• Story Updates - August 29th

    Updating stories! That was quick. We haven't had two in a row like that in a while!

    Get em below.

    Story: The Alchemy of Chemistry (Update - Sequel)

    [Alternate Universe][Drama]

    Author: Novel Idea
    Stuck as an aide to a bunch of second-year students at Gifted Unicorns, Sunset Shimmer thought picking one to tutor might be entertaining… and maybe advance her plans for the mirror and her eventual ascension.
    This 'Moon Dancer' filly is just a means to an end, after all.
    So why can’t Sunset sleep after Moon Dancer storms out on her? Why are Princess Celestia and Professor Polish so concerned about her?
    But most importantly, why is Sunset starting to doubt herself?
    This was all part of the plan. Right?
    The Alchemy of Chemistry

    Story: That Changeling's a Pony! (Update - Sequels Part 4!)


    Author: Raugos

    Description: Like ponies, changelings can get pretty paranoid at times. After all, it's not every day that a changeling gets kicked out of the hive for being a pony.
    That Changeling's a Pony!

    Story: The Sweetie Chronicles: Fragments (Update Part 5!)


    Author: Wanderer D
    Description: Be Awed and Amazed by the tale of Sweetie Belle as she traverses the multiverse in search of her lost mentor and friend, Twilight Sparkle! Will she find her in a post-apocalyptic Equestria where ponies are all but gone? Or maybe in a strange world where everypony is the wrong gender? Or even where a Pony claims to be a human? Read as she journeys through very familiar worlds you might have read about... if you dare!

    World suggestions, spoilers and wild theories are encouraged in the comments! The author also apologizes for the cover image not being awesome enough, but image editing is not his forte. If anypony feels the urge to do something about it, you're welcome to try!
    The Sweetie Chronicles: Fragments (All Links)