EXCLUSIVE: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #60 Revealed—Synposis, Artists, and Writer!
by The Illustrious Q
Is that filly the sister to Sunset Shimmer?!?!? Seriously, she looks like a younger, more orange, version of the star of Equestria Girls! This is amazing! This is stupendous! This is...
Something to speculate about after checking out the full solicitation below the break!
Tuesday, August 22, 2017 op 8:40 PM
Labels: Comic, Equestria Daily Exclusive, IDW, News, November 2017 Solicitations, Official ComicShare This!34 Comments
EXCLUSIVE: My Little Pony: Legends of Magic #8 Revealed—Season 7 Finale Tie-in!
by The Illustrious Q
And the Legends of Magic series continues! Just what is going to happen in this chapter of the season 7 finale tie-in? Which by the time this issue is released, said finale will have already aired? I have no clue since the solicitation is a little on the vague side.
However something that isn't on the vague side is the fact fandom (and professionally published comic) artist Jennifer Hernandez (ChibiJenHen) has been hired by IDW Publishing to produce the retailer incentive cover for the issue! After checking out the solicitation below the break, be sure to give her a nice shout out on Twitter!
EXCLUSIVE: High Res Cover for My Little Pony: The Cutie Map Comic Adaptation Revealed!
by The Illustrious Q
Hard to believe it's been two years since GlimGalm--dang it Seth! You've got me calling Starlight that! So, yes it's been two years since we first encountered Starlight Glimmer. Yes it is very hard to believe. Know what else is hard to believe? That it's been a month since the last time our good friends at IDW Publishing sent us their MLP comic solicitations for an exclusive reveal!
Time is flying way too fast. And as is my habit when it comes to these solicitations, the Trade Paperbacks go up first to wet your appetite for what is to come. So, what is coming out in about 40 minutes? I'll leave that as a surprise, but until then, be sure to discuss and remember what stood out to you the most about the season 5 premiere episodes after the break!
op 8:01 PM
Labels: Comic, Equestria Daily Exclusive, IDW, News, November 2017 Solicitations, Official Comic -
Nightly Discussion #1176
by Calpain
Man, a nap sounds great right now! Even though I got a lot of sleep after getting home last night I'm still pretty beat.
Evening my friends! Ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Another new track from Vylet's Mystic Acoustics album means another new banger of a piece to feast your ears on! This one is a collaboration with Chang31ing, and features some really neat sound design, alongside exceptional percussion, gorgeous vocals from Vylet and even some guitar in the break. Check it out below!
San Diego Comic Art Gallery Presents MLP: and the Science of Psychology & Social Sciences
by The Illustrious Q
Are you an adult (Age 21+) fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? Do you like the comics put out by IDW Publishing? And most importantly of all, do you happen to enjoy applying scientific/literary analysis to a fictional fantasy world specifically engineered to sell toys to little girls?
If you do, congratulations, you're Silver Quill.
Kidding aside, this Friday—August 25th—from 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM PST the San Diego Art Gallery is hosting a My Little Pony themed lecture as part of their Crossover Where Comics and Science Meet series. The event will be held at the San Diego Comic Art Gallery, which just so happens to be right next to IDW Publishing, and feature IDW MLP Comic Writer Christina Rice, Professor of Psychology Dr. Gail Heyman, and Professor of Communication Dr. Jonathan Bowman.
Tickets cost $15 and are available either online at fleetscience.org or by phone at (619)-238-1233. As alcoholic beverages will be provided, the event will only be open adults ages 21 years and older. If you're in the San Diego area this Friday, consider possibly dropping by and lean something neat about My Little Pony!
Twitter: The Illustrious Q -
I'm surprised we haven't gotten more art of Toola Roola. Seems like the type of pony that would spawn a bunch of it.
Get some pones below!
[1] Source
MLP | Toola Roola by Anonsbelle
Community Soapbox #45 - Game of Thrones Vs. Pony, Not Powerless Princesses, Featherbangs, and More
by Sethisto
Expect these posts normally every Tuesday at 2:00 PM PST. To submit your own, see this post.
Note: These soapboxes do not at all reflect the ideas of EQD. They are an open forum for anyone to post whatever crazy theory they want.
Headlines for the week:
- Is MLP actually Game of Thrones in Disguise?
- The Princesses Were Never Powerless: A Theory
- Earth Pony Magicians
- Feather Bangs in Future episodes?
- Will Guardians Of Harmony Be the Adventure Half Of The Series?
- The Mechanics of Gratitude
And get your soapboxes below!
Cover Music: Sable Symhpny - Monday Blues / EnergyTone - Giggle At The Ghostly / Flittzy - Falter
by ExplodingPonyToast
Updated Hascon Schedule Reveals Andy Price and Bobby Curnow for IDW MLP Comic Panel!
by The Illustrious Q
With just a little over three weeks to go until Hascon—dear Celestia this is going to be a very busy convention—more and more information about it keeps being revealed! Like in an update to Hascon's Schedule, which revealed not just a new MLP Panel for Sunday, but also two new MLP guests who will be attending the show!
That's right folks! MLP Comic Editor Bobby Curnow and MLP Comic Artist/Writer Andy Price will both be attending Hascon this year! Both of these gentelemen have been involved with the MLP Comics since before issue one, and in Bobby's case has been involved with every single issue of MLP ever produced by IDW.
As for the new panel—you can probably guess what it is—the full Hascon description can be found after the break!
[Slice of Life]
Author: Pearple Prose
Description: What does it mean to be Celestia? What does it mean to be "at the top"?
Celestia knows.
And soon, Twilight will too.
At The Top
Additional Tags: Twilight will become like Celestiaop 12:00 PM
Labels: Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, Slice of Life, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Twilight's over here unleashing the feels again for that first one. She's doing that a lot lately isn't she?
Follow that up with a solid one with some excellent scene switching, some motion graphics, and typography. And finish it off with some ENERGY. We have some solid PMV selections for you all in this one. Go get em below!
Quite a lot of awesome stuff was displayed over at BronyCon this year. Now that the event is over, the videos have been uploaded to Youtube for public consumption. These are the winners, as chosen by the PMV community in various categories at the annual contest held over there.
Head on down below the break to check them out!
Music: Mane In Green - The Lost Island (feat. Mathilde) [Orchestral Electronic]
by ExplodingPonyToastMane In Green's music just seems to keep getting more epic! This is the third act of his quest of the lost sapphire series and, divided into 5 chapters, it totals 12 minutes of awesomeness! There's plenty of beautiful orchestral sounds, soft electronic elements, and a bunch of the chapters have some lovely vocals through them as well. It's really cool to see such extensive and story heavy releases like this, so do make sure to check it out if you like that kind of thing too!
Morning Discussion #954
by Calpain
Just one more eclipse picture now that I'm back home and ready to sleep off that whole journey. Hope those of you who had favorable viewing conditions got a chance to see it! I know for me at least it was an astounding event.
Time to chat my friends!
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Artist Training Grounds VII - Day 23
by Calpain
Phew guys... I just got home not too long ago from the eclipse and man was it something amazing. You can't really describe how it feels seeing something like that. It's so... magical and almost mystical. If you did miss it, you all have another chance at it in 2024 when the US gets an eclipse again!
Anyhow, I know I'm a little late so let's get this party started! I see you guys created another awesome 95 ponies bringing us up to 3419 ponies in total.
For tonight's prompt I think we'll do something I bet both of us can relate. For tonight I'd like you guys to Draw an utterly exhausted pony / Draw a pony at wit's end. Considering how long I've stayed up for this eclipse I'm more of the former, heh.
You can find our submitter as always here! Good luck and have fun guys!
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission even though this post is up!
Check on after the break for our full gallery!
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