The mod for Skyrim that replaces everyone with anthro ponies has been imported over to Fallout 4. Now you can wander the wastleland interacting with it's slightly terrifying inhabitants while celebrating the wonders of the Uncanny Valley with pony heads on brightly colored bodies. It's a let's players dream.
Download it over here.
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Nightly Discussion #1031
by Calpain
Spike is awesome no matter what form he takes! Keep rocking on bud!
Evening guys, ready to chat?
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Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
If you have ever played Starcraft 2 and it's Protoss campaign, you probably noticed the voicework of John de Lancie for Alarak. Over in Heroes of the storm, they decided to add a few mini emotes, and one just so happens to look a whole lot like Discord for the character.
Head on down below for the video if the screencap of it above isn't enough.
I always did love Sugar Belle. Maybe Glimmy will go on a crazy adventure with her buddies from that old village we still haven't come up with a name for yet?
Get the art below!
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Baker pony by thediscorded
Season five was our first real interaction with the Cutie Map, and we have had it periodically appear ever since. During it's introduction, Hasbro had a huge marketing campaign going for "Exploring Equestria" with a merchandise lineup, commercials, and books all pushing the concept. Around this time is when the official map of Equestria had it's first expansion, adding a whole bunch of interesting new locales for us to theorize on while we waited for episodes that took place in them.
What many thought was just a season long theme ended up continuing forward into the 6th season, and there are no signs that it won't be used even more in the 7th. Is the cutie map a good idea though? Should we move on to a new concept or expand it?
Editorial time! Lets dive into it below!
No new comic this week, but that won't stop us from taking a look back!
Let's have a view back at Granny Smith mending a rift between brothers.
Check out the review after the break, but watch out! Flim and Flam will try to sell you spoilers.
op 1:00 PM
Labels: After the Fact, Analysis, Author: Silverquill, Comic, IDW, Not-Fanfiction, Official Comic, Review -
Ever want to ship some Pinkie and Fluttershy? An artist and game creator over on Tumblr has released a game doing just that! There are three primary routes to take through it with different endings for each. I'll let the official description explain it though.
Go check it out over here.
Thanks to Graciedog for the heads up!
Legends of Magic finally has a three page preview out of iTunes! This one is expected to drop on the 12th of April. so we stll have a ways to go before it happens.
If you missed the initial announcement on this series, all the information on this comics including the the entire general idea of the arc, head on over here!
Anyway, get three pages below.
Morning Discussion #810
by Calpain
I wonder what Luna is up to in such a desolate landscape? Reflecting? Planning? Reliving some memories?
Morning guys, ready to chat?
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Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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