Nightly Roundup #1427
by Calpain
Too bad applying a book on productivity like that to your head doesn't really solve anything. It does make a nice hat though!
News time guys, get it all after the break.
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L&B Day Plushies, Crafts and Customs
by Calpain
Snuggly little plushie kisses~
How about some wonderful Lyra and Bon Bon plushies, crafts, and customs guys? Get them all after the break!
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LyraBon kissies by FollyLolly
That's some skill for drawing it all in MS paint! I wonder if they use a mouse too?
Following the tradition of opening the doors to all artists on pony themed days, here is your open art compilation! Artists from across the fandom have added their pairings and solos of these two specifically for the day.
Head on down below the break for all of it!
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Lyra and Bon Bon in MS-Paint by sallycars
Part 2 is a bit bigger since I had more time on it. This is the mintiest, candiest post ever on EQD!
As always, get links to the other posts here:
- Best of Lyra and Bonbon Part 1
- Best of Lyra and Bonbon Part 2 (This Post)
- Best of Lyra and Bonbon (Saucy WARNING Edition)
And get your Lyra and Bonbon below!
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Lyrabon by viwrastupr
Coming a little late due to some HTML issues. Computers are both the greatest thing ever and the worst things ever! Lyra and Bonbon Art for the next 2 hours COMMENCES!
We have the three compilations again, with two normals and a saucy post. Expect them over the next 2 half hour slots.
As always, get links to the other posts here once links are live:
- Best of Lyra and Bonbon Part 1 (This Post)
- Best of Lyra and Bonbon Part 2
- Best of Lyra and Bonbon (Saucy WARNING Edition)
Below the break, start your flood!
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Gal Pals by spittfireart
Nightly Discussion #1130
by Calpain
Time for a brief snuggle rest before we start to wrap up Lyra and Bon Bon Day!
Evening everyone, finding the day well?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
I couldn't possibly start off a Lyra and Bon Bon Day comics post without Silly Lyra as the header! That series has pretty much turned into the Lyra and Bon Bon comic series. Click above for the artist's comic gallery where the whole series can be found.
Get the rest of the great L&B comics we have for you guys after the break.
In an alternate world where alternate world Equestria is actually covered in ponies! So many ponies. All going to high school. It's amazing. They eat cheeseburgers. Tons of cheeseburgers. And play sports on motorcycles. And everyone looks up to a diety figure who is actually just a principal. Wondrous I say.
Art below!
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Supreme by Yakovlev-vad
Our fandom seems to pop up in the in the most unlikely places at times! In a recent interview with Adam Conover from the show "Adam Ruins Everything" he was answering questions from fans and one of them asked if he could "ruin the My Little Pony community fan base the Bronies".
He said he didn't think he could do so and for reasons that I'm sure would make you smile. Get his response after the break!
Thanks to Damon for sending it in.
bank pain and DJT have paired up for an awesome collab, with Wootmaster tagging along too! The instrumental is a pretty awesome combination of neuro-style sound design with bass house, dubstep and trap influences throughout, whilst Woot's rap vocals come through well. The lyrics have some pretty strong messages, and it's cool to hear such an awesome track from the three of them. Check it out below the break!
Harpflank and Sweets here have had a pretty healthy amount of 3D love over the years, and this is your compilation of it. Below the break, get some of the best scenes people have molded their models into. Expect a lot of looove.
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Fab by DrDicksAmazingStick
Lyra and Bon Bon Day Animations
by Calpain
Lyra and Bon Bon have had their share of great animations over the years. Who can blame the creators, they're a silly duo after all!
Get some Lyra and Bon Bon classic animations after the break!
Dedicate your desktop to Lyra and Bonbon! We have a host of artistic wallpapers for you all to choose from today starring both of them, or one of them solo. Expect a lot of looove here. They tend to do that.
Get them all below!
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Lyra and Bon Bon Cuddles Wallpaper by FlipsideEquis
Lyra and Bon Bon have certainly evolved quite a bit since season 1 when Bon Bon was the pony sitting next to quite the odd mint colored mare. Fleshed out by the fandom and the show they've come into their as real characters that have taken a prominent role in a number of fanworks.
So what are some of your favorites everyone? Do you like the human obsessed Lyra? The odd couple aspect of Lyra and Bon Bon's relationship? Or maybe you just like the silliness these two get into?
Discuss everything Lyra and Bon Bon in the comments!
Twitter: Calpain -
Morning Discussion #907
by Calpain
Lyra just being Lyra. Nothing to see here guys!
Morning everyone, did you all sleep well?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Lyra and Bon Bon Day Begins!
by Calpain
It's finally time for the odd couple of Lyra and Bon Bon to have their day in the spotlight gang! As with all of our other appreciation days we'll be bringing you a wide variety of content for you guys to enjoy. From plushies, animations, art, comics, and more we'll keep this day filled with these two best friends.
It's still not too late to send in your Lyra and Bon Bon Day material though! Remember to send it in to submit@equestriadaily.com with L&B Day in the subject line followed by the time of media you're sending in.
Example: L&B Day - Comics
We hope you all enjoy!
Twitter: Calpain
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