Fresh from re-branding away from a pony parody name to a more original one, Drumscape Library (previously Equicity) are back with a new drum & bass exclusive. HACKD hasn't put out much music recently, so this is definitely something awesome to see! An excellently produced piece with terrific use of vocal samples, the bass design and drum sequencing is also on point here, keeping up the hectic pace. Make sure to give it a listen below!
Saturday, February 25, 2017 op 8:00 PM
Labels: Drums and Bass, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Not-FanfictionShare This!8 Comments
Nightly Discussion #999
by Calpain
I wonder what amazing tale Trixie is telling Starlight this time? I'm sure with her travels around Equestria she has a ton to share!
Evening everyone! Ready to chat? More importantly, are you ready for tomorrow?
I see that number 1000 is coming up soon so here is where you guys can shine! Make something Nightly Discussion related, from art to videos to even a quote from yourself you want to share with everyone here, and send it to me at! Just be sure to put in the subject header that it is for ND 1000!
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
After a bad day it's nice to come home to someone that loves you and wants to make sure you're ok. Plus it gets me thinking that it must be difficult to wash yourself when you're an earth pony. Stinking unicorns and their magic...
Anyhow, a note! Changeling Scout has ended (a few months ago actually, no one sent it in) as well as To Look After so if you're new to the series or want to reread them, check the description for a link to the first page.
Comic time guys! Get it all after the break.
Crafts and Custom Compilation #1
by Calpain
Hey guys, ready for some nostalgia? Back in 2012 or so I divided the crafts from the customs simply because we used the misnomer Custom Compilation to refer to both customs AND crafts. Also, considering how quickly things were coming in back then, dividing them up was a nice way to keep the old posts from getting too huge while allowing each category to get some more focused spotlight.
Nowadays, unfortunately, customs have taken a nosedive in popularity with so few submissions it sometimes takes a month and a half to get them posted. Crafts have been hit as well taking a bit longer to fill our inbox, but not to the same degree as customs.
In order to speed up turnaround for both customs and crafts I've decided to bring them together once again though with a proper name this time! Welcome to the first Crafts and Custom Compilation post!
As a result we've got a ton of stuff to share with you guys tonight! Check it all out after the break!
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My Little Pony Stained Glass by athiil
Celestia continues to be all majestic and stuff even 6 years later. The mare ages really well.
Get tons of art below!
[1] Source
Celestia [Animated] by Scarlet-Spectrum
Sky Runner returns with somewhat of a follow up to one of her first tracks, Antagonist. Making some terrific use of sampling, the drums work terrifically with the rest of the instrumental, and there's some really nice ambient sound effects throughout the track as well that help to add an extra dimension to it. I especially like the reverse-effect fills that turn up now and then. Give it a listen below!
Howdy folks! TheSlorg here. As most of you know, the characters who populate Equestria are an emotionally complex bunch—much more so than one might expect given the target demographic of the show. As such, I thought it might be interesting to see which characters cry the most and why. I've already done this for seasons one, two, and three, and now it's time to count the tears in season four.
It was during season four when I first truly began to notice just how often characters cried within the show. Will this season prove to have the most tears, and will Twilight Sparkle hold onto her crown as teariest pony? Head on down below the break for the answers!
Battle Gem Ponies has a new update out detailing a few new updates, Greenlight information, and a section about how it will be avoiding Cease & Desist issues via creating it's very own IP that won't butt heads with any existing pony characters.
Head on down below if Pokemon and Pony hybrid things sounds fun to you!
Story: Solving for Death
by Calpain
[Comedy][Dark][Alternate Universe]
Author: Majin Syeekoh
Solving for Death
In a miscommunication gone awry, Starlight Glimmer has killed Twilight Sparkle with a fork.
Luckily for Twilight, Starlight’s already acquired a resumé in doing the impossible.
She’s totally got this.
Additional Tags: Starlight attempts curing Twilight’s death.op 10:00 AM
Labels: Alternate Universe, Author: Majin Syeekoh, Celestia, comedy, Complete, Dark, Fanfiction, Grimdark, Starlight Glimmer, Story -
Morning Discussion #778
by Calpain
What are you going to do with all these waifus, Spike? Lucky little fellow isn't he?
Morning guys, ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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