For those that missed the announcement on this, we will start doing the "a bunch of people around the fandom reviews" series again, opening submissions to all. We aren't going to be selectively removing reviews outside of NSFW content, so it's pretty much free for all. Posts will happen some time after Thursday, so make sure you get yours in before Friday.
Below the break, dive in and see which ones you like!
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Nightly Discussion #1062
by Calpain
Even Pinkie has to sleep to recharge all of that hyperactive energy she has!
Evening guys, ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
G.M. Berrow is the Writer for Episode 5!
by Calpain -
I never really noticed that before. Is the calendar in the back saying an Equestrian month is only 15 days?
ANYWAY, Amazon has another mysterious movie listing up, this time a calendar with a seemingly incomplete title. I'm guessing the RESTRICTED is covering a character name or something. That or it's an adult only calendar that I'm sure Hasbro sees many a dollar sign in with how successful that stuff is fandomside lately. I'm looking at you Fluttershy day post on the sidebar.
(No really, it's probably just a hidden word in the title. )
Anyway, you can pre-order it over here and cross fingers that it's good!
Way back in January of this year, a Guardians of Harmony DJ-Pon3 figure appeared on Amazon. As of today, it is still listed but unavailable. As with most of these toys so far, Gamestop has suddenly popped them up on store shelves for $24.99 a pop.
If it is anything like Nightmare Moon, Celestia, and Discord were, be sure to call in first before making the trip, as there aren't any garuntees every single Gamestop will have them.
You can find an image of it in it's store packaging below.
Night Glider better get some air time this season. There is potential for it.
Go get tons of art below! And if you missed Fluttershy day, you can find 300 of the best drawings of her over here!
[11] Source
Tsitra360 Request Stream - Night Glider by vest
[Slice of Life]
Author: Hap
Description: My name is Twilight Sprinkle, and my passion is donuts—from the delicate morsels I serve at elegant cocktail parties to the hearty pastries enjoyed by hard-working ponies who get up early. I don’t have friends, I don’t have books, and I sure as the sun don’t have any wings. I don’t care whether you’re here for revenge, for romance, or for a favor. My name is Twilight Sprinkle and I’m not who you think I am, so either buy a donut or get the hay out of my store!
The Donutier (New Part 8!)
Additional Tags: [Friendshipping] Mistaken identity and a red-and-black aspiring princess -
I always seem to use a lot of Twilight for posts like this, but she is just so excitable! And so should you guys too because apparently with Treehouse running episodes earlier than here in the States. They have posted a list of episodes for May showing not only a full schedule of double episodes each weekend but names for some new ones as well!
While I am not a fan of them showing double new episodes each week at least we get a little peek at what might be around the corner.
This was all reported by a Treehouse watcher in Canada who posted this list in our comments and the episode titles have been confirmed with a reliable source of ours. Not only that, but according to the guy's Twitter (whose messages you can't edit) he posted the same list with Honest Apple in it days before the general public heard about that episode.
Anyhow, enough babbling, get the list after the break and a big thanks to MegaSean45 for letting us know.
op 2:00 PM
Labels: Episode Announcement, My Little Pony Season 7, News, Not-Fanfiction, Season 7, Upcoming -
Friendship is Magic plays host to some of the best and most memorable characters in cartoons today. It's one of the reasons a lot of us keep coming back for more. You'd be hard pressed to find someone that couldn't relate to at least one of the ponies if they gave the show a shot. The plot ain't all it's got!
This is one of the reasons we have had endless debates throughout the years on who exactly qualifies as "best pony". There are so many good candidates for the title, that getting even a small group of fans to agree on one would be completely impossible. We all like them for different reasons. Some just want a moe pile of adorableness like Fluttershy, while others see Rainbow Dash as the type of personality they wish they were. A few fans even obsess over specific ponies based entirely on their looks and design.
This editorial isn't about picking my favorites, most waifuable, or who would win in a fandom poll though. The challenge is to pick ponies that are the most well written, interesting, and useful for the show.
Obviously no one will agree with anyone else on this, and even my opinions change episode to episode. That's the magic here. Feel free to drop your top 3 instead, or trash mine!
Go get pones below!
Livestream Saturdays and Drawfriend
by Calpain
I wonder what sort of art we can expect from today's episode? Well, check out our streamers after the break to see what's cookin'!
Note: Livestream Sundays are back on track, send in your info if you can participate!
As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at calpain@equestriadaily.com with your name, the type of art you'll be doing (general art, requests, videos, animation, ect), a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 4pm EST / 1pm PST on Saturday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain -
(Update: Possible episode tomorrow too! Canada's Rock Solid Friendship aired 15 minutes early. Expect a post tonight)
Hope you all enjoyed Fluttershy day! If you missed it, get all the SWARM of flutterposts over here.
I know a lot of people that are excited for this one. Hopefully it can take the hype!
Speaking of hype, there wasn't much at all from the official channels. We are going into this one pretty blind outside of one specific trailer. I like not knowing what will happen in an episode, but I wouldn't mind some screencaps or something to get us going!
On another note, we might be getting another episode tomorrow, and this one might be airing 15 minutes early. Canada apparently has a jump on this season. Check back in the morning for it.
We also got a completely random reveal of episode 15 from Yahoo, which you can find over here.
(New!) Twitter: Sethisto
I feel like you don't have enough stuff stuck in your head right now. How about we change that? Tridashie is here to fill your brain with pony with an easy contender for best of the month. Are you ready for happy? Cause this made me stupidly happy and I'm already on my 2nd rewatch while making this post.
Go get it below!
Fluttershy Day Draws to a Quiet End
by Calpain
Fluttershy is all wrapped up and ready to rest after such a busy day! She isn't used to all this attention you know?
Thanks to you all we were able to have another successful appreciation day! We hope you all had fun and we look forward to seeing you again with our next appreciation day where we celebrate Celestia during the Summer Solstice on June 21th!
Have a great night everyone and enjoy the episode tomorrow. Please check on after the break for everything we weren't able to fit in for today or just didn't have enough material for a post.
Morning Discussion #839
by Calpain
I don't think you're helping, Trixie...
Hello guys! Time for another early Morning Discussion due to the episode. Ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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