite pics that come out of the fandom tend to be a bit surreal. They're just a pleasure to look at.
Evening everyone! Another weekend come and gone.
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
[Crossover][Romance][Alternate Universe]
Author: Present Perfect
Description: One year ago, the parasites known as the Shinion came from the stars to Equestria. Unable to survive without a host, they attach to the back of a pony's head and drain the essence of their emotions, undetected even by their own host. All except one pony, that is. Applejack, as a former Bearer of Harmony, was too powerful and headstrong to succumb to the Shinion's influence. Instead, she twisted her parasite to her own will, combining its power with her own. Now she fights the marauding Shinion as Equestria's hero: the Iron Rider, Rangelkai! But even heroes have their weaknesses... (An action-packed pastiche of the tokusatsu genre of Japanese entertainment, written to be accessible to those unfamiliar with kaiju, Kamen Rider, Ultraman, etc.)
Iron Rider Rangelkai
Additional Tags: Tokusatsu, Action, Drama, Tragedic Romanceop 7:00 PM
Labels: Alternate Universe, Applejack, Author: Present Perfect, Complete, Crossover, Fanfiction, Rarity, Shipping, Star-Needed, Story -
Some more music from the show for you all this lovely Sunday! Get all the tracks as compiled by RainShadow after the break!
[1] Source
“Baking Pies” - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic BGM by RainShadow
Hello everyone! I got another box in the mail! And it's from K'NEX, which I have good feeling will contain their Tinker Toy MLP Rainbow Dash Set!
Point in fact, if you can read the label on the package in the header, you can actually see that is precisely the case. And in a full disclosure this box, much like the previous box from K'NEX, was provided for review purposes.
So let's go unbox this package and startplaying with toysreviewing these poniesplaying with Tinker toys!
You've probably already seen our newest bat banner unless you are blind. If you happen to be blind, maybe they can teach you some echo location. Eeeeee. Thanks to Taesuga for that!
And get tons of art below!
[1] Source
October 2017 EqD Banner - Bats! by taesuga
Livestream Sundays and Drawfriend
by CalpainNot much going on today in the realm of streamers who have submitted to us, but at the least we have one streamer today so check them out after the break and give them some support!We always need more streamers for the Sunday streams so feel free to sign up! Any sort of art that can be streamed is welcome whether it be crafts, animation, digital art or more feel free to send in your application today!As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at calpain@equestriadaily.com with your name, the type of art you'll be doing, a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 5:30pm EST / 2:30pm PST on Sunday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain -
SeyN continues to release super awesome house tunes, and this one features the singing talent of Flittzy! Some solid vocal chops combine with his beautifully performed vocals. The big anthemic progressive house drop makes terrific use of powerful chords and strong driving bass, and overall it's a very polished-sounding piece. Check it out below!
Secrets and
liespies! It's all secrets andliespies with those ponies!Pleasantries you people perusing the ponynets on this particularly pleasant and peaceful day! Pardon me? Permission to protest pink party pone projecting pie pandemics in Ponyville, posing problems pertaining to peacefulness? Prepare for plenty panicking Pinkie Pie performances proving pretty pressing!Phew, phrasing proves painstaking!Anyway, yes, welcome to the "Secrets and Pies" episode followup! I'll be your host; Cobalt Comet. Join me below the break as we take a look at Pinkie Pie losing her mind (yet again), gratuitous amounts of pie (I hope there's pumpkin), Rainbow Dash (with freaking laser beams!), and the age old question; how upset are the Cakes with Pinkie Pie constantly cleaning out their bakery stock?Note: This Followup is very image-heavy and includes numerous animated GIF images as well. May slow down some computers and mobile devices. -
Another big preview has arrived for Legends of Magic #7. Unlike the iTunes one, this one actually delves into the pony involved past Sunburst.
The 7th issue releases on the 18th. You can check out the full synopsis and information on it over here. Now get your preview below!
The 24th episode of the season is airing early in Canada, so we might as well slap it up! As you probably already know, 867 Comments.
Morning Discussion #1008
by Calpain
Man, Rainbow really hates pies, huh? Just hope that one day she doesn't turn her laser vision on you all.
Morning guys! Sleep well?
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