Our ponies tonight have reached their ends, making their way to their final destination as we have now finished the last of the unique prompts for the ATG! Now all that is left my friends is our makeup day for today and your final graduation prompt tomorrow. You've come so far everyone and stuck to this challenge for a whole month!
Thanks to your dedication we were able to bring in another 82 ponies bringing us up to 4040 ponies in total, breaking the 4000 picture mark! Congrats guys!
As promised, we have one more makeup day for you guys tonight, but with a special twist! For tonight we present you with a special challenge Draw as many of our prompts in one picture as you can!
This is optional though, you are just as welcome to makeup any pictures you've missed or tackle any particular prompts again.
Get the prompt list after the break!
As always you can find our compiler here! See you all tomorrow with your graduation prompt.
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission even though this post is up!
Check on after the break for our full gallery!
Tutorial on first day on how to upload
Art tutorials
ATG Alumni Group tutorials
Day 1: Draw a pony standing / Draw a pony striking a pose
Day 2: Draw a pony in motion / Draw a pony in need of direction
Day 3: Draw a pony warming up / Draw a pony stretching its limits
Day 4: Draw an emotional pony / Draw a pony fit to burst
Day 5: Draw a pony facing the unknown / Draw a pony in the Twilight Zone
Day 6: Draw a pony in mortal peril / Draw a pony steeling themselves
Day 7: Draw a pony modeling / Draw a model pony citizen
Day 8: Draw a pony mingling / Draw a pony blending in
Day 9: Draw a pony in love / Draw a pony crushing on somepony
Day 10: Draw a pony fighting / Draw a pony grappling
Day 11: Draw a pony on a grand adventure / Draw a pony on a personal journey
Day 12: Draw a pony chasing their dreams / Draw a pony reaching for a goal
Day 13: Draw a pony family activity / Draw a pony party
Day 14: Draw a pony crossing over with your favorite game, book, ect / Draw a pony doing something you enjoy
Day 15: Draw a pony as another species / Draw a pony making a change
Day 16: Draw a pony at the beach / Draw a pony soaking up the sun
Day 17: Draw a villainous pony / Draw a misunderstood pony
Day 18: Draw a pony running late / Draw a pony racing the clock
Day 19: Draw a pony showing off their special talent / Draw a pony doing something you wish you could do
Day 20: Draw a pony from or in the future / Draw a pony in space
Day 21: Drawing a pony doing science/drawing a pony pushing boundaries
Day 22: Draw a pony star gazing / Draw a pony being eclipsed
Day 23: Draw an utterly exhausted pony / Draw a pony at wit’s end
Day 24: Draw a pony beating the odds / Draw a pony doing the unexpected
Day 25: Draw a pony doing whatever comes to mind / Draw a pony doing something you’ve never drawn before
Day 26: Draw a primitive pony / Draw a pony going back to nature
Day 27: Draw a pony on the mend / Draw a pony fixing something
Day 28: Draw a pony at school / Draw a pony bursting with knowledge
Day 29: Draw a pony reaching the end / Draw a pony reaching their final destination
1 Crystal Brightstar's Growth Chart - Amy Wilson

Crystal Brightstar's Growth Chart from foal fill and mare.
Crystal Brightstar's Growth Chart from foal fill and mare.
2 THE END - Hailey

I don't even feel the need to explain this...... I know I'm the worst.... You don't have to tell me
I don't even feel the need to explain this...... I know I'm the worst.... You don't have to tell me
8 EQD ATG 29 - Back to the Shade Home - WolfieDrawie

Drew: "Here we are again. This house belonged to my grand parents. They used to call it Sun Home back then. But my family abandoned this place and nature slowly took it over. Now sunlight hardly reaches the windows and only at certain hour. But i like it this way... I feel like it's my home much more than... *sigh* I guess it will become home to you as well. At least until we find out who you are."
Drew: "Here we are again. This house belonged to my grand parents. They used to call it Sun Home back then. But my family abandoned this place and nature slowly took it over. Now sunlight hardly reaches the windows and only at certain hour. But i like it this way... I feel like it's my home much more than... *sigh* I guess it will become home to you as well. At least until we find out who you are."
9 PATG Day 29 - Another Goal, Another Challenge - Cobalt Sketch

Once one challenge ends, another begins.
Once one challenge ends, another begins.
12 Blasting off via partycannon - Slizergiy

And by the end, we mean face first in a crator somewhere over the horizon...
And by the end, we mean face first in a crator somewhere over the horizon...
15 Dariong Do Mining express - ZecoraTheZebra

Wiiiii.... Ahem! Another drawing in the bag...
Yes I draw this one over two papers, cause I ran out of space!
Wiiiii.... Ahem! Another drawing in the bag...
Yes I draw this one over two papers, cause I ran out of space!
16 Later - MustachedBain

Someday when they least expect it, Starlight will have to leave her friends to continue on to her friendship journey
Someday when they least expect it, Starlight will have to leave her friends to continue on to her friendship journey
17 AJ Hanging From A Cliff - AJ Hanging From A Cliff

MS Paint Ponies
AJ Hanging From A Cliff
Don't worry, Rainbow will catch her and they will live happily ever after
MS Paint Ponies
AJ Hanging From A Cliff
Don't worry, Rainbow will catch her and they will live happily ever after
19 The Finishing Line - Taggerung

It was a long run, but now we̢۪ve reached the end.
Time for some well deserved rest…
…and then at it again!
It was a long run, but now we̢۪ve reached the end.
Time for some well deserved rest…
…and then at it again!
20 NATG2017 - DAY29 - Derpy On The Rope - DarkDabula

It must be very hard for a pony to climb a rope ! Luckily Derpy is a Pegasus and can fly.
Hi guys !
THE END IS NEAR !!! THOU SHALL PRAISE THE PONIES !!! Equestria Dailys Newbie Artist Ground this year is coming to an end.
Today I had little time to create something big. So I drew good old Derpy struggling with a rope.
Created with pen(s) and paper
Color correction with GIMP
It must be very hard for a pony to climb a rope ! Luckily Derpy is a Pegasus and can fly.
Hi guys !
THE END IS NEAR !!! THOU SHALL PRAISE THE PONIES !!! Equestria Dailys Newbie Artist Ground this year is coming to an end.
Today I had little time to create something big. So I drew good old Derpy struggling with a rope.
Created with pen(s) and paper
Color correction with GIMP
23 Staring Death in the Face - Gary Mitchelhill (Rapidsnap)

Death was never the same after he met Maud Pie.
Death was never the same after he met Maud Pie.
24 Reached the end - Ragmo

She ventured far in within the last month. So far, that she almost fall down from the end of the world! luckily Mr. Pencil was there to stop her in time before she went over the edge. I'm wondering what's down the cliff.
She ventured far in within the last month. So far, that she almost fall down from the end of the world! luckily Mr. Pencil was there to stop her in time before she went over the edge. I'm wondering what's down the cliff.
38 You're Still Here?....It's over!....Go home.....Go. - Bright Idea

Reference to the movie "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" after-credits scene.
We've reached the end, folks! Enjoy that freedom!
Reference to the movie "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" after-credits scene.
We've reached the end, folks! Enjoy that freedom!
40 Sunny Glow reaches the end of her Degree - Bronymedic

After lots of hard work, Sunny Glow eventually graduated with a 2:1 in Paramedic Science. From here on out she'll be a qualified healthcare professional. Look how happy she is. =)
After lots of hard work, Sunny Glow eventually graduated with a 2:1 in Paramedic Science. From here on out she'll be a qualified healthcare professional. Look how happy she is. =)
41 End of Exile - Novaintellus

I had plenty of time to reflect on my transgressions.
My only regret is not exacting pain on my old enemies.
However all is not lost, I have a new world to desecrate.
I had plenty of time to reflect on my transgressions.
My only regret is not exacting pain on my old enemies.
However all is not lost, I have a new world to desecrate.
42 Finally Back At Last - Equalizer (EQ)

She's finally back home with her favorite teacher. <3 i="">3>
She's finally back home with her favorite teacher. <3 i="">3>
50 Rainbow Dash at the End of the Race - B.J. Dazzle

Didn't manage my time too well today, so I kept it simple. Enjoy my attempt at a Sonic Rainboom.
*1 left...
Didn't manage my time too well today, so I kept it simple. Enjoy my attempt at a Sonic Rainboom.
*1 left...
53 Now Arriving in Ponyville - EbonyCrystal1986

Since today's prompt called for either a pony reaching the end or a pony reaching their final destination, I figured I'd go with the second option here. (sorry if it's not my best work, I was in a bit of a hurry to get it done ^ ^;; ) :3
Here we have Ebony having just arrived to the train station, eager to take her first steps into her new life in Ponyville, wondering what new adventures she'll have along the way. :3
Since today's prompt called for either a pony reaching the end or a pony reaching their final destination, I figured I'd go with the second option here. (sorry if it's not my best work, I was in a bit of a hurry to get it done ^ ^;; ) :3
Here we have Ebony having just arrived to the train station, eager to take her first steps into her new life in Ponyville, wondering what new adventures she'll have along the way. :3
55 Ends In A Sudden Stop - Frith

Fluttershy, reaching the end (of Pinkie) much sooner than expected. Could this be the end already, so soon? It feels like a sudden stop, like with Fluttershy in the drawing. (Hopefully this time my picture doesn't mysteriously vanish from the gallery.) I've probably weathered this ATG better than previous ones since I didn't colour anything in, I only drew sketches on paper. It was all basic training and no wrestling with art software in an attempt to make it shine... across Equestria Daily. Well, it's been a blast! Thanks Calpain and Equestria Daily for keeping this Training Ground tradition going!
Fluttershy, reaching the end (of Pinkie) much sooner than expected. Could this be the end already, so soon? It feels like a sudden stop, like with Fluttershy in the drawing. (Hopefully this time my picture doesn't mysteriously vanish from the gallery.) I've probably weathered this ATG better than previous ones since I didn't colour anything in, I only drew sketches on paper. It was all basic training and no wrestling with art software in an attempt to make it shine... across Equestria Daily. Well, it's been a blast! Thanks Calpain and Equestria Daily for keeping this Training Ground tradition going!
56 Pony Reaches End - Ninjachristian

This pony has reached the end! Now he wonders... What on earth is it doing in the middle of nowhere?
This pony has reached the end! Now he wonders... What on earth is it doing in the middle of nowhere?
60 Your end sucks, can I have better one? - Mister Twister

People say the journey is the most important, but if the end sucks donkey bits, then perhaps you were being used the entire time.
People say the journey is the most important, but if the end sucks donkey bits, then perhaps you were being used the entire time.
61 - Still Waters

Twilight gets hooked on a memoir written by Celestia, who's cut short a rather shocking entry by running out of pages in the book. Entirely by accident, and not at all in a way to shock or troll the reader, naturally. Yep.
Twilight gets hooked on a memoir written by Celestia, who's cut short a rather shocking entry by running out of pages in the book. Entirely by accident, and not at all in a way to shock or troll the reader, naturally. Yep.
62 End of the Road - The Commandant

"Wh... what...? That's it...? That's... the end?
"Everything I did... this is it?"
"Wh... what...? That's it...? That's... the end?
"Everything I did... this is it?"
66 Game Note in the Final Destination - Franzyd

Final Destination, no items, Fox (only)
This has been an awesome 30 days drawing with all of you guys, even if my skills were probably one of the lowest (imo). I've certainly honed my skills a little bit.
See you guys in the next ATG!
(if we're getting one xd)
Final Destination, no items, Fox (only)
This has been an awesome 30 days drawing with all of you guys, even if my skills were probably one of the lowest (imo). I've certainly honed my skills a little bit.
See you guys in the next ATG!
(if we're getting one xd)
72 Down and Safe - phallen1

Student skydiver Twilight having reached her final destination - the ground.
Student skydiver Twilight having reached her final destination - the ground.
75 See you next year my dear friends - Binky T.

This is it. The end of ATG 2017 is near and I'm grateful for it. I played with new things and I didn't give up. I'm really glad for this because I graduated high school this year, but I'm heading back to further my studies in computer graphics. It all has taught me so much and gave me the motivation and practice for the upcoming year. All I had was just a pencil, and it was more than enough for a lot of the art I've made this month. After a lot of hard work and plenty of sleep deprived nights, Binky is finally getting a new cutie mark that truly represents them. In all honesty, this is why I rarely draw them anymore. They're my main character, but I never felt happy with the cutie mark because it didn't reflect who I was. This past month gave me time time to create new designs and ideas, and now, that time has arrived. I just wanna say thank you to the people at EQD for for supporting the artists and I this year. I hope to see y'all again next year friendos.
Best Regards,
Binky T.
This is it. The end of ATG 2017 is near and I'm grateful for it. I played with new things and I didn't give up. I'm really glad for this because I graduated high school this year, but I'm heading back to further my studies in computer graphics. It all has taught me so much and gave me the motivation and practice for the upcoming year. All I had was just a pencil, and it was more than enough for a lot of the art I've made this month. After a lot of hard work and plenty of sleep deprived nights, Binky is finally getting a new cutie mark that truly represents them. In all honesty, this is why I rarely draw them anymore. They're my main character, but I never felt happy with the cutie mark because it didn't reflect who I was. This past month gave me time time to create new designs and ideas, and now, that time has arrived. I just wanna say thank you to the people at EQD for for supporting the artists and I this year. I hope to see y'all again next year friendos.
Best Regards,
Binky T.
77 ATG [Day 29] The Cliff - BluestFlames

This is for the Artist Training Grounds On Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony reaching the end / Draw a pony reaching their final destination.
So I drew Saroba reaching the edge of the cliff.
This is for the Artist Training Grounds On Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony reaching the end / Draw a pony reaching their final destination.
So I drew Saroba reaching the edge of the cliff.
79 [MLP:FiM] The Last Order - Optic Rainfall

Must be tired now after all the hard work. Don't be mistaken, this isn't her last order, just for the day at least. She deserves a rest.
Must be tired now after all the hard work. Don't be mistaken, this isn't her last order, just for the day at least. She deserves a rest.
Twitter: Calpain