Nightly Roundup #1424
by Calpain
I like my ponies to have a little floof to them. It makes them look all the more soft and snuggly in my opinion.
News time my friends, get it all after the break.
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At the moment it's looking like "Discordant Harmony" and "The Perfect Pair" will be airing early in Australia over the next two days. We don't have anyone sending in stream events for said episodes, and both are apparently airing on Boomerang, which is a part of the more expensive cable packages over there.
If they do air, it will be at 10:40 PM PST tonight.
As always, if they do pop up somewhere we will of course let you know. Expect a regular episode post over the next few hours if they do, otherwise we will just have to wait. Seems fitting for a Discord episode.
If any of our Australian pony friends are reading this and are willing to stream and/or upload the episode please contact us! Barring that can we at least have confirmation on whether the episodes have aired?
Thanks guys! - Cal
Nightly Discussion #1113
by Calpain
Don't let it get to you Sunburst, Trixie is a master at flustering ponies.
Evening guys! Ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
One of the writers in charge of the My Little Pony movie hopped on reddit a few days ago and did a short AMA. Quite a bit of it involved pony, but you can get a good idea of his writing style from his responses to other questions as well. Everything from defense of glimmy glam to how the movie will tie into the show's overall story are detailed.
I'll let him do the talking though. Head on down below the break for all the questions and answers extracted from the mess!
The OC pones are really on point today. Lets celebrate with one of them at the top!
And get tons of art below.
[1] Source
Bay Breeze by Margony
Dawn Somewhere has released his intro sequence for the new series replacing Mentally Advanced. For info on why that is being retired, hit up this post. Nepotism Adventure brings on a new animation style with a similarly cynical look at ponyland. If you are curious about what to expect, head on down below to watch.
I hope everyone is ready for three monthly helpings of My Little Pony comics coming out every single month! Even if you're not, IDW's going to be giving to you anyways. Got to love the My Little Pony: The Movie Prequel mini-series event running from June through September.
And this past May, we had a trial run of what three monthly My Little Pony comics coming out a month will feel like. So, how did the My Little Pony comics fair having three comics out this month?
Well, the physical sale estimates from Comichron are listed after the break and give a general idea as to how they did. Be sure to discuss after the data below!
Einarx has been pushing out some really awesome heavy dubstep tunes recently, and this is likely the best of the lot! A VIP of one of his older tracks, this takes the best parts of it and completely redoes the rest, with an insane amount of powerful sound design and copious use of Fluttershy vocal sampling. This track is featured on the upcoming P@D Guardians album, which you can check out here, but otherwise find the full song below the break!
The expansion set to the official RPG Tales of Equestria (that released earlier this year) has officially released as of two days ago. Curse of the Statuettes is an adventure pack built on the core Tails rules, adding more content to the game for anyone craving more poni in their tabletop adventures.
Get the details below, or just go scoop it up on Amazon.
A new Daring Do game is in progress by a game developer named Pasta. The goal is to re-create a adventure in a style similar to early 2000's action platformers that we used to have tons of.
At the moment it's in very early alpha with some basic movements and animations in place. The creator has sent us a bunch of screenshots and a few animated GIFs to show it off. Head on down below for that!
Comic: Un-ception / Rolling / Blue 11 / Shadows 3 / Cyan 14 / Cherry 2:4 / AoS 1:15 / Sable 22
by Calpain
When you're new to the whole dream thing it can be a bit hard to pick out what the nightmares really are.
Comics guys, get them all after the break.
Orchestral Music: Aurelleah - Lunar Whispers / Modern Bard - The Magistral Crystal Empire
by ExplodingPonyToastSome lovely orchestral music in two somewhat different styles here. First Aurelleah brings a gorgeous soft tune featuring some very nice vocal sounds, piano and strings. The piece stays relatively relaxed throughout, as the composition of the piece works its magic. In the second piece, Modern Bard builds a lovely atmosphere that progressively builds as it goes on, with the vocal choir especially getting pretty epic towards the end. Check them both out below the break!
Morning Discussion #890
by Calpain
Pink Ponk is here to greet your day! Hope you all slept well.
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