Phew guys... I just got home not too long ago from the eclipse and man was it something amazing. You can't really describe how it feels seeing something like that. It's so... magical and almost mystical. If you did miss it, you all have another chance at it in 2024 when the US gets an eclipse again!
Anyhow, I know I'm a little late so let's get this party started! I see you guys created another awesome 95 ponies bringing us up to 3419 ponies in total.
For tonight's prompt I think we'll do something I bet both of us can relate. For tonight I'd like you guys to Draw an utterly exhausted pony / Draw a pony at wit's end. Considering how long I've stayed up for this eclipse I'm more of the former, heh.
You can find our submitter as always here! Good luck and have fun guys!
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission even though this post is up!
Check on after the break for our full gallery!
Tutorial on first day on how to upload
Art tutorials
ATG Alumni Group tutorials
9 Twilight Eclipsed - Rusty

Does anyone have any advice for how to photograph black paper? Its fun to draw on, but doesnt focus in well
Does anyone have any advice for how to photograph black paper? Its fun to draw on, but doesnt focus in well
15 NATG2017 - DAY22 - Stars and beyond - DarkDabula

"Twili watch the stars !"
Hi guys !
Another day, a new prompt of EqDs Newbie Artist Training Ground.
I chose the star gazing topic and I had to call Twili in again. After yesterdays chair science, she deserved a classic relaxing star gazing.
To draw Twili from that perspective was a bit hard but I think I managed it well.
What do you think ?
Created with pen(s) and paper
Color correction with GIMP
"Twili watch the stars !"
Hi guys !
Another day, a new prompt of EqDs Newbie Artist Training Ground.
I chose the star gazing topic and I had to call Twili in again. After yesterdays chair science, she deserved a classic relaxing star gazing.
To draw Twili from that perspective was a bit hard but I think I managed it well.
What do you think ?
Created with pen(s) and paper
Color correction with GIMP
20 Solar Eclipse - Ragmo

Witnessing an very rare event. I could only see it via TV, but it looked awesome - hope noone of you missed it :)
Next one i COULD see without TV (and without traverling half way around the world) would be 2081.
Tried something new here. Only working with the silhouette infront of the darkness with a white/erased outline and some climps of the sun at the outside. At thumbnail size i think it looks realy good. Played around with the Contrast and brightness settings in GIMP2.
Something i should try someday: getting toned paper and a white pencil - would've worked better on this one
Witnessing an very rare event. I could only see it via TV, but it looked awesome - hope noone of you missed it :)
Next one i COULD see without TV (and without traverling half way around the world) would be 2081.
Tried something new here. Only working with the silhouette infront of the darkness with a white/erased outline and some climps of the sun at the outside. At thumbnail size i think it looks realy good. Played around with the Contrast and brightness settings in GIMP2.
Something i should try someday: getting toned paper and a white pencil - would've worked better on this one
21 Pony gazing at a starbutt - Starbutton

made in ms paint
a pony stargazing, gazing at a star butt cutiemark
made in ms paint
a pony stargazing, gazing at a star butt cutiemark
25 PATG Day 22 - Eclipse - Cobalt Sketch

On Monday, August 21st, 2017, the moon eclipsed the sun completely for some, and partially for others.
This is one of those partial eclipses.
On Monday, August 21st, 2017, the moon eclipsed the sun completely for some, and partially for others.
This is one of those partial eclipses.
26 Trixie under a night sky - Hoffman

Yup, I drew one more thing for today prompt. And it's Trixie again ;)
Yup, I drew one more thing for today prompt. And it's Trixie again ;)
28 Celestia: Handle it. - Kinrah

"You FAIL to handle it. You are now one slip-up away from becoming a Pony Pancake. Turns out moving the moon? It's actually REALLY DIFFICULT. Who knew?
This next couple of minutes MAY GET INTERESTING."
Because nothing says eclipse more than having a moon less than two feet away from your face. Logical followup to Celestia: Face the music.
"You FAIL to handle it. You are now one slip-up away from becoming a Pony Pancake. Turns out moving the moon? It's actually REALLY DIFFICULT. Who knew?
This next couple of minutes MAY GET INTERESTING."
Because nothing says eclipse more than having a moon less than two feet away from your face. Logical followup to Celestia: Face the music.
32 Sisterly Eclipse - Ninjachristian

This was going to be a majestic portrait of Celestia... Luna wouldn't have it though xD
This was going to be a majestic portrait of Celestia... Luna wouldn't have it though xD
42 Eclipse - Binky T.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MY GOD INKSCAPE IS SO HARD TO USE. Anyway, I decided to do something different. Vectoring! I'm still not used to Inkscape, but i'm getting there. I'm quite proud of how this came out and it is possibly the entry that took the most time and effort. I know it isn't as good as others, but it's amazing my standards. ^^
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MY GOD INKSCAPE IS SO HARD TO USE. Anyway, I decided to do something different. Vectoring! I'm still not used to Inkscape, but i'm getting there. I'm quite proud of how this came out and it is possibly the entry that took the most time and effort. I know it isn't as good as others, but it's amazing my standards. ^^
43 Seeing Stars - Gary Mitchelhill (Rapidsnap)

Trixie: Starlight why's your horn glowing?
Starlight: Oh nothing, just activating the BPB.
Trixie: BPB?
*Thwack thwack thwack thwack*
Trixie: Trixies okay.
Trixie: Starlight why's your horn glowing?
Starlight: Oh nothing, just activating the BPB.
Trixie: BPB?
*Thwack thwack thwack thwack*
Trixie: Trixies okay.
45 The shadow of the brightest - Axgar

I really love the princesses history, and I really want to see them more in the show, and see more about the past of equestria :3
I really love the princesses history, and I really want to see them more in the show, and see more about the past of equestria :3
47 Now There's Only Love in the Dark - punzil504

Nothing I can say... a total eclipse of the (Flurry) Heart.
Nothing I can say... a total eclipse of the (Flurry) Heart.
48 Romantic interruption - Allonsbro

I knew everyone would do Luna and Celestia, so I used two of the other alicorns.
I knew everyone would do Luna and Celestia, so I used two of the other alicorns.
54 Celestia Eclipsed by the Stars - B.J. Dazzle

I get nervous when drawing the alicorns, but I think they turned out pretty good here.
Are we sure LUNA's not evil anymore?
I get nervous when drawing the alicorns, but I think they turned out pretty good here.
Are we sure LUNA's not evil anymore?
56 Eclipse (Animation) - Fluttershy_Z

Just a simple eclipse animation (technically no pony, but at least there's magic!).
Not scientifically accurate in any way.
I ended up spending more time on this than I wanted.
For full resolution click here:
Just a simple eclipse animation (technically no pony, but at least there's magic!).
Not scientifically accurate in any way.
I ended up spending more time on this than I wanted.
For full resolution click here:
59 ATG VII Day XXII: Pony Stargazing - RizDub

For this one I wanted to get a certain look that I wouldn't have been able to achieve with colored pencils, so I decided to color this one digitally.
For this one I wanted to get a certain look that I wouldn't have been able to achieve with colored pencils, so I decided to color this one digitally.
60 Where's daddy? - MDStw

colt : Where's daddy ?
Chrysails : Daddy is very busy on his work,if he finished,he will come back very soon.
colt : He is in Canterlot now?Why can't we just go to find him?
Chrysails : Yes...But because of some reasons,mama should not go to Canterlot now...
I just can't help but fall in love with you. - Chrysails
colt : Where's daddy ?
Chrysails : Daddy is very busy on his work,if he finished,he will come back very soon.
colt : He is in Canterlot now?Why can't we just go to find him?
Chrysails : Yes...But because of some reasons,mama should not go to Canterlot now...
I just can't help but fall in love with you. - Chrysails
61 Apple Bloom Wants a Whopper - Rav Aharon Ben Yisrael

Poor Big Mac. Reference from "Brotherhooves Social."
Poor Big Mac. Reference from "Brotherhooves Social."
69 Upstaged - Frith

I did a silly solar eclipse slash Celestia butt joke for my Summer Sun Celebration cake, so this time I considered an "upstaged pony" interpretation. Pinkie being eclipsed by Cheese in the party entertainment skill is a gimme, but the expressions where Dash upstages Twilight during her carefully planned Applebuck Season speech calls me. Draw a flabbergasted pony, draw a wide eyed pony. Check!
I did a silly solar eclipse slash Celestia butt joke for my Summer Sun Celebration cake, so this time I considered an "upstaged pony" interpretation. Pinkie being eclipsed by Cheese in the party entertainment skill is a gimme, but the expressions where Dash upstages Twilight during her carefully planned Applebuck Season speech calls me. Draw a flabbergasted pony, draw a wide eyed pony. Check!
70 To See the Forest - HalflingPony

Sometimes you just need to leave all the equipment and references behind and remember what was so wonderful about the sky to begin with.
Sometimes you just need to leave all the equipment and references behind and remember what was so wonderful about the sky to begin with.
78 Missing Out - Novaintellus

And that constellation there is Orion, Look, he has three stars on his belt.
Twily, you've been quiet for a while...Oh, well a princess needs her sleep.
And that constellation there is Orion, Look, he has three stars on his belt.
Twily, you've been quiet for a while...Oh, well a princess needs her sleep.
80 Stargazing Sisters - phallen1

Celestia and Luna, many years ago, about a year after they were rescued from their captivity and came to live in the house of Bolero, their foster father. Eleven-year-old Luna was still very quiet and reserved, but nothing caused her to open up like the night sky. Celestia found every clear, quiet evening that they could go out into the estate and admire the stars until Luna fell asleep in her sister's arms. It brought them both a measure of peace. But Celestia often teared up, thinking about their mother and father, who had introduced them to the beauty of the night sky...
A bit of Air Ponyville lore. And hey, Luna is covering most of Celestia, so it's about a 75% eclipse, right?
Celestia and Luna, many years ago, about a year after they were rescued from their captivity and came to live in the house of Bolero, their foster father. Eleven-year-old Luna was still very quiet and reserved, but nothing caused her to open up like the night sky. Celestia found every clear, quiet evening that they could go out into the estate and admire the stars until Luna fell asleep in her sister's arms. It brought them both a measure of peace. But Celestia often teared up, thinking about their mother and father, who had introduced them to the beauty of the night sky...
A bit of Air Ponyville lore. And hey, Luna is covering most of Celestia, so it's about a 75% eclipse, right?
81 Promise - Moonlightfan

Derpy is just happy to know that some words aren't as hollow as she thought
Derpy is just happy to know that some words aren't as hollow as she thought
83 Horrifying Revenant God-Empress Day-For-Night Shot (6-star) - thattagen

This fusion of Celestia and Luna was actually designed by Darkfire Taimatsu of Let's Just Ask Pinkie Tai! I just decided to make is super heckin cool. Do not look upon her!
This fusion of Celestia and Luna was actually designed by Darkfire Taimatsu of Let's Just Ask Pinkie Tai! I just decided to make is super heckin cool. Do not look upon her!
88 NATG D22 - Carash42

On that day when Luna faceplanted into Celestia, huge traffic jam was visiable from space...
On that day when Luna faceplanted into Celestia, huge traffic jam was visiable from space...
90 Total Eclipse of the Heart! - Sigmath Bits

Once upon a time I was falling in lovem
But now I'm only falling apart.
Nothing I can do,
A total eclipse of the heart!
Once upon a time I was falling in lovem
But now I'm only falling apart.
Nothing I can do,
A total eclipse of the heart!
91 ATG [Day 22] Eclipse - BluestFlames

This is for the Artist Training Grounds On Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony star gazing / Draw a pony being eclipsed.
So I drew Astral looking at the Eclipse, with the Eclipse glasses, got to keep those cute pony eyes safe!
This is for the Artist Training Grounds On Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony star gazing / Draw a pony being eclipsed.
So I drew Astral looking at the Eclipse, with the Eclipse glasses, got to keep those cute pony eyes safe!
95 Long Was The Shadow She Casted - Ignited Sage

Of course I was going to use Celestia and Luna. I mean who won't?
Of course I was going to use Celestia and Luna. I mean who won't?
Twitter: Calpain