Chrysalis has always been one of my favorite villains from the show! Makes me wonder who we can expect to see when season 8 rolls around?
Anyhow, news time my friends! Get it all after the break.
Tonight's Stories
Fandom Mention in Weird Al Squeeze Box Book
Some more pony love from Weird Al in his Squeeze Box Book! Awesome!
Empyrean (Written by Krellak Taikan)
Ready for some fan fiction, friends?
Brony [PMV]
Ready for a bit of music my friends?
New MLP reference in Teen Titans Go by Tara Strong... Herself!
In this episode, the Titans meet their voice actors, so of course, Raven meets Tara Strong, who pleased us all with a new pony reference! (Togheter with a PPG reference)
The clip is brief and it's funnt, but the conversation between Raven and Tara with pony reference starts at 0:46 ;)
PonyASMR teaser - Celestia visits your dream
We got another video out for you; this will be the final teaser video we release for Celestia, as the episode proper is only a few months away.
Celestia is of course portrayed by MEMJ0123:
The Galacon 2017 Experience
For those of you ever thinking about going to GalaCon check out this video for some highlights!
Community Artwork
Got community artwork again for you all tonight!
Source - GothicKity
Harmony Day Cake
Ah, some cake finally! I've missed all of our cake posts.
It's the sixth day of an even-numbered month! As the people in my workplace know, that means it's an Element of Harmony Day. They're well trained. So this morning I got out the rice paper and the food-colouring and made a cake topper drawing. Then I raced off to the grocers, had it glued with whipping cream to a vanilla cake, and then tooled off to work for the event. Much swag was given away.
February 6th: Honesty!
April 6th: Kindness!
June 6th: Laughter!
August 6th: Generosity!
October 6th: Loyalty!
December 6th: Magic/Friendship! <-- are="" br="" here.="" you="">
Check out the full story here!
Pony sighting in the game Zeran's Folly
Check out the full story here!
Tonight's Groups Looking For More
Composer Seeking Co-Writer or Existing Projects
I'm a musician and songwriter seeking a co-writer, particularly someone experienced in writing lyrics, who is interested in writing some original MLP songs. My aim is to put together some one-off songs in a range of different styles, from jazz to ballads to Broadway to music hall.
I'm also interested in joining any new or existing projects that require a composer or arranger!
For co-writers, someone with instrumental knowledge is preferred but not required. While I've primarily handled composition and orchestration (rather than lyrics) for MLP songs in the past, I'm flexible as to how we share musical and lyrical duties or whether we each handle one half of the equation. If you are interested, please send an email to Hope to hear from you soon!
Update on Brony@Home vs AnandTech fold-off
It's been a week since the start of Brony@Home's challenge against AnandTech, and if the last few days have been any indication, we're looking at some fierce competition here! So far, we're trailing slightly behind AnandTech:
A little extra push should get us back in the lead, but with a massive competition being this close, you can expect them to do the same. However, winners or not, all you awesome folks should be proud that our team currently stands as the 23rd best Folding@Home team in the world in total points, and 10th in average daily points. Show off your stats with a customised signature banner like so:
Instructions can be found here:
For those of you interested in signing up, you can still do so from the following thread on our site:
A Pony Christmas Giveaway!
I'm hosting a giveaway on my channel, and I'm giving away a handful of pony swag to five random winners. The giveaway is very easy to enter and I'm allowing anyone 18+ (or with permission from a parent or guardian) from within the US & Canada (unless they pay shipping cost) to enter!
Tonight's Podcasts and Blogs
A ROYAL PROBLEM Analysis/Review (ft. Officer Trigger Happy)
The MBS Show Episode 291
Hey there Bronies and Pegasisters!
In today’s episode of The MBS Show, we are joined by some old friends. Join us as we talk and discuss about the MLP news of the week and more. It's going to be an awesome episode!!!
Please Support us on Patreon
Also you can now subscribe to the review show on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.
Get $2 off your purchase for any Popsockets item!!!
Stable Condition - Nick Confalone, M.A. Larson and G.M. Berrow Interviews
At Nightmare Nights, our Stable Condition podcast got two really fun interviews with three of the show's writers: the first is with Nick Confalone and the second is with M.A. Larson and G.M. Berrow together! If you wanted to take a look at the interviews, you're more than welcome to; we definitely had a lot of fun with these (the second one being quite funny).
Stable Condition - Episode 23
Nightmare Nights is now behind us...
After taking some time off, we have returned with stories of how memorable and magical the final Nightmare Nights was for us. It's certainly one we will never forget, but first...
We do have another season seven episode to review. This time around, we take a look at "Daring Done?" and discuss another chapter for Daring Do.
Bright Idea & Ripple Effect Review "The My Little Pony Movie" (2017)
A collab review/analysis/headcannon-dump of the My Little Pony movie between Bright Idea and Ripple Effect
Last week, I attended WrestleCade 2017 while in cosplay as CM Pony. As I was there, I had a couple of MLP: FiM Issue #29 Hot Topic exclusive cover signed by WWE Legends. In this video, which starts at 7:24, I had legendary wrestling manager Jim Cornette sign my comic while youtuber, theDelzshow, filmed it. He also filmed me showing off every single comic signed by WWE Legends featuring certain quotes. For example:
Tatanka: "Little Strongheart is best brave!"
The Boogeyman: "I'm Coming to getcha, ponies!"
Grand Master Sexay: "Turn it up, Vinyl Scratch!"
Rikishi: "Talofo ❤!"
Jim Cornette: "Manager of Ponyville Express!"
Sabu: "Saffron Masala is best Chef!"
Carlito: "The Apple Family are Cool!"
Billy Gunn: "If you ain't down with MLP, I got two words for ya!"
Previous autographs before WrestleCade
Booker T. : "Can you dig it, Pony?"
Jim Ross: "Good Celestia Almighty!"
Jerry "the King" Lawler: "All hail the king!"
"Cowboy" Bob Orton Jr. : "Applejack is best cowgirl!"
Nikolai Volkoff: "Stalliongrad, our sacred homeland!"
Sgt. Slaughter: "And that, little pony, is an order!"
Howard Finkle: "Here is your winner, and still the EWF Champion, 'The Straight Edge Stallion' CM Pony!"
Regular signatures:
Hulk Hogan
Koko B. Ware
Bret "Hitman" Hart
Ron Simmons
Terri Runnels
Flo Rida
Honky Tonk Man
The MBS Show Discussion: Mind Control In Children's Fiction And It's Ethics Patreon Sponsored
Hey there bronies and pegasisters.
On this weeks Discussion podcast, Norman Sanzo, Silver Quill and Sapphire Heart Song talks about Mind Control In Children's Fiction And It's Ethics. Find out what they think about this topic and see what they have to say about it.
Subscribe to our review show on iTunes and Stitcher Radio and also support our Patreon
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Who is Stygian?
Frost Bear talks about the apprentice of Equestria's greatest wizard.
The Heartbreaking Story of Tempest Shadow (MLP Movie Spoilers)
I recently created a video regarding the origins of Tempest Shadow by piecing together what's in the prequel comic and chapter book, a stormy road to Canterlot.
Quick Résumé: Friendship Is Magic, part 1 (MLP:FiM Season 1 Episode 1)
Feeling Pinkie Keen Review [MLP FIM]
Season 7 In Review | PONES N STUFF
Here you will find enclosed my overall review of Season 7, the final edition of Pones N Stuff of 2017. See you next season, and I hope you enjoy it.
Spit & Polish: 3-Act Fracture
Brass Polish presents some thoughts, jokes, and observations on some questionable third acts in Season 7.
The MBS Show Episode 292
Hey there Bronies and Pegasisters!
In today’s episode of The MBS Show, we are joined by some old friends. Join us as we talk and discuss about the MLP news of the week and more. It's going to be an awesome episode!!!
Please Support us on Patreon
Also you can now subscribe to the review show on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.
Get $2 off your purchase for any Popsockets item!!!
Pony 411 Episode 206 - I AM IRON PONY
Nemesis and Alca7raz start off the discussion by finally looking at Legends of Magic #8! The continuing story of Stygian and the legends. After that, it's back to season 1 with "Fall Weather Friends!" Rainbow Dash and Applejack have a NEED to prove themselves better than the other. It goes poorly. Plus, a bit of Fan Content with 3 songs and some fanfic updates! Tune in!
Show Notes:
The MBS Show Reviews: Season 7 Episode 15 Triple Threat
Hey there bronies and pegasisters.
On this weeks episode reviews, Norman Sanzo & Silver Quill review the 7th Season of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Episode 15 Triple Threat, join us for an amazing episode!!!
Subscribe to our review show on iTunes and Stitcher Radio and also support our Patreon
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My Little Pony Season 7 | All Episodes Reviewed (part 1)
Character study : Sombra [MLP FIM]
Today In Pony History
December 8, 2011-2016
2011 - Bronies take 9th place in Time meme list.
2012 - MLP: Online shutdown due to legal issues.
2013 - Full rule guide for MLP CCG released.
2014 - Rainbow Rocks songs in Italian.
2015 - Favorite episode of season 5.
2016 - Uncle Grandpa Pony Tale episode.
Twitter: Calpain