I did not expect to see as many Maud pics as I did for this prompt tonight. Touche everyone! With day 4 at a close and our ponies now emotionally drained (or blown up in some cases) we've managed to accumulate a total of 203 ponies today which brings our total up to 879 ponies altogether! I'm betting by the end of tomorrow we will break 1000, so keep it up everyone!
All right, these prompts have been a little basic so far to give you guys a chance to practice some basics so I'm hoping tonight's will really let your imagination run a bit more wild (though looking at the entries the past few days you guys haven't had trouble with that). So tonight's prompt will be to Draw a pony facing the unknown / Draw a pony in the Twilight Zone.
Best of luck everyone! You can find our uploader for today here.
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission even though this post is up!
Check on after the break for our full gallery!
Tutorial on first day on how to upload
Art tutorials
ATG Alumni Group tutorials
5 Sunny Glow in stitches! - Bronymedic

Only recently started getting a hang of emotions. At some point i need to do one of those emotion charts. Anyway, i think this one went well. =)
Only recently started getting a hang of emotions. At some point i need to do one of those emotion charts. Anyway, i think this one went well. =)
10 Sword in a Hard Place - The Commandant

PTSD is something a lot of people struggle with, whether it be from something light—such as a small trip gone horribly wrong—or something most of us will never experience in our lifetime—like veterans who fought in various combat zones. While the varying degrees of PTSD affect many, it's symptoms are almost always the same, and their triggers.
For me, it was videos of storms, blizzards, even the mere mention of either would bring me back to that awful day. Sometimes, you don't even need to see something to trigger PTSD, you could be doing absolutely nothing, and then you're suddenly back after having a random thought. I can only imagine how much worse it is for veterans who saw things no one should have to see.
I originally drew this picture for a scene in one of my work-in-progress stories, but I realized what it was tackling. While I'm no expert on the subject of PTSD, I hope this picture helps raise awareness for a very serious disorder affecting so many. Thank you.
PTSD is something a lot of people struggle with, whether it be from something light—such as a small trip gone horribly wrong—or something most of us will never experience in our lifetime—like veterans who fought in various combat zones. While the varying degrees of PTSD affect many, it's symptoms are almost always the same, and their triggers.
For me, it was videos of storms, blizzards, even the mere mention of either would bring me back to that awful day. Sometimes, you don't even need to see something to trigger PTSD, you could be doing absolutely nothing, and then you're suddenly back after having a random thought. I can only imagine how much worse it is for veterans who saw things no one should have to see.
I originally drew this picture for a scene in one of my work-in-progress stories, but I realized what it was tackling. While I'm no expert on the subject of PTSD, I hope this picture helps raise awareness for a very serious disorder affecting so many. Thank you.
12 Wrestling is Magic: prompt #4: Ring Psychology. - jameson ethan

"Spotlight Splash is still wearing down Rocket Tier as she switches over to an armbar to take away one of Rocket's weapons in his arsenal. Look at her smug face as she is rubbing in her ability, quite literally, into his hair!
Don't count out Rocket Tier just yet, though, that look in his eye says he may turn on the rocket power that he needs to break free from Spotlight's sisterly grasp! Can Rocket Tier tear himself from the immense gravity the situation? Or will Spotlight re-schedule Rocket's launch time?"
(It occured to me that I could have done something else, the "No to the crowd" on Spotlight's part. Anyway, leave it to the professionals, don't try this at home.)
Also, i've been enjoying all the drawerings so far, it's been fun!
"Spotlight Splash is still wearing down Rocket Tier as she switches over to an armbar to take away one of Rocket's weapons in his arsenal. Look at her smug face as she is rubbing in her ability, quite literally, into his hair!
Don't count out Rocket Tier just yet, though, that look in his eye says he may turn on the rocket power that he needs to break free from Spotlight's sisterly grasp! Can Rocket Tier tear himself from the immense gravity the situation? Or will Spotlight re-schedule Rocket's launch time?"
(It occured to me that I could have done something else, the "No to the crowd" on Spotlight's part. Anyway, leave it to the professionals, don't try this at home.)
Also, i've been enjoying all the drawerings so far, it's been fun!
16 Friends cheer you up - rubyperl

An animated GIF of Rarity, I imagine her being upset that she can't find inspiration, but cheering up looking at some pictures of her friends!
An animated GIF of Rarity, I imagine her being upset that she can't find inspiration, but cheering up looking at some pictures of her friends!
17 Dashie Needs A Hug - Lily Dawn

I think this was the hardest drawing so far. The expression was the hardest part. But I honestly like this shaded style of ponies, and I may stick to it, and the image was darkened so that you can see the shading. But Dashie really needs a hug, don't you think? *hugs Dashie*.
I think this was the hardest drawing so far. The expression was the hardest part. But I honestly like this shaded style of ponies, and I may stick to it, and the image was darkened so that you can see the shading. But Dashie really needs a hug, don't you think? *hugs Dashie*.
18 True feelings inside - Star Shine

"I may look okay, but on the inside, I'm falling apart" - Star Shine
Always remember that your friends are there to help you through any situation.
"I may look okay, but on the inside, I'm falling apart" - Star Shine
Always remember that your friends are there to help you through any situation.
22 Angry Applejack is angry - LennyStendhal13

RD: "Yee-haw! Giddy up, orange pony, to infinity and beyond!"
AJ: "Ah give ya three seconds...to get down, give mah hat back and start runnin'...and ya better be fast, 'cause if ah get'cha..."
Hope you like it ^^
P.s.: Yeah, wingless Rainbow Dash ^^; because I was afraid I'd mess up everything, I'm still so bad at drawing wings...
RD: "Yee-haw! Giddy up, orange pony, to infinity and beyond!"
AJ: "Ah give ya three seconds...to get down, give mah hat back and start runnin'...and ya better be fast, 'cause if ah get'cha..."
Hope you like it ^^
P.s.: Yeah, wingless Rainbow Dash ^^; because I was afraid I'd mess up everything, I'm still so bad at drawing wings...
23 Out of Order - Gary Mitchelhill

Well we all know the emotional pain when you're on a train bursting for a pee and all the toilets are out of order and your station is over a hour away. Unfortunatley for Caught Short she has to hold it in until her stop. Whilst Tree Topper (Dark Blue Pony) and Window Gazer (Lilac Pony) looking on.
Well we all know the emotional pain when you're on a train bursting for a pee and all the toilets are out of order and your station is over a hour away. Unfortunatley for Caught Short she has to hold it in until her stop. Whilst Tree Topper (Dark Blue Pony) and Window Gazer (Lilac Pony) looking on.
25 457 Sweating Bullets - Marc Fisher

Quick, but nice! Color turned out better than the last two...
Too many great expressions to choose from!
Quick, but nice! Color turned out better than the last two...
Too many great expressions to choose from!
29 Party Bomb - Drawpones

Party Cannon failed? Get the party bomb!
Guess who had fun drawing a purple pony?
Party Cannon failed? Get the party bomb!
Guess who had fun drawing a purple pony?
41 Fluttershy Bursting with Emotion - B.J. Dazzle

Nothing clever this time; just wanted to practice drawing crazy expressions and faces.
I'll leave it up to you to decide how this situation came to be.
Nothing clever this time; just wanted to practice drawing crazy expressions and faces.
I'll leave it up to you to decide how this situation came to be.
43 NATG2017 - DAY4 - Dance with the volcano - DarkDabula

Careful Pinkie ! Dashi seems to be a little bit stressed ...
Hi guys !
This time I returned to analogue artwork. Emotions are a little hard to create them fully by vector, so I grabbed my pencils and doodled a little bit.
Hopefully I caught the expressions in a acceptable way ...
Created with pen(s) and paper.
Careful Pinkie ! Dashi seems to be a little bit stressed ...
Hi guys !
This time I returned to analogue artwork. Emotions are a little hard to create them fully by vector, so I grabbed my pencils and doodled a little bit.
Hopefully I caught the expressions in a acceptable way ...
Created with pen(s) and paper.
47 Can't Always Keep It Inside - Friendship Is Horses

Oh no, Applejack's crying, somepony died didn't they?
please tell me she's just got something in her eye
Oh no, Applejack's crying, somepony died didn't they?
please tell me she's just got something in her eye
48 Rarity doing what she does best - raribelle

Tried to make her mane look better with gradient tool. I would have made the background/foreground look better but I don't have time :)
Tried to make her mane look better with gradient tool. I would have made the background/foreground look better but I don't have time :)
50 EQD ATG 04 - Little Liar - ANIMATED - Wolfie

This is my very first pony related animation (hope not the last!). Please, click through to see the magic happening :3
This is my very first pony related animation (hope not the last!). Please, click through to see the magic happening :3
51 ATG7 Day 4 - Comfort - Joseph Ortiz

Was originally gonna do Rainbow Dash comforting Fluttershy as fillies, but then I changed my mind to make them adults and have Fluttershy comforting Rainbow instead for a nice change of pace.
Was originally gonna do Rainbow Dash comforting Fluttershy as fillies, but then I changed my mind to make them adults and have Fluttershy comforting Rainbow instead for a nice change of pace.
55 Meeting her favorite pony - Ragmo

Today we're meeting best pony Scootaloo. I think someone is excited
Today we're meeting best pony Scootaloo. I think someone is excited
56 Day Gone FUBAR - Nathanael

What do you have to say for yourself Private!?
Driving with hooves is hard, sir!
What do you have to say for yourself Private!?
Driving with hooves is hard, sir!
58 Emotional - the sqveel

2 post its today, don't tell the boss i've been doodeling ponies at work ;)
2 post its today, don't tell the boss i've been doodeling ponies at work ;)
62 Nobody Can See You Crying Up Here - Grim Ponka

This is how I feel after missing a day of this challenge.
This is how I feel after missing a day of this challenge.
67 - Mellow

Oh man, joining late this year but oh well. Hopefully I'll be able to keep with the ATG to completion this year!
Oh man, joining late this year but oh well. Hopefully I'll be able to keep with the ATG to completion this year!
72 Ice Cream Binge - Rav Aharon Ben Yisrael

Rarity losing her composure and noshing on ice cream, or the pony equivalent, after receiving criticism on her latest creation. Reference from "Inspiration Manifestation." This is my first attempt at drawing unicorn magic.
Rarity losing her composure and noshing on ice cream, or the pony equivalent, after receiving criticism on her latest creation. Reference from "Inspiration Manifestation." This is my first attempt at drawing unicorn magic.
74 Chimmycherrychangas - Allonsbro

Poor Pokey ate too many chimmycherrychangas and Pinkie's just so happy that he let her have the last one.
Poor Pokey ate too many chimmycherrychangas and Pinkie's just so happy that he let her have the last one.
81 On Edge - Midnight Doodle

The ATG is a big part of what got me started drawing last year, I had a chance to keep experimenting and practicing and it really helped me learn how to draw. Now that I'm a little more sure of myself, I'm gonna still push to learn new things and experiment with styles and stuff.
The ATG is a big part of what got me started drawing last year, I had a chance to keep experimenting and practicing and it really helped me learn how to draw. Now that I'm a little more sure of myself, I'm gonna still push to learn new things and experiment with styles and stuff.
84 ATG Day 4: Emotional Pony - TallaFerroXIV

Phew! I really love the NATG that EqD keeps hosting. The prompts motivate me to go a bit further than just a daily doodle. Maybe it's the fact that it gets posted publicly. Regardless, thank you for hosting this!
Phew! I really love the NATG that EqD keeps hosting. The prompts motivate me to go a bit further than just a daily doodle. Maybe it's the fact that it gets posted publicly. Regardless, thank you for hosting this!
85 Gray Day - Cluvry

This time I tried to do things differently... Well, I can just say, that Marble cries because of the results :I
This time I tried to do things differently... Well, I can just say, that Marble cries because of the results :I
88 Milaya: Wilting Flowers - Bestasus

Drawing a sad Zebra ain't all too much fun but emotional indeed! Ready for the next day, keep em coming!
Drawing a sad Zebra ain't all too much fun but emotional indeed! Ready for the next day, keep em coming!
91 Sunset's Regret - Equalizer (EQ)

Poor Sunset. I’m sure she’ll be able to forgive Celestia someday, so don’t worry.
Poor Sunset. I’m sure she’ll be able to forgive Celestia someday, so don’t worry.
94 Aquamarine: Express yourself. - Kinrah

Otherwise known as 'an afternoon in the photo booth'. This is about as varied as her emotions get. (And yes, that's actually her mane. She has it cut short so it doesn't get in the way while she's working. Which is all the time.)
Otherwise known as 'an afternoon in the photo booth'. This is about as varied as her emotions get. (And yes, that's actually her mane. She has it cut short so it doesn't get in the way while she's working. Which is all the time.)
95 Toastr's Expressions - SUP3R Toastr

Just a couple of small sketches of my OC featuring both the prompt expressions. Hope you like!
Just a couple of small sketches of my OC featuring both the prompt expressions. Hope you like!
96 Party of One - Kevin Miller

I don't know if it's considered "bad form" to re-create scenes from the actual show, but I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.
I don't know if it's considered "bad form" to re-create scenes from the actual show, but I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.
97 Sad Pinkie is Sad - Ignited Sage

Now Pinkie's turn.
Oh, it is a crying Pinkie Pie
This I had fun with oddly enough. I'm surprise I made this. I didn't think it would work but it did! So, guess I have to give Pinkie a cookie or something. That look is going to kill me with guilt. Sorry, Pinkie! I had too. Your hair was too much.
Now Pinkie's turn.
Oh, it is a crying Pinkie Pie
This I had fun with oddly enough. I'm surprise I made this. I didn't think it would work but it did! So, guess I have to give Pinkie a cookie or something. That look is going to kill me with guilt. Sorry, Pinkie! I had too. Your hair was too much.
101 Two Bestest Most Excited Sisters - S.Guide

Oh, Maud. Why are your eyes so far apart? Is it because the artist don goofed? Yes, it is, Maud. Oh, yes, it is.
Oh, Maud. Why are your eyes so far apart? Is it because the artist don goofed? Yes, it is, Maud. Oh, yes, it is.
102 I Apologize - Novaintellus

I apologize for all of this, all of your pain, I never wanted this to happen to you.
I take full responsibility for causing this, But I hope you also don't regret our love.
I apologize for all of this, all of your pain, I never wanted this to happen to you.
I take full responsibility for causing this, But I hope you also don't regret our love.
104 - Chris

Honestly, i had no idea what to do for this prompt and in the end this came out. Well, i had tons of fun doing this and testing out stuff!
Honestly, i had no idea what to do for this prompt and in the end this came out. Well, i had tons of fun doing this and testing out stuff!
105 You brush how many times a day? - DJDavid98

Whatever your answer, the response is guaranteed to be laughter followed by her saying she brushes twice as many times. Then again, her teeth is in perfect condition, so she just might be telling the truth.
Whatever your answer, the response is guaranteed to be laughter followed by her saying she brushes twice as many times. Then again, her teeth is in perfect condition, so she just might be telling the truth.
106 Emotional Night: 1920s Party Lyra - Curtis "AberrantPegasus"

Well, I just couldn't miss this year's ATG so I whipped up a little picture of Lyra dressed up in 20s party fashion, (probably made by Rarity, right?)
Anyway...by the time this gets posted I'll be 18 (shout-out to all those with August birthdays! Queue Fluttershy 'yay')
/) Brohoof from Pegasus!
Well, I just couldn't miss this year's ATG so I whipped up a little picture of Lyra dressed up in 20s party fashion, (probably made by Rarity, right?)
Anyway...by the time this gets posted I'll be 18 (shout-out to all those with August birthdays! Queue Fluttershy 'yay')
/) Brohoof from Pegasus!
107 - Pirill

You know your life is going downhill when you spend 12 hours reverse engineering the Emoji Movie poster for a cheap joke.
You know your life is going downhill when you spend 12 hours reverse engineering the Emoji Movie poster for a cheap joke.
112 Frightened Fluttershy - Mahexa

Got a tablet, can start coloring the things I make now. This is the second drawing I made digitally.
I like the coloring but something about the shape is bothering me. Probably the eyes.
Got a tablet, can start coloring the things I make now. This is the second drawing I made digitally.
I like the coloring but something about the shape is bothering me. Probably the eyes.
118 Don't look at me - PonyPoet21

I haven't draw my oc for this yet, so that's what this is.
The idea: I don't like crying when people arr watching me. Despite that it happens more than I like,
I haven't draw my oc for this yet, so that's what this is.
The idea: I don't like crying when people arr watching me. Despite that it happens more than I like,
119 Pear Butter's Refusal - anon

Whenever I think of emtional ponies, it is def Pear Butters refusal of her father's words. As hard as it is to deny blood, she did it cause I believe she knew it meant a loving family. <3 i="">3>
Whenever I think of emtional ponies, it is def Pear Butters refusal of her father's words. As hard as it is to deny blood, she did it cause I believe she knew it meant a loving family. <3 i="">3>
120 Rarity's Stolen Diary - SolarSpark

"Hand over the diary and no pony gets hurt!"
I had so much fun drawing this one. The hair and eyes took a while but I always enjoy drawing Rarity and I think she's worth the extra detail. ^-^
"Hand over the diary and no pony gets hurt!"
I had so much fun drawing this one. The hair and eyes took a while but I always enjoy drawing Rarity and I think she's worth the extra detail. ^-^
123 Artist Training Ground VII Day 4 - Bennimarru

I took inspiration for this from the IDW Friends Forever issue 29. When this scene came up, it made me tear up like crazy! Hope you all enjoy!
I took inspiration for this from the IDW Friends Forever issue 29. When this scene came up, it made me tear up like crazy! Hope you all enjoy!
126 IT'S A DISASTAHH!!! - Ferasor

Everyone who plays Dota 2 and knows who Tobiwan is has to get this reference :P
Everyone who plays Dota 2 and knows who Tobiwan is has to get this reference :P
128 I'm Not Angry! - Stone39

Somepony *coughpinkiecoughraritycough* decided it would be a fun prank to braid Rainbow Dash's mane and tail while she was asleep. She was not happy when she discovered the changes the next morning.
Inspired by real life events. (https://i.imgtc.com/159tESh.jpg) I wish I could say I had a little sister but I have no idea who would do this to my Dashie.
Somepony *coughpinkiecoughraritycough* decided it would be a fun prank to braid Rainbow Dash's mane and tail while she was asleep. She was not happy when she discovered the changes the next morning.
Inspired by real life events. (https://i.imgtc.com/159tESh.jpg) I wish I could say I had a little sister but I have no idea who would do this to my Dashie.
129 Free Fall - Fluttershy_Z

Pinkie Pie is always plenty emotional.
For this prompt I decided to redraw (but not trace) a screencap from the trailer, which is only slightly creepy.
Pinkie Pie is always plenty emotional.
For this prompt I decided to redraw (but not trace) a screencap from the trailer, which is only slightly creepy.
134 Missing Him - EbonyCrystal1986

Okay, this pic was a bit of a rough one-not only because it took 6 hours to do, but it's also very personal to me as well.
To mark the 2nd anniversary of my father's passing last year, a very good friend of mine created an OC for him named Smooth Jazz, for his love of music. This touched me so much that I knew I had to draw him in my own style one day and seeing as today's prompt was so fitting, I decided to go with the first option and for good reason as it's part of Ebony's backstory as well as my own.
Ebony had to step up and take care of her father after he suffered a heart attack years ago and her father also came down with dementia as well. It was rough some days taking care of him, but she never regretted a single moment they had together up until the stallion passed away in his sleep one cold winter morning.
Okay, this pic was a bit of a rough one-not only because it took 6 hours to do, but it's also very personal to me as well.
To mark the 2nd anniversary of my father's passing last year, a very good friend of mine created an OC for him named Smooth Jazz, for his love of music. This touched me so much that I knew I had to draw him in my own style one day and seeing as today's prompt was so fitting, I decided to go with the first option and for good reason as it's part of Ebony's backstory as well as my own.
Ebony had to step up and take care of her father after he suffered a heart attack years ago and her father also came down with dementia as well. It was rough some days taking care of him, but she never regretted a single moment they had together up until the stallion passed away in his sleep one cold winter morning.
135 The Art Of Letter Barfing - BradonTheCheeseBlock

Spike makes the most amazing faces when he gets letters for Twilight.
Spike makes the most amazing faces when he gets letters for Twilight.
138 - RizDub

"Disturbed" counts as an emotion, right?
I'm hoping to break my lack of desire to draw with this year's ATG. I missed the first three prompts as I was on vacation, so I'll include them in makeup days.
"Disturbed" counts as an emotion, right?
I'm hoping to break my lack of desire to draw with this year's ATG. I missed the first three prompts as I was on vacation, so I'll include them in makeup days.
140 Alone - Citizen Smiley

Is it considered emotional when you reach a point that you're just too tired to continue expressing a certain emotion? Is there a name for when you just give up on feeling and your so unmotivated that you don't even feel like crying?
Is it considered emotional when you reach a point that you're just too tired to continue expressing a certain emotion? Is there a name for when you just give up on feeling and your so unmotivated that you don't even feel like crying?
143 Extra Angery - World Eater

Roughly the same pose as yesterday, but with more Fury.
This picture was drawn with the assistance of Edgar T. Cat.
Roughly the same pose as yesterday, but with more Fury.
This picture was drawn with the assistance of Edgar T. Cat.
145 Glitterbomber Pinkie (4-star) - thattagen

This 4-star Pinkie summons a bunch of bombs to the board, letting you clear troublesome panels with ease!
This 4-star Pinkie summons a bunch of bombs to the board, letting you clear troublesome panels with ease!
151 The emotion of feeling PAAAAAAAIN - Mister Twister

Inked once again with the beset brush pen there is.
Inked once again with the beset brush pen there is.
159 Silly Numptie's Super Happy Moment - Torvusil

Ugh, at first, I was doing pretty well with the anatomy. It certainly felt easier than the previous prompt. However, once I got to the hair, things got a lot more challenging. Unfortunately, I was running low on time for today, so I had to rush the hair - hence why it looks odd. Hair seems to be my greatest enemy for these prompts it seems...
Ugh, at first, I was doing pretty well with the anatomy. It certainly felt easier than the previous prompt. However, once I got to the hair, things got a lot more challenging. Unfortunately, I was running low on time for today, so I had to rush the hair - hence why it looks odd. Hair seems to be my greatest enemy for these prompts it seems...
160 Happy dash - Mahexa

I think this came out a lot better than the fluttershy I made earlier. Feedback is appreciated /)
I think this came out a lot better than the fluttershy I made earlier. Feedback is appreciated /)
161 crying happy - craftisabel

day 4 yay. today is emotional. I hope I feel this tomorrow after the doctor's appointment so that's what inspired this emotion on her.
day 4 yay. today is emotional. I hope I feel this tomorrow after the doctor's appointment so that's what inspired this emotion on her.
165 I'm Not Angry!! - Dr. Creatio

My first attempt at speed drawing, the results could be better, but I think it turned out good
My first attempt at speed drawing, the results could be better, but I think it turned out good
166 ATG [Day 4] Sad Violet - BluestFlames

This is for the Artist Training Grounds On Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw an emotional pony / Draw a pony fit to burst.
So I drew Violet Star being very sad, and the reason for that on the drawing page on my DeviantArt
This is for the Artist Training Grounds On Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw an emotional pony / Draw a pony fit to burst.
So I drew Violet Star being very sad, and the reason for that on the drawing page on my DeviantArt
174 Twinkleshine and Moondancer - ElErmita800

By the way, is posting images made for previous prompts allowed? I have one image that was made for Day 2 that I didn't finish in time.
By the way, is posting images made for previous prompts allowed? I have one image that was made for Day 2 that I didn't finish in time.
176 Regicide - zoarvek

Dragon Lord Spike the Brave and Glorious as he wields the Crystal Heart to land the final blow on the evil King Sombra... as described by the average crystal pony.
Dragon Lord Spike the Brave and Glorious as he wields the Crystal Heart to land the final blow on the evil King Sombra... as described by the average crystal pony.
180 Your first mistake... - jayruki

"Your first mistake was thinking I was some foal, don't let the padding fool you, cuz your second mistake...was challenging me!"
"Your first mistake was thinking I was some foal, don't let the padding fool you, cuz your second mistake...was challenging me!"
181 Pinkie's Bursting With Emotions - Mucidia

Rushed, but I learned you can use the Edge Pen to make speech bubbles.
Rushed, but I learned you can use the Edge Pen to make speech bubbles.
183 Scoots Feeling Down - General Custard

This was the first time I warmed up with three different versions of Scoots before finally drawing this one, and I have to say that it worked better than the other drawings I've submitted.
This was the first time I warmed up with three different versions of Scoots before finally drawing this one, and I have to say that it worked better than the other drawings I've submitted.
186 Pinkie Pie the passionate pony party popper - Sigmath Bits

A pony fit to burst if I ever saw one!
A pony fit to burst if I ever saw one!
189 [MLP:FiM] A Special Reminiscence - Optic Rainfall

Really reminds her of that one experience that changed her life. One rainbow after another, will keep her smiling every time.
Really reminds her of that one experience that changed her life. One rainbow after another, will keep her smiling every time.
190 There's No uSE In Fighting Anymore Ms. Do - Binky T.

Due to time constraints, I never got to finish the background. Made in Medibang Paint, I wanted to try to draw different angles and multiple interacting ponies.
Due to time constraints, I never got to finish the background. Made in Medibang Paint, I wanted to try to draw different angles and multiple interacting ponies.
193 WATCH OUT - Katakiuchi4U

I'm having so much fun with this year's ATG. Keep it up, people! It's being amazing so far!
I'm having so much fun with this year's ATG. Keep it up, people! It's being amazing so far!
196 Angery - RhythmPixel

Still going somehow, definitely don't know anything about expressions, but it was fun looking around how to. Even though there aren't any easy to find tutorials on them, I did come across liking how bobthedalek does his facial expressions, so credits to him.
Still going somehow, definitely don't know anything about expressions, but it was fun looking around how to. Even though there aren't any easy to find tutorials on them, I did come across liking how bobthedalek does his facial expressions, so credits to him.
197 Wrestling is Magic: prompt #4-B: Wrestlie Marks. - Jameson Ethan

"Whoa! Some of the fans out here are fuming mad over Spotlight Splash's entry into this match. The fan is screaming: 'How can you do that to your own brother?! The bell didn't even ring yet!'
And she's right, I'm with her; the bell hadn't sounded, an' all the while Spotlight Splash has been putting all the heat on herself. I'm not sure if Rocket Tier can even stand a chance!"
Are you kidding me? The match didn't even start, and Spotlight has this unfair advantage. What can be done? It's over before it began, folks.
(Don't climb over the barriers at live events, stay in your seats and enjoy the show.)
"Whoa! Some of the fans out here are fuming mad over Spotlight Splash's entry into this match. The fan is screaming: 'How can you do that to your own brother?! The bell didn't even ring yet!'
And she's right, I'm with her; the bell hadn't sounded, an' all the while Spotlight Splash has been putting all the heat on herself. I'm not sure if Rocket Tier can even stand a chance!"
Are you kidding me? The match didn't even start, and Spotlight has this unfair advantage. What can be done? It's over before it began, folks.
(Don't climb over the barriers at live events, stay in your seats and enjoy the show.)
199 Sweetie Bot (NATG VII: Day 4) - Squeaky_Belle

So today I kinda cheated. ;-; Prompt for today: Draw an emotional pony / Draw a pony fit to burst
Sweetie Bot's about to burst. Yeah. :v It's also an excuse to draw Sweetie Belle.
So today I kinda cheated. ;-; Prompt for today: Draw an emotional pony / Draw a pony fit to burst
Sweetie Bot's about to burst. Yeah. :v It's also an excuse to draw Sweetie Belle.
201 Pinkie - Hailey

I knew everyone else was going to draw sad ponies so I did the oposite. I sure showed them. Haha
I need sleep
I knew everyone else was going to draw sad ponies so I did the oposite. I sure showed them. Haha
I need sleep
202 - Yakoshi

Pinkie: “I’ve never seen her this smitten with anypony before! She’s got it baaaad!�
Pinkie: “I’ve never seen her this smitten with anypony before! She’s got it baaaad!�
Twitter: Calpain