Looks like Poland is once again giving us a bit of a preview on things as a magazine reveals what looks like quite a few scenes from one of the summer shorts! Looks like it'll be pretty fun.
Take a look at the sneak peek after the break and thanks to Robert for sending it in!
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Nightly Roundup #1431
by Calpain
Super awesome Applejack time? Super awesome Applejack time.
News is here my friends! Get it all after the break.
Exiark's works are almost always incredible feats of sound design and mixing, with this latest being no different! Starting out with some strong ambience and subtle arabian-style composition with strong use of vocal elements, if steadily morphs into some powerful and clean dubstep that is arranged brilliantly. Check it out below the break!
Looks like the movie is proceeding on schedule as Jayson Thiessen announces they might just have a finished movie on their hands (hooves)!
Congrats to the team for getting this wrapped up. I guess we all that is left is the hype train as we wait the last two months till the movie releases.
Thanks to Mutton Bash and Jason for sending it in!
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Discussion #1153
by Calpain
As, no need to blush, Lyra! You're adorable and you should be proud of it.
Evening guys, ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
An announcement sent over the Discovery Family Twitter has revealed a "Summer Shorts" event tomorrow night after Garfield Airs. The Equestria Girls shorts are going to play, followed by a "never before seen music video". I don't know if that will be including a new song, or if it's just a PMV, but it's notable and we will keep an eye out for it!
Get the announcement video below.
Note: Since some are confused, this is apparently completely NEW, not the dance/movie/etc magic series!
Music: GhostXb - They Mustn't See Me Cry (feat. BriLizy T) [Orchestral Hip Hop]
by ExplodingPonyToastGhostXb is really getting good at this hip hop-influenced orchestral style, and this is certainly his best track of that nature yet! Featuring gorgeous emotional Sunset Shimmer vocals from BriLizy T, the hip hop percussion combines brilliantly with light orchestral strings and some nice subtle guitar too. The song tells the tale of Sunset struggling with her emotions whilst transitioning from foe to friend to the Mane 6. Check it out below!
Livestream Saturdays and Drawfriend
by Calpain
Ready for some livestream fun for today guys? Sit back, relax and enjoy a small group of artists for today's stream post. Thanks again for all of you who joined my charity stream! Love ya all~
If you or know someone who would like to stream, sign up by sending your info into [email protected]! We take more than just art, so if you're streaming your music, crafting or anything else feel free to participate!
Note: Livestream Sundays are back on track, send in your info if you can participate!
As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at [email protected] with your name, the type of art you'll be doing (general art, requests, videos, animation, ect), a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 4pm EST / 1pm PST on Saturday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain -
For those of you outside the US who were worried if you'd be getting any promotional theater material, it appears that over in Germany they have some special MLP Movie themed popcorn bags! It might not be a cup where you can drink Pinkie's sugary brains, but it is nice to see promotional material in theaters outside the US!
Thanks to Tricky Fox for sending it in!
Twitter: Calpain -
July 30th marks the official holiday of International Friendship Day, and as usual Hasbro will be running a bunch of events around the world to celebrate the occasion. Some takeaways from the presser:
- A week long mane 6 snapchat filter with sounds and effects, including an Equestria background when the camera is flipped and the rear lense is used
- Friendship day events in United States are at Mall of America
- Italy, Singapore, and Taiwan get friendship runs
- Brazil has a friendship bus and will celebrate Dia Da Amizade
- United Kingdom will have buy one give one promotions in partnership with local charity and BFF accessories.
- Russia and Mexico are listed, but don't have details
- The toy line officially releases on this day
You can read the full presser down below!
Not long ago we posted about the massive influx of movie toys hitting stores, one of them being the Songbird Serenade toy that could sing. Since then someone has found one of these toys and has gotten a chance to try it out in the store.
It appears to be that the toy sings parts of what I can only assume to be the song Songbird will sing during the movie! It's a little hard to hear and not the best quality as it is coming from a toy, but it's a first look at what to possibly expect from Sia's song in the movie.
Thanks to Mutton Bash for letting us know. Get the video after the break!
Tempest Shadow has now been listed over on Entertainment Earth for pre-order. They list the release date as August 2017, so hopefully that means she's out with the rest of the toys dropping next week.
You can pick her up over here for 12 bucks.
Thanks to Jake, Ryan, and Lyra for the heads up.
op 9:00 AM
Labels: Merchandise, Movie Plushies, My Little Pony Movie, News, Plushie, Pony Movie 2017 -
For anyone out there looking to pick up the new Storm King Guardians of Harmony figure, it looks like he's finally listed on Amazon to purchase. Unfortunately it looks like all the cheap ones are gone, but a scalper still has it available for the crazy price of 88 bucks.
Hopefully this means stock will return, so keep an eye out! We will get an update if it does.
Check out the listing over here.
Newbie Artist Training Grounds VII: Day 1
by Calpain
Here we are once again my friends! It's time for another Newbie Artist Training Grounds and I hope you all are as excited as I am about tackling a whole month filled with challenges and awesome artwork. The training grounds have helped many different people from around the fandom discover their love of art or at the very least shown them that with a little practice and effort they too can draw!
As in past years of the ATG, this event is about fun, learning, and pushing yourself to try and do something you didn't think you could before! Being involved in so many of these I know that those who participate (even if only for a few days) will find something they can take away from this event and I believe in every one of you who decides to draw with us over these next 30 days.
So are you guys excited and ready to get started? Well, first off, if you're still new to the training grounds or need a small refresher, please check our post from earlier this week containing details on what the ATG is all about. You can find it here.
For those of you who are ready to get started, here we go! For your very first assignment we have a classic we've opened every single ATG with, with the usual slight variation: Draw a pony standing / Draw a pony striking a pose.
The submission page itself can be found here! If you want some tips on how to draw check out our tutorial page which you can find here.
You can submit up to three pieces of artwork per prompt! Prompts end in roughly 24 hours so submissions will close between 12am-3am July 30th for this prompt.
People of all skills levels are welcome!
As to how to submit your piece of artwork, please check after the break for a full tutorial on how to submit!
Morning Discussion #930
by Calpain
With some of the hot days we've been having I think I would welcome a cold snowy day at this point. In the depths of winter though I'm quite sure my feelings will change.
Morning guys, ready to chat?
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