After ten whole days you all have done so well! Covering expressions, different poses, backgrounds, multiple ponies and more I couldn't be more proud of you all. Thanks to your dedication we've gotten an additional 135 ponies tonight bringing us up to 1841 ponies in total. (More will be posted later, I've got to go to bed early tonight)
For today I'm giving you something a bunch of you have been waiting for: a makeup day. For today I will be giving you all a chance to make up prompts you have missed, try prompts again or just take a day off.
As usual you can find the compiler here.
Here are the prompts from the past ten days:
Day 1: Draw a pony standing / Draw a pony striking a pose
Day 2: Draw a pony in motion / Draw a pony in need of direction
Day 3: Draw a pony warming up / Draw a pony stretching its limits
Day 4: Draw an emotional pony / Draw a pony fit to burst
Day 5: Draw a pony facing the unknown / Draw a pony in the Twilight Zone
Day 6: Draw a pony in mortal peril / Draw a pony steeling themselves
Day 7: Draw a pony modeling / Draw a model pony citizen
Day 8: Draw a pony mingling / Draw a pony blending in
Day 9: Draw a pony in love / Draw a pony crushing on somepony
Day 10: Draw a pony fighting / Draw a pony grappling
Best of luck and have fun guys!
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission even though this post is up!
Check on after the break for our full gallery!
Tutorial on first day on how to upload
Art tutorials
ATG Alumni Group tutorials
Check on after the break for our full gallery!
Tutorial on first day on how to upload
Art tutorials
ATG Alumni Group tutorials
2 The only way to travel - Slizergiy

Rainbow may not need a grappling hook to get around, but its way more cooler...
Rainbow may not need a grappling hook to get around, but its way more cooler...
7 Ethay Ightfay - MustachedBain

Ooklay! Iway ewdray ilighttway andway arlightstay ightingfay!
Andway iway amway itingwray inway igpay atinlay!
Ooklay! Iway ewdray ilighttway andway arlightstay ightingfay!
Andway iway amway itingwray inway igpay atinlay!
10 Fighting for Friendship - Star Shine

"The Summer Sun Celebration may have brought us together, but it's something much bigger that'll always keep us connected." - Applejack
"The Summer Sun Celebration may have brought us together, but it's something much bigger that'll always keep us connected." - Applejack
11 Rainbow Fight - Brok Enwings

I don't have much time atm. but i wanted to participate at least once sooooo
I don't have much time atm. but i wanted to participate at least once sooooo
15 NATG2017 - DAY10 - Derpys Domination - DarkDabula

Never mess with Derpy when it comes to muffins or she will use the techniques taught by Princess Luna !
Hi guys !
After a rough piece from yesterday, I took me more time today to create something with better quality !
Today the topic of the Newbie Artist Training Ground is a rough one.
First I wanted to make a classic medieval fighting scenery. But then I think a little bit and came to the idea what would happen if somepony tries to get the last muffin before Derpy. Then Princess Luna with her Canterlot voice came into my head and this is the result. Maybe I missed the topic a little bit ...
I am very pleased with this and I am surprised that I brought that Derpy pose from my head onto the paper. Some days it just flows :D
Hope you like it too.
Created with pen(s) and paper
Color correction with GIMP
Never mess with Derpy when it comes to muffins or she will use the techniques taught by Princess Luna !
Hi guys !
After a rough piece from yesterday, I took me more time today to create something with better quality !
Today the topic of the Newbie Artist Training Ground is a rough one.
First I wanted to make a classic medieval fighting scenery. But then I think a little bit and came to the idea what would happen if somepony tries to get the last muffin before Derpy. Then Princess Luna with her Canterlot voice came into my head and this is the result. Maybe I missed the topic a little bit ...
I am very pleased with this and I am surprised that I brought that Derpy pose from my head onto the paper. Some days it just flows :D
Hope you like it too.
Created with pen(s) and paper
Color correction with GIMP
16 Ponycules vs. the Hydra - Marc Fisher

That was a lot of work and a lot of fun!
I kinda fluffed off at the end shading it in, but at the very least I'm trying to make backgrounds now!!
Tougher prompt than yesterday, keep pitching them high and slow!
That was a lot of work and a lot of fun!
I kinda fluffed off at the end shading it in, but at the very least I'm trying to make backgrounds now!!
Tougher prompt than yesterday, keep pitching them high and slow!
18 EQD ATG DAY 10 !!! - Cakestealer

Draw a pony grappling they said. Grappling hook I said.
I've drawn something every day and I plan to for the whole thing unless school starts screwing things up.
Draw a pony grappling they said. Grappling hook I said.
I've drawn something every day and I plan to for the whole thing unless school starts screwing things up.
25 You won't give up huh? - MDStw

Celestia :So you locked me in my room,ran away from me,and knocked me down, are all for this?
Celestia:You have one lesson to learn now,my MOST LOYAL student ;) (Wink)
Twilight: (Screaming)
Celestia :So you locked me in my room,ran away from me,and knocked me down, are all for this?
Celestia:You have one lesson to learn now,my MOST LOYAL student ;) (Wink)
Twilight: (Screaming)
26 Sending Signals - Friendship Is Horses

Rainbow's affectionately grappling her friend, AJ's grappling with her feelings about this.
Rainbow's affectionately grappling her friend, AJ's grappling with her feelings about this.
29 - Max

Once in front of the tank column she raised her hoof as she stared mournfully at the once bussling town she was about to rain hell upon. Quietly cursing the defenders' refusal to surrender she lowered her hoof, signaling the tanks to start their barrage.
May the eternal night come and end this nightmare.
Once in front of the tank column she raised her hoof as she stared mournfully at the once bussling town she was about to rain hell upon. Quietly cursing the defenders' refusal to surrender she lowered her hoof, signaling the tanks to start their barrage.
May the eternal night come and end this nightmare.
32 PATG day 10 - Skullmares - Cobalt Sketch

Here we see Cerebella pony showing her hat the extent of her combo technique.
Here we see Cerebella pony showing her hat the extent of her combo technique.
34 HomiCIDER Instinct! - LennyStendhal13

RD: Back off, pink pony! The last jug is MINE!
Pinkie: Don't you dare! You pinkie-promised you'd leave that to me this year!!!
AJ: Uuh, girls? Ah was kinda saving that one jug for my dear fr-
RD and Pinkie: SHUT UP, AJ!
RD: Back off, pink pony! The last jug is MINE!
Pinkie: Don't you dare! You pinkie-promised you'd leave that to me this year!!!
AJ: Uuh, girls? Ah was kinda saving that one jug for my dear fr-
RD and Pinkie: SHUT UP, AJ!
37 THE CAKE - Zypdv-HP

of course
Am afraid I can only make it to half of NATG. Still good to draw ponies more often!
of course
Am afraid I can only make it to half of NATG. Still good to draw ponies more often!
40 Sweet Revenge - Stone39

With Rainbow Dash getting her revenge on Rarity by cutting her name into a mohawk, (*coughstillpinkiecough*) Fluttershy has to hold Rarity back before she tears her apart.
Idea suggested by YangIsCool. :D
With Rainbow Dash getting her revenge on Rarity by cutting her name into a mohawk, (*coughstillpinkiecough*) Fluttershy has to hold Rarity back before she tears her apart.
Idea suggested by YangIsCool. :D
41 Training Ground - Naduron

This is the Cutout/Cropped/reduced version of the original vers, i had to reduce the reso to 2000x2000
Real ver is here
This is the Cutout/Cropped/reduced version of the original vers, i had to reduce the reso to 2000x2000
Real ver is here
49 boss fight - Pucksterv

still sick so didnt spend much time on it. Hopefully will work on tomorrows thing more.
still sick so didnt spend much time on it. Hopefully will work on tomorrows thing more.
55 Broken Tunes - Gary Mitchelhill (Rapidsnap)

If Vinyl doesn't learn the second time, the third time the bow will be put somewhere that the sun doesn't shine.
If Vinyl doesn't learn the second time, the third time the bow will be put somewhere that the sun doesn't shine.
57 Fire at Will! - Widow Peak

I tried to make too much in too little time.
Oh well, at least the sketch is cool.
I tried to make too much in too little time.
Oh well, at least the sketch is cool.
64 NATG Day 10: Pony Grappling - TallaFerroXIV

Gotta keep drawing more canon ponies and doing lining.
Also Cheerilee is obviously superior waifu.
Gotta keep drawing more canon ponies and doing lining.
Also Cheerilee is obviously superior waifu.
69 Hussar Dash [Slight blood warning] - AberrantPegasus

Rainbow Dash as a Polish Hussar, a bit outside the usual drawings, but that's the point right!
Anyway, I had fun and learned a thing or two so it was well worth it.
-AberrantPegasus /)
Rainbow Dash as a Polish Hussar, a bit outside the usual drawings, but that's the point right!
Anyway, I had fun and learned a thing or two so it was well worth it.
-AberrantPegasus /)
70 Checkmate - Ferasor

The chessboard can be a battlefield too, especially when you're playing against this perticular bookworm.
The chessboard can be a battlefield too, especially when you're playing against this perticular bookworm.
71 Future flying machine bat? - FreshlyPositive

I really could use some training with the background
and I could have replaced the enemy with a pony instead.
I really could use some training with the background
and I could have replaced the enemy with a pony instead.
75 Enraged Derpy - Ttkitty441

Rainbow was acting like a jerk so Derpy decided to smack the sense into her.
Rainbow was acting like a jerk so Derpy decided to smack the sense into her.
76 Rainbow Dash VS Changeling - Bright Idea

First time drawing a changeling by hand! Tricky little buggers they are! :P
First time drawing a changeling by hand! Tricky little buggers they are! :P
77 Flutter Uppercut - Huffy26

It would appear that I have very few Fluttershy drawings in my DA gallery at the time of this writing. D= So, to alleviate that, I drew... Fluttershy performing an uppercut? Works for me. @_@
It would appear that I have very few Fluttershy drawings in my DA gallery at the time of this writing. D= So, to alleviate that, I drew... Fluttershy performing an uppercut? Works for me. @_@
82 The Lioness and the Unicorn - GumBlackwood

Though not a direct reference to any of my Ponyfinder adventures, I think at least one of my players would appreciate my take on a Sun Cat Brawler.
Though not a direct reference to any of my Ponyfinder adventures, I think at least one of my players would appreciate my take on a Sun Cat Brawler.
84 ATG VII Day X: Pony Fighting - RizDub

I actually an idea like this one last night for a fanfic, and when I saw the prompt I figured it would be perfect. (Pillow fighting counts as fighting, right?)
I actually an idea like this one last night for a fanfic, and when I saw the prompt I figured it would be perfect. (Pillow fighting counts as fighting, right?)
86 - Still Waters

‘Because sometimes it’s just polite to wrestle/grapple with your friends.’ or, alternatively: Traditional gryphon diplomacy, which Luna is all too happy to pick up again?
‘Because sometimes it’s just polite to wrestle/grapple with your friends.’ or, alternatively: Traditional gryphon diplomacy, which Luna is all too happy to pick up again?
88 First Blood (Sketch) - The Commandant

"I only remembered killing him because he kept screaming something about his family..."
"I only remembered killing him because he kept screaming something about his family..."
90 Fear is Magic - Scarecrow's World - Doppler Effect11

Trying out a new style
(Arkham Asylum was a great game)
Trying out a new style
(Arkham Asylum was a great game)
92 Punch Out! Applejack - Ignited Sage

Applejack punching some random pony out. Knock them down on their flank, Applejack!
Applejack punching some random pony out. Knock them down on their flank, Applejack!
94 ATG Day #10 | Ponies fighting - Veryzoned

One nervous crossbower and one courageous knifer. I just made it sound so epic when it's actually not...
One nervous crossbower and one courageous knifer. I just made it sound so epic when it's actually not...
101 Day 10: Solstice fires, shortest night, swords will ever ring - ArkaDarp

only foam swords allowed in practice bouts
only foam swords allowed in practice bouts
104 ATG [Day 10] Saroba and Diamanda Face off - BluestFlames

This is for the Artist Training Grounds On Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony fighting / Draw a pony grappling.
So I drew Saroba And Diamanda fighting!
This is for the Artist Training Grounds On Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony fighting / Draw a pony grappling.
So I drew Saroba And Diamanda fighting!
105 Dive & Strike - Stormy

Swoosh! The pegasus dove and struck her opponent hard between the shoulders.
Swoosh! The pegasus dove and struck her opponent hard between the shoulders.
106 Ascention - phallen1

It's a long fight against Maud's own limits to get to the top of the mountain, but the grappling hook certainly helps.
It's a long fight against Maud's own limits to get to the top of the mountain, but the grappling hook certainly helps.
108 It's still a fight, sorta. - World Eater

World could totally take on the giant spider monster in a fair fight. He just doesn't want to. He's been taking on spiders in honorable combat all day, and could really use a break.
World could totally take on the giant spider monster in a fair fight. He just doesn't want to. He's been taking on spiders in honorable combat all day, and could really use a break.
110 Friendly Feud - Novaintellus

Tavi, you look pretty cute when you're angry.
Shut up and finish cleaning the dishes.
Tavi, you look pretty cute when you're angry.
Shut up and finish cleaning the dishes.
115 Clash of the Titans - HalflingPony

It took around two and a half hours to animate this. Fifteen minutes for the actual slapfight. Two hours for Celestia's stupid hair.
It took around two and a half hours to animate this. Fifteen minutes for the actual slapfight. Two hours for Celestia's stupid hair.
116 Showdown! Marevelous Red versus The Bloody Crow! - KorenCZ11

Featuring chapter 21 of Sometimes they call me Super
Featuring chapter 21 of Sometimes they call me Super
117 Wrestling is Magic: prompt #10: Establish dominance, right of way! - Jameson Ethan

"Finally, the match starts with the ring of the bell as Spotlight locks up with Rocket Tier! Already, she is backing him up against the turnbuckle, displaying complete control and power over her little brother. However, Rocket Tier is also showing some resiliency by trying to shove Spotlight's face away from him. From what we can tell, neither wrestler aren't going to give up without spending everything that they got! Even by the damage Rocket Tier suffered, he's still able to go on with starting the match--this rivalry that had been going on between them had gone long enough. Will it just be the beginning of the something new if Spotlight wins; or rather something harsh if Rocket Tier should somehow surprise his sister with a victory?"
I missed day 9, i don't if i have the strength and courage to go back for it.
Pre-bell shenanigans sometimes builds up the vileness in the heart of a heel-wrestler and helps gets the baby-face even more over with the crowd.
"Finally, the match starts with the ring of the bell as Spotlight locks up with Rocket Tier! Already, she is backing him up against the turnbuckle, displaying complete control and power over her little brother. However, Rocket Tier is also showing some resiliency by trying to shove Spotlight's face away from him. From what we can tell, neither wrestler aren't going to give up without spending everything that they got! Even by the damage Rocket Tier suffered, he's still able to go on with starting the match--this rivalry that had been going on between them had gone long enough. Will it just be the beginning of the something new if Spotlight wins; or rather something harsh if Rocket Tier should somehow surprise his sister with a victory?"
I missed day 9, i don't if i have the strength and courage to go back for it.
Pre-bell shenanigans sometimes builds up the vileness in the heart of a heel-wrestler and helps gets the baby-face even more over with the crowd.
118 Leap of swing faith - Mister Twister

How would she have known her magic will connect with the technology? SHE DIDN'T!
Drawn mostly while listening to Sibelius (as it usually happens).
How would she have known her magic will connect with the technology? SHE DIDN'T!
Drawn mostly while listening to Sibelius (as it usually happens).
122 Sunny Glow (Street) Fighting - Bronymedic

This was a very quick piece between the end of work and getting it in for the deadline. It isnt great but i enioyed it.
This was a very quick piece between the end of work and getting it in for the deadline. It isnt great but i enioyed it.
123 Anger Management - Binky T.

So this was a fun one to do! I don't think I've had too many chibi pieces with males OR characters interacting with each other. So this was kinda of a win for both departments. This is kinda based on small headcanons for them. Doctor Caballeron being the leader who's just trying his best to help, Nogan being the calmer one of the group and strong enough the restraint Biff, Biff being the one who's always on edge of snapping with unrelenting Hooflyn rage, and the white one (I just call him Flash Sync) being the one usually who succumbs to Biff's outbursts (most of the time he does kinda deserve it). I really loved the style of this one, though if I had to be honest I would say the hardest ones to do here were Biff and Nogan both due to their rugged appearances and trying to maintain that while they were chibis.
So this was a fun one to do! I don't think I've had too many chibi pieces with males OR characters interacting with each other. So this was kinda of a win for both departments. This is kinda based on small headcanons for them. Doctor Caballeron being the leader who's just trying his best to help, Nogan being the calmer one of the group and strong enough the restraint Biff, Biff being the one who's always on edge of snapping with unrelenting Hooflyn rage, and the white one (I just call him Flash Sync) being the one usually who succumbs to Biff's outbursts (most of the time he does kinda deserve it). I really loved the style of this one, though if I had to be honest I would say the hardest ones to do here were Biff and Nogan both due to their rugged appearances and trying to maintain that while they were chibis.
126 BATG D10 - Krash42

When you try to draw an action scene but ended up with an angry horse instead...
When you try to draw an action scene but ended up with an angry horse instead...
129 Te Carry - Kachu-AppleKiwi

Silk Talk: "So... what am I now?"
Te Kaha: "My plushie."
Silk Talk: "And if I say no?"
Te Kaha: "Why of course you can be my pillow again."
Silk Talk: "O-on second thought, I'd like to be your plushie."
Silk Talk: "So... what am I now?"
Te Kaha: "My plushie."
Silk Talk: "And if I say no?"
Te Kaha: "Why of course you can be my pillow again."
Silk Talk: "O-on second thought, I'd like to be your plushie."
131 Magnificent Mistress Mare-Velous (5-star) - thattagen

Power Ponies! This was ridiculously fun to draw. Check that dot matrix effect!
Power Ponies! This was ridiculously fun to draw. Check that dot matrix effect!
133 Grappling With Saddle In The Wee Hours - Frith

After a ten hour work day I didn't have the spoons to get out my sketchbook even though I knew what I was going to draw for this -- Twilight grappling with her winter saddle. Getting up in time for deadline was a bear. By the time I sat down with a pencil I had only 20 minutes left. That was not enough time, even for a sketchy sketch. Maybe I'll rework this for the makeup gallery. Nice horsey anatomy in this model.
The prompts so far have been a cut above those of recent ATG's! They're keeping me guessing as to what is next and I'm not having déjà vu when they appear. Thanks Calpain! ^_^
After a ten hour work day I didn't have the spoons to get out my sketchbook even though I knew what I was going to draw for this -- Twilight grappling with her winter saddle. Getting up in time for deadline was a bear. By the time I sat down with a pencil I had only 20 minutes left. That was not enough time, even for a sketchy sketch. Maybe I'll rework this for the makeup gallery. Nice horsey anatomy in this model.
The prompts so far have been a cut above those of recent ATG's! They're keeping me guessing as to what is next and I'm not having déjà vu when they appear. Thanks Calpain! ^_^
135 ATG7 Day 9 - Twila-punch - Joseph Ortiz

Had to post this picture on Twitter because deviantart isn't working for some irritating reason. Anyway, I got the idea for this sketch from a tweet from Meghan McCarthy about the MLP Season 4 finale seen here:
Hasbro may not be able to show Twilight punching Tirek in the face, BUT WE SURE AS HELL CAN!
Had to post this picture on Twitter because deviantart isn't working for some irritating reason. Anyway, I got the idea for this sketch from a tweet from Meghan McCarthy about the MLP Season 4 finale seen here:
Hasbro may not be able to show Twilight punching Tirek in the face, BUT WE SURE AS HELL CAN!
Twitter: Calpain