Fall of AnterFOLD Version 4.5 Released
by Calpain
Fall of Anterfold, the survival horror pony game, has a new version out for those of you following its development. With some UI, graphical, and game play improvements the game is really coming along!
Check on after the break for the full change log.
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APPL3JVCK is certainly one for making pretty awesome vocal chops, and Technickel's minimalist beats help to combine with the chops to create a pretty neat track. With a kind of old-school trap feel to it, this piece makes great use of Applejack samples and has a pretty solid break section in the middle too where the mood shifts from a trap-y feel to more of a hip-hop one. Give it a listen below the break!
Nightly Discussion #1041
by Calpain
I really hope we see more of Moondancer in the future. Amending Fences is one of my favorite episodes of the show with some great characterization and feels. I guess we'll see what season 7 brings!
Evening guys, chat time!
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Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
That was quick! Thanks to the ever wonderful Spazz we now have the little Rarity short on Youtube. For those of you who missed it get the short after the break!
Thanks again to Spazz for the upload!
Animation: A Glimmer of Hope
by Calpain
Poor Glimmer can't catch a break it seems. It'll work out in the end, Starlight, don't gived up!
This new animation from Yoshi Greenwater has some slight spoilers so avoid if you want to remain completely spoiler free.
Well, this came out of no where! Discovery Family announced, less than 20 minutes ago on their facebook page, that there's going to be a new My Little Pony Short airing tonight!
The short is going to be on after Dolphin Tale 2, which is currently scheduled to end around 9:00 PM EST.
Be sure to check out the announcement video after the break!
EDIT: It looks like this short might be the one that popped up on Hasbro's youtube page, but in Greek from last week. Anyways, if you're able to, consider checking it out. Could be something completely new! After all, as Rarity says, "one never knows, darling."
Things that are cuter with poni:
Reality TV
Brushie lessons
Everything else
Get art below.
[1] Source
Sparkler Teaches Dinky How to Brushie by LigerStorm
Friends Forever #38 drops on the 19th of this month, and with it comes a new story about Celestia and Luna. We have an iTunes preview to get evertyone exited for it, three pages as per usual.
Get it down below.
op 3:58 PM
Labels: Comic, Equestria Daily Exclusive, IDW, March 2017 Solicitations, News, Not-Fanfiction, Official Comic -
The final of the four revealed episodes is probably one of the most interesting and fanon-destroying we've had so far. This ship is about to hit an iceberg, and our speculation on why a certain pony is even in the same location as another one is going to make this very interesting.
Below the break, discuss and speculate away! And get the synopsis too.
Livestream Saturdays and Drawfriend
by Calpain
Happy Saturday guys! How is it going? Hope you're all relaxing and if so why not check out who we have available for today?
We also have a new Livestream Saturday banner thanks to Drawponies! Thanks a bunch man!
Note: Livestream Sundays are back on track, send in your info if you can participate!
As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at calpain@equestriadaily.com with your name, the type of art you'll be doing (general art, requests, videos, animation, ect), a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 4pm EST / 1pm PST on Saturday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain -
Author: Loganberry
Description: The Spirit Pony is responsible for the End of All That Ever Was. It has always been so. This particular End looks like being a straightforward one – until a certain pink pony intervenes to prevent it happening. Pinkie has a very, very good reason for stopping the Spirit, too...
It Doesn't Matter Now
Additional Tags: Pinkie can't let the universe endop 1:00 PM
Labels: Author: Loganberry, Complete, Fanfiction, OC Pony, Pinkie Pie, Random, Star-Needed, Story -
For all the Tender Taps fans out there, or people that want a colt base, there is a new overhauled model for him out on Deviant Art from FillerArtist. Included in the package are custom manes and tails and a body group for clothing, as the image above already told you.
Check it out here.
Protocat makes some of the best remixes of show songs, and at his third attempt it's once again turned out excellently! His remix of I'll Fly last year was superb, and in much the same way he's taken the vocals from the original and turned them into something quite beautiful. In combination with strong synthwork, steady drums and powerful bass it makes a song that is absolutely worth checking out! Give it a listen below for vocal chops galore!
op 10:00 AM
Labels: Drums and Bass, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Remix, Music: Vocal, Not-Fanfiction -
Apparently they are looking to release the MLP movie in multi-languages at the same time as the English version, or at least if Germany is any indication. The trailer for the German version has arrived, with an October 5th release date. I don't know if that is a time zone derp, but it might be releasing a bit early compared to the US one. We will do some digging on that one.
Head on down below if you are interested!
Morning Discussion #819
by Calpain
Luna is looking especially lovely tonight! I just love what she is doing with her hair. Neighbelline really does wonders doesn't it?
Morning guys, ready to chat?
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