Quite the switch up here from Reverbrony! His last few releases have been powerful, aggressive and intense assaults on the ears, whilst this piece is about as far removed as you can get from that. Focusing mainly on some lovely soft guitar, there's a great sense of calm and relaxation to this piece, perhaps signifying the calm after the storm of his previous few releases. It's definitely something nice to chill out to, so check it out below if you're up for that!
pühapäev, 9. aprill 2017 op 21:00
Sildid: Acoustic, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Not-Fanfiction, RockShare This!8 Comments
Nightly Discussion #1042
by Calpain
It's getting late and Trixie is getting sleepy. It's hard being Great and Powerful all day you know?
Evening guys, ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Last month, animator Micheal Gagné dropped an update over on his personal blog about a temporary switch to the Spiderman Animated Movie. As of now, he is back on pony until the end of July, as DHX requested he continue work even though he was originally going to stop in February.
Apparently the MLP movie's production schedule was extended around that time, which may be a reason why we are so late on trailers moving into the 7 month til release mark. It's good to know they are willing to re-hire to make sure this thing ends up a success! From the sounds of his post, it's coming off really well so far.
You can read his full blog on it over here.
Thanks to Ajnrules for the heads up.
I bet a lot of you have seen this Dashie already. I know I've seen her posted everywhere on Facebook and Twitter.
Below the break, get tons of art to go with her!
[11] Source
Just One More Page by NCMares
Livestream Sundays and Drawfriend
by CalpainNot much going on today I'm afraid, but Sundays are meant to be peaceful, right? Get our sole streamer after the break!We always need more streamers for the Sunday streams so feel free to sign up! Any sort of art that can be streamed is welcome whether it be crafts, animation, digital art or more feel free to send in your application today!As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at calpain@equestriadaily.com with your name, the type of art you'll be doing, a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 5:30pm EST / 2:30pm PST on Sunday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain -
Francis Vace has finally released his new album, The Old Mare And The Sea, and with it comes the release of the 8th track from the album, Bad Luck. Following Cold Feet Pt. II, which is also available on the album, this piece features the vocals of ForeverFreest in combination with Francis' own vocals. There's also some great guitar sections between the vocals. Make sure to check out the rest of the album on Francis' bandcamp, and give the song a listen below the break!
SEASON 7 IS SOON. This means we have another 26 chances at BATS. I've been told that bats are killing EQD, but I'd argue that bats are bats, so lets keep doing bats and just ride the wave~
Which type of bat pony is superior? Should the colorful tropical style bats be Equestria's creatures of the leather wing? Or should we have the dark Lunar Guard style bats take the reigns for first ones in the show? Perhaps you want no bats?! This is acceptable as well. Bat is not for everyone. In fact, bat is even the polar opposite of good for some.
Discuss it below!
Looks like the pony shorts are going to keep on coming! Discovery Family has recently ran a commercial showing a continuation of the Rarity's Peek Behind the Boutique that we saw last night, this time with the theme Fashion vs Function.
It'll be airing at 9pm after Hoot next Saturday, so catch it live if you can or here on EqD if you miss it! Thanks to PinkiePie97 for catching the video!
Story: And a Sky Full of Stars
by Calpain
[Adventure][Alternate Universe]
Author: Novel Idea
In a world where the stars shine through both day and night, a savage attack upon the Phoenix Tower of Canterlot Castle leaves the city in chaos, a princess abducted and the stars fading from the sky.
Now, Princess Sunset Shimmer dons the legendary Solstice Raiment and the Flareblades of the Sunmother in a desperate quest to save the glittering heavens and the love of her life.
Because if the stars die... her world will soon follow.
And a Sky Full of Stars
Additional Tags: Sunset fights to save her beloved
op 11:00
Sildid: Adventure, Alternate Universe, Author: Novel Idea, Complete, Fanfiction, Story, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle -
Morning Discussion #820
by Calpain
I'm sure you've all ran into that problem where you just want to read one more page of a good book and then next thing you know it is 5am on a school night.
Morning my friends! Welcome to a new day.
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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