• My Little Pony Movie to Hit 2500 Theaters on USA Opening Day

    Box Office Mojo has listings up for upcoming theater releases over the next few months, or more specifically how many theaters they will be in. Oddly enough, the My Little Pony movie looks to be making a somewhat smaller showing compared to other movies by both Lions Gate and other distribution companies.

    Overall,  it will be opening at 2,500 locations around the USA, which is much less than the 3,900+ planned for Blade Runner dropping on the same day. For comparison, Power Rangers, also released by Lions Gate, showed 3,693 theaters on opening day. Ninjago had 4000.

    2,500 isn't bad though. Bladerunner has a much larger demographic, so it's not a huge surprise that it would get a stronger opening day. Hopefully our 2,500 can still fill up! Go see the movie in theaters if you live here in the USA! And elsewhere too of course.

    Thanks to Jordan and Felix for the heads up.