The goodnight before Mother's Day should be a family affair.
Catch a comic with Pinkie Pie and Cloudy Quartz by clicking on the image!Saturday, May 13, 2017 op 11:00 PM
Labels: Comic, Fan Comic, Not-Fanfiction, pinkie pie says goodnightShare This!5 Comments
This is something pretty awesome! Our Demons is a pretty neat song from The Glitch Mob, and here ShalMusicFX has made somewhat of a parody of it focused on Starlight Glimmer featuring original vocals and a re-imagined instrumental too. The vocals sound pretty cool, with some nice effects on them to fit into the song better, and the instrumental certainly does justice to the source material too. Give it a listen below the break!
Mother's Day is just around the corner, and perhaps already here for some of you; Sunday May 14th. Make sure to wish your mother a Happy Mother's Day to let her know how much you appreciate her!
Sorry the ND is a tad late tonight. Let's get to chatting below!
New Equestria Daily Commenting Rules -
Copyright claims have been a problem for the pony community for years where each time a round of claims goes out they end up on the front page here and our popular posts section soon after. It's a distressing situation to find yourself in and not everyone knows what to do to help get the claim rescinded.
LittleshyFiM as a result has made this little video to help inform fellow Youtubers about the process, hopefully making things easier for those looking to dispute any claims!
Check after the break for the full video. Thanks to JCM for sending it in!
Where Starlight Glimmer couldn't stop an overly excited Trixie
Where she didn't realize what kind of damage she was doing when converting everything into teacups.
Where she unlocked some hidden inner power that expanded her teacup abilities to levels no unicorn could ever possibly reach.
It's magical.
Get art below.
[1] Source
Cup of grave by Atlas-66
Only two My Little Pony comics came out in April. The first was the premiere issue of My Little Pony: Legends of Magic. The second was final issue of My Little Pony: Friends Forever, which My Little Pony: Legends of Magic is replacing.
Due to how distribution and shipping delays are common in the comic market, I am not surprised the replacement series came out before its predecessor series had concluded.
So how did the My Little Pony comics fair at IDW Publishing in a month without an issue of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? You can find out after the break. And do remember to discuss below!
With Flurry of Emotions showing how incredibly powerful Flurry Heart is for her age, many a discussion popped up on how, or why this is. A remarkable little foal has captured the imagination of fanfiction writers, video makers, and general fans throughout the ponynet!
After hours and hours of intense debate on the EQD Discord, our resident geniuses Pascoite and Blueshift have come up with an amazing set of super likely scenarios for the future of Equestria's newest Alicorn addition. What can we expect out of her future? Will cartoon horses everywhere fear her as she grows older? Or will she be a beacon of hope for the downtrodden and inspiration to unicorns everywhere?
Below the break, be enlightened.
Below the break... I'm sorry...
Animation: A Paper Derpy Mother's Day
by Calpain
It's Mother's Day tomorrow and Derpy is all ready to treat her mother to a day out and around Ponyville.
Get some mother and daughter fun times after the break!
Vylet is releasing his next big album project in about a month's time, and to help introduce it for pre-orders is this pretty cool animation by alumx featuring a bunch of help from people like Chi-Chi, Cadie and Sylver. You can check out the video below the break, or pre-order the album here!
Promo for Parental Glideance Appears!
by Calpain
For those of you waiting on the US releases we've got a brand new promo for you to get you hyped up for next week's episode!
Get it after the break and thanks to Spazz for uploading and sending it in.
I have a feeling this episode is going to be interesting based on that synopsis.
It's that time once again, where Canada slaps us upside the head with two episodes from the FUTURE. Expect posts today and tomorrow, starting with Hard to Say Anything today.
Quite a bit of the season has been revealed, with titles and synopsis for many episodes. Check them all out over here.
And if you are bored while waiting, check out the episode followups for previous episodes!\
(New!) Twitter: Sethisto
This one aired early in Canada, but we are doing USA release posts anyway for those following that schedule. Expect them a few minutes before the Canadian posts start going up each Saturday.
We are also bumping Canadian episode followups at 11:00 AM PST SUNDAY for episodes that have been done already. If you want to get in and comment like it's any other episode day, that's the time to do it!
Morning Discussion #853
by Calpain
Some cute Luna to go along with our early morning discussion today?
Time to chat guys!
New EqD Commenting Rules
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