The Fallout Equestria Audio Book indiegogo project is at around 35% of it's current goal. If you missed the earlier announcement on this one, it's a project to hopefully hire a professional team to put together a full audio book for the FoE. Info on it can be found over here. A new addition has been added with hand made little Pip plushies at the $350 mark. A pricey goal, but pretty standard for custom plushies in ponyland.
Hit it up over here.
Plentiful Fluttershy vocal chops, pleasant synthesised vocals and some strong percussive influences make this one of the coolest tracks from Viricide's recently released album Back From Reality. The synth choices are also pretty neat, and overall it's a pretty mesmerising experience. Check it out below!
Nightly Discussion #1162
by Calpain
You don't want to be caught eating Celestia's cake, she will make sure you pay for your transgressions if you do.
Evening guys, ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
LADY MOONBUTT. Friend of the animals. I really like that style for her.
Get a ton of art below!
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Das Treffen mit dem Tier (Meeting the Beast) by DiscordTheGE
Punk Rock Music: Luna Ticks - Empathy Is For The Common Folk / Quicksilver - Malefactor
by ExplodingPonyToastPunk rock time! A double dose of awesome instrumental work from Quicksilver, both in his solo track and this new Luna Ticks release with Francis Vace. The Luna Ticks track has Vace's awesome vocals about Canterlot's royalty, and some killer guitar work too. The second track is from Quicksilver's upcoming EP about Gilda, and his vocals work brilliantly with a killer instrumental. Check them out below!
Ft. Bright Mac
FINALLY after a month of waiting we can DO THIS. Top tier mare who is also top tier pear has been flooding the bottom of Drawfriend posts under spoiler tags since her and Bright Mac's inception, and this compilation right here is something I've been waiting to do since The Perfect Pear aired.
Today we PEAR BUTTER with a side dish of Bright Mac all in one glorious waifu filled post. Hopefully you all brought your insulin, cause the diabetes is strong with this one.
Get a bunch of Pear Butter and Bright Mac below!
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Bright mac and Pear Butter by Scarlet-Spectrum
Chaos is weird, y'know? Sometimes it's a ladder, other times it's a friend of mine, and every once in a while it creates this crazy, confusing scenario where a couple new episodes of My Little Pony end up premiering in Australia weeks before they're supposed to come out in the United States. But we here at Equestria Daily are nothing if not something, and that something is "dedicated to what we are". Which is horse bloggers. And late-night Glim-Glam posters. And occasionally rude, crude, and devilishly average-looking episode followup-ers.
So without further ado, here's one of those things for one of those chaotic Aussie eps. Cheers, mates.
The 10th installment in the Equestria Girls book series was listed a few weeks ago, but didn't include any information on what exactly it includes. Luckily we now have a synopsis!
Below the break, get the now full details on the book and what you can expect if you plan to read it.
Back in 2016, Hasbro announced that they had acquired Irish based Boulder Media as a new in-house animation studio. They quickly shuffled different projects over there, along with part of Equestria Girls as we've seen in some of the Summer Shorts.
As most of you are aware, a few days ago Hasbro ran their annual Investor conference call, and buried within it's three hours of content was an interesting, albiet vague soundbite about Boulder Media working on new Transformers and My Little Pony movies.
This could be Equestria Girls, or it could be actual pony stuff. As far as we know, there aren't anymore theatrical plans in place yet passed the MLP movie in October, but if that does well, I doubt they'd stop at one considering how successful Transformers has been.
Illustrious Q is currently doing some deep digging to find out what we might have. Expect an editorial on that later. For now, all we can do is speculate!
Thanks to Ayu, PinkiePie97, Isaiah, and everyone else for the heads up.
NeverLastStanding is a gem in the community both with his constant comments on everybody's videos both here on EQD and on YouTube, and with the amazing music he creates. This piece is full of awesome use of vocals and upbeat synths that give the most lovely and heartfelt vibes. If you want some major feels, check it out below!
Morning Discussion #939
by Calpain
Thnak goodness ponies follow cartoon physics otherwise I'd be really worried for Tavi right now.
Morning everyone! Ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Twilight Day Draws to a Close
by Calpain
After such a long day it is time for Twilight to get some sleep, she's got a busy day tomorrow. See? She's even planning ahead by sleeping on her breakfast so that she has something ready to go as soon as she wakes up.
Thanks for participating in another one of our character appreciation days my friends! We'll see you again for the next one which will be Rarity on September 8th, just in time for New York Fashion Week.
Now check on after the break for everything we just couldn't quite fit in.
Get all of today's posts here.
Artist Training Grounds VII - Day 10
by Calpain
I had a feeling that we would be seeing a lot of Pear Butter and Bright Mac in this prompt, after an episode as great as Perfect Pear how could we not? Thanks to all of you the world of pony is filled with a bit more love, bringing in a total of 160 ponies which brings our cumulative up to 1706 ponies altogether! Keep it up everyone!
Today we move on to day 10 meaning all of you who have stuck around so far have made it a third of the way through the training grounds! We're going to be dipping back into a bit of action with today's prompt as I would like you to Draw a pony fighting / Draw a pony grappling.
As always you can find your new submitter here. Good luck!
As this is the tenth prompt tomorrow will be a makeup day to give you all a chance to either catch up, tackle prompts again or just take a day to relax!
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission even though this post is up!
Check on after the break for our full gallery!
Tutorial on first day on how to upload
Art tutorials
ATG Alumni Group tutorials
Twilight Day Cosplays
by Calpain
Twilight is one serious pony when the timeline is at stake. Trust in her!
Twilight cosplays coming your way guys, get them all after the break.
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Matsuricon My Little Pony Future Twilight Sparkle by Swoz
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