Einarx is at it again with some awesome dubstep from his upcoming Invaders EP releasing in a few days over on Magnus Records. The MLP movie isn't even out yet, but the first of these two tracks is somewhat inspired by it. It's full of some awesome sampling and sound design throughout. The second track is similar, however with much more of a focus on the terrific lead synth, and working in some classic lines from the sleepover episode. Check them both out below!
Wednesday, August 9, 2017 op 9:00 PM
Labels: Dubstep, Electronic, Future House, Media, Music, Music: InstrumentalShare This!3 Comments
Nightly Discussion #1164
by Calpain
Ponies with canines? Hmmm, seems a bit dangerous don't you think? But it is nice to see Fluttershy letting loose her wild side!
Time to chat!
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Plushie Compilation #247
by Calpain
Yes! The popcorn is now in plushie form! Now whenever drama pops up you can grab your Starlight plushie and prop it up, enjoying the insanity that is popping up all around you.
Plushies my friends, get them after the break!
[1] Source
Starlight glimmer with popcorn and chair by Epicrainbowcrafts
Breaking EVERY day here on EQD. That's what we do. Or something.
Get art below.
[1] Source
Darkest Before the Dawn by FoughtDragon01
I'm a bit late with this one thanks to Twilight Day bumping it back, but the patreon post hath arrived! This month we go for Luna, cause even after 6 years I'm still not tired of her.
Thanks again to everyone continuing to donate. We dropped a bit this month, but I'm sure these fluctuate around a lot. If only EQD was capable of better rewards, maybe we could get some good stuff going. I still want to completely avoid any kind of pay-2-view junk though. I play a lot of games, and the more recent microtransaction nonsense drives me nuts.
Most of EQD is patreon based now, so you are all pretty much fueling us. Youtube wasn't the only thing that got nailed by google's recent massive ad black hole. We all run adsense, so when overlord Google gets hit, we all do.
Anyway, enough of that! Celebrate below with moooon.
Fluttershy is pretty cute, perhaps even to a spider? This new track from 4EverfreeBrony plays with the idea of a spider falling in love with Flutters. And I mean, who could blame them? The song itself is really nicely performed with strong vocals as always, and catchy progressions throughout. Give it a listen below!
With the Equestria Girls specials over RainShadow has been hard at work isolating the BGM from each one and today he has a ton of songs for you to listen too as the fruit of his labor!
Get them all after the break!
Let the chaotic games begin! This week we take a look at Pinkie Pie's journey into Discord's realm.
Does this story spark new creativity or will the chaos within overwhelm?
Find the review after the break but watch out. When you stare at spoilers, the spoilers are staring right back!
op 1:00 PM
Labels: After the Fact, Analysis, Author: Silverquill, Comic, IDW, Official Comic, Review -
Story: Administrative Angel
by Calpain
Author: horizon
Administrative Angel
Principal Celestia always has wings in her dreams.
They got her into trouble, once. She let herself believe that they meant she was an angel. Then she grew up, and learned some hard lessons about what being an angel really required.
Now six magical girls have just fought a demon in front of her school. And her phantom wings are itching.
Her life is turning upside down ... and she hasn't even heard about Equestria yet.
Additional Tags: Who is Equestria Girls Celestia?op 11:00 AM
Labels: Author: Horizon, Celestia, Complete, Drama, Fanfiction, Luna, Story, Sunset Shimmer -
Rock Music: Dashtortion - 15 Years (feat. Sable Symphony) [Alt. Rock] / Daniel Ingram - Mad Twience (Elias Frost Cover) [Synth Rock]
by ExplodingPonyToastSome great rock music here! First up SlightlyAmiss and StealingShad3z have combined with Sable Symphony to create a heavy track inspired by the old 'My Little Dashie' story. The guitars are strong and the vocals, both screams and clean, are really nice. In the second spot, Elias Frost continues his covering of the songs from the Equestria Girls shorts with an 80s style cover of Mad Twience. It's super cheesy, but with the fun video of Elias performing it throughout it's an especially enjoyable time to watch. Check them both below!
I can't help but feel someone is a bit late to the party with this one, but Hasbro apparently has an official line of Fidget Spinners to combat the swarms of knockoffs appearing on Amazon. Right now they have pony and Transoformers, with Twilight Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie as the first three to get fidget treatment. As for release date, we haven't a clue. Hopefully soon, as the craze won't last much longer!
Thanks to Rizarp for the heads up.
Morning Discussion #941
by Calpain
Yes! Nothing like combining my love for ponies and my love for Monty Python. Now I really want to watch Holy Grail again...
Morning everyone! Sleep well?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #57 Released Today! - Download Links, Variants, Discussion!
by The Illustrious Q
Owing to a multiverse shattering catastrophic event involving a pink pony attaining the powers or creation, the number you have dialed has currently been disconnected and is no longer in service. Please try again at a future date an time when the service operator is not hiding in his magic fallout shelter.
In the event of a multiverse disaster, please check out the links after the break for instructions on how to proceed.
Artist Training Grounds VII - Day 11
by Calpain
I've got to say I'm quite impressed, everyone! Usually makeup days are a bit slower than normal prompt days but you guys managed to pull off a very nice total of 132 ponies today, almost as much as the last prompt day, bringing us up to 1973 ponies altogether.
Now that we've had a chance to catch up and maybe take a little break, are you guys ready for the next prompt? We might have some overlap (which is bound to happen since you guys are so creative) but since you all have had some practice with actions, expressions, drawing more than one pony, poses and more I thought it would be fun today to Draw a pony on a grand adventure / Draw a pony on a personal journey. The great thing about pony is not only is it a great look at slice of life scenarios but our ponies certainly know how to quest with the best!
As always you can find our submitter for today here! Best of luck everyone!
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission even though this post is up!
Check on after the break for our full gallery!
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