Nightly Roundup #1430
by Calpain
Some Silver Spoon because she doesn't get enough artwork I think. Just check out that suave mustache!
News time guys, get it all after the break!
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DJT has been quite the genre chameleon recently, his style evolving to suit his collaborative partner, and this time is no different! UndreamedPanic is the fandom's king of bass house and it totally shows here as in combination with DJT there is a whole heap of neat sound design on show. Featuring some lovely soft and well-textured breaks to give some contrast as well, this is otherwise quite the banger. Check it out below!
Pony MOBA, Sunrise of Axoria, Enters Closed Beta Testing - New Features, Signup, and Pics!
by Calpain
The Pony MOBA game we mentioned awhile back is now out of alpha testing thanks to all the help you guys on EqD and the rest of the community have given! Now with the alpha testing over they are moving onto a closed beta test which includes a pretty big update for you all tonight so register for it at the link after the break!
Nightly Discussion #1148
by Calpain
Some more Fluttershy because why not? She's acting cute and wants you guys to know.
Evening everyone, have a good day?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
For all of you Equestria Girls Mini collectors out there, the Mall Minis set has officially made it's way over to Toys r' Us. This is the pack with six characters and the first Starlight and Daring Do. It was first revealed at Toy Fair with a few other EG sets.
Get them over here!
Thanks to Mark and James for the heads up.
How about some simple Fluttershy for the top this time? It's always a good time for her.
Get a bunch of art below!
[1] Source
FlutterShy by StePandy
Newer Pony will finally be easily view-able for anyone with a Netflix subscription!
The first half of season seven is officially slated to land on the 8th of August according to TV Guide. This follows the same trend they had last season, with the split up episodes landing around the same time the second half started airing again on Discovery Family.
Thanks to Jeffrey, Alisha, Felix, and everyone else for sending it!
Artist Training Grounds Returns on July 29!
by Calpain
Can you guys believe that it has been almost a year since last ATG? Like last year, the format is pretty much the same: every day for 30 days from the start of the event artists will be given 24 hours to submit their piece of artwork to our compiler. Even if you aren't able to participate every day you guys are welcome to participate in as many days as you want!
Check on after the break for all the details on what the ATG is about!
Vocal Orchestral Music: Vylet - Fall Of The Empire / Blue Note - The Daughter Of The Winds (feat. Ecila Amaj)
by ExplodingPonyToast
More music from Vylet, and something a bit different from Blue Note! Vylet's piece is a thoughtful and immersive piece that combines gorgeous strings, brooding low piano notes and hopeful high ones in an intro that breaks out into some epic orchestral drums and strong vocals. The second piece, from Blue Note, is a lovely soft orchestral tune featuring some vocals from Ecila that complement the instrumental terrifically, as it delivers a contemplative story. Check them both out below!
Something a lot of people have been requesting over the years, is an easy way to meet up with other people at the various conventions going on around the country. There are various planning channels for cliques, but nothing good for the overall public fandom to dive into.
We've decided to open one up on our Discord channel for the upcoming swarm happening as we venture forth into the late summer months. Find people for games, food, or just general friendship. Unlike our old meetup buddy Skype, Discord doesn't turn your phone into a battery draining pocket furnace.
Connect to the Discord over here, and hit up the convention hall channel to join in. It looks like Galacon is the next big one, so get planning!
Comic: Tricup / Cyan 23 / Clowns / Shadows 6 / Cherry 2:10 / AoS 1:22 / Shard 11 / Relaxation
by Calpain
You only handle so much Trixie before you snap. Just be thankful she didn't do something worse, Trix, heh.
Comics guys, get them all after the break!
While his son's awesome Harley Quinn costume is the main thing stealing headlines and clicks today, it wasn't the only thing Liev did at SDCC this weekend. buried after the drama was a pretty interesting interview with ET talking about his role in the MLP movie on Yahoo. He even gives a bit of insight into how the Storm King got his trident.
Head on over here and watch the video at the bottom if you are curious. Unfortunately they have embeds disabled.
Morning Discussion #925
by Calpain
Mmm, snackies~ Got to love the snackies.
Morning guys! Ready to chat?
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Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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