Some more beautiful orchestral music from Radiarc, who seems to be making a habit of releasing stunning music like this on a regular basis. The feeling of Fluttershy lying down and letting her mind wander in the soft sunlight is perfectly captured by the languid strings and meandering piano. Spellbinding and mystifying as always, make sure to give it a listen below if you want to join Flutters in her relaxation.
Nightly Discussion #998
by Calpain
The cuteness is killing me guys! I don't know how long I can hold out! Man, I really want a little horse now...
Evening everyone, ready to chat?
I see that number 1000 is coming up soon so here is where you guys can shine! Make something Nightly Discussion related, from art to videos to even a quote from yourself you want to share with everyone here, and send it [email protected]! Just be sure to put in the subject header that it is for ND 1000!
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Raverpone. I don't really know what else to say about that right now so just enjoy the art.
And get more art below.
[1] Source
Ruby Hop by Ruhje
Dubstep Music: Brilliant Venture - Echoes of Everfree / One Track Mind - Winter Smash Up
by ExplodingPonyToastBoth of these tracks make some great use of show vocals. First up Brilliant Venture delivers a dark and mysterious-feeling Fluttershy-focused tune that builds up spooky vibes before dropping some of his trademark dubstep sounds. The outro especially has some beautiful vocal chopping. The second track makes use of sounds from Winter Wrap Up, with an eerie music box intro leading into a heavy build to some aggressive drop sounds. The second drop is especially cool with some rising bass sounds. Check them both out below!
Story: Passion and Reason
by Calpain
[Romance][Slice of Life][Comedy]
Author: MrNumbers
Description: Pinkie Pie shows up at Twilight's door in tears, with roses and a box of chocolates. Pinkie knows it's selfish to have a crush on a friend, because if they don't feel the same way, then you can ruin the friendship. It's a problem. What's worse is, Twilight says yes to a date, even though she isn't sure. Maybe it's because every good scientist knows you can affect the outcome of an experiment just by observing it.
Passion and Reason
Additional Tags: Pinkie and Twilight test datingop 13:00
Sildid: Author: MrNumbers, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, Pinkie Pie, Shipping, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Animation: Metal Gear Friendship
by Calpain
The amazing animation style of BrutalWeather is on display again with a new short released today! Got to say, I don't know where you got your training Twilight, but it's damn impressive.
Get the short after the break and thanks to DecentM and MuzicHooves for sending it in.
We Are Borg here with more Toy Fair news. Now that I the event is over I can take some time and walk you through the toys. We hit up the K'NEX booth to see what they had in store, or rather what's coming to store this fall. This stuff is so prototype, that some of the display pieces were 3D printed and it's very much subject to change. It's really cool, however, being able to see stuff this fresh out of development.
Let me break it down for you...
Music: PrinceWhateverer - Between Fairytales & Happy Endings (feat. Kaspuuh & Senra) [Soft Rock]
by ExplodingPonyToastPrince is back with a new track from his Reinvent album. Unlike a lot of the high energy available on the album, this redux of a piece from yesteryear is a lot more relaxed and acoustically-oriented. Prince's vocals still shine in this kind of setting, and it's nice to see one his more emotional tracks done up in his much more professional recent sound. It gets a bit heavier towards the end, which is also a pretty nice payoff. Give it a listen below!
Morning Discussion #777
by Calpain
I wonder when we'll be seeing Zecora again? It's always nice to see her in the show and I still want to know more about the zebra people.
Morning guys, ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Head on down below the break to check it out!
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