Nightly Roundup #1408
by Calpain
Aww, poor Fluttershy. That's what you get for listening to sad songs, silly. Don't worry, just find your friends and they'll cheer you right up!
News time guys, get it all after the break!
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Nightly Discussion #1029
by Calpain
Giant eyed pony time! With peepers like that I bet Derpy can see for miles and miles up in the air like that. Perfect for spotting mailboxes for delivery!
Evening guys, ready to chat?
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You all look like you could use some cheering up. Have a giant pile of happiness as a header image today.
Go get lots of art below!
[1] Source
Paper Star by xWhiteDreamsx
We now have an official cover for the Elements of Harmony II book, which, like it's predecessor, hopes to expand on what the show built. Previously it covered seasons 1-3, and this one completes the collection with episodes 4-6.
The official description also received an update:
The second volume of the wildly popular My Little Pony: The Elements of Harmony: Friendship is Magic: The Official Guidebook features seasons 4 through 6, highlights of which include Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Castle of Friendship, the Defeat of Lord Tirek, the Equestria Games, the appearance of Starlight Glimmer, the birth of Princess Flurry Heart, and much more! Don't miss the guide to the friendship lessons Twilight Sparkle and her friends have learned-and live your life in harmony with all other creatures!
Grab it over here!
Thyrai seems to be getting pretty great at upbeat house music, as shown by another excellent release here. Featuring solid percussion, a catchy chord progression and some nice lead synth sounds this is definitely one to jam to. There's some great music box-style sounds and some violin in the break, and overall it's a pretty powerful piece. Give it a listen below the break!
I need to get one of these of a certain bat pony OC some day.
Get lots of plushies below!
[11] Source
Lifesize Rainbow Dash plush with socks by RosaMariposaCrafts
Story: Splash Dash
by Calpain
[Slice of Life]
Author: Impossible Numbers
Description: While hiding from her sister's latest attempt to smarten her up, Sweetie Belle joins Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo at Ponyville's local river to have fun in the cool water. Together, they come up with a silly story explaining the origin of the infamous "Beauty Curse", a blight Rarity apparently suffers from.
Splash Dash
Additional Tags: Improvised Storytelling, Cool Friends, and Waterop 12:00 PM
Labels: Author: Impossible Numbers, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Scootaloo, Story, Sweetie Belle -
A few days ago we posted about takedowns and copyright strikes happening over on Brony Dance Party's channel. With Woodentoaster (AKA Glaze) joining the record label Ostereo, his songs are now technically part of their family. Quite a bit of misconception and wild theories happened as a result, and he contacted us to clear it up.
Apparently this is an ongoing negotiation between Brony Dance Party and Ostereo. As Glaze puts it, the current plan is a "payment for usage" 50% revenue split on all videos using his songs. There was no original agreement to monetize these, and he never received anything back for providing the music. Ostereo has stepped in to defend him.
With how Youtube works, many of the repeat views of people simply listening to the song are being funneled to the animations as opposed to the actual source links on Glaze's channel, meaning much less ad money in the long run. For an indie musician, that's not good. Less money means less time to devote to the craft and less awesome Glaze music for us.
Ostereo's official email response:
We are working now to come to a good resolution so this video comes back shortly.
Hopefully they can find a common ground here, but for now, we can only wait and see what they decide on.
A new musician appears with a pretty awesome piece! We don't hear much jazz in the fandom and The PloyMaker seems to have some skill with it. This piece focuses on some lovely trumpet and saxophone sounds, with soft drums helping to set the jazzy atmosphere. Give it a listen below for a lovely night out in Manehattan!
Morning Discussion #808
by Calpain
I feel like this is the sort of picture Seth would create some wild "Remember when..." for. He hasn't done one of those in awhile, has he? I might have missed them...
Morning guys, ready to chat?
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