Isn't it amazing that every pony, every OC has a story to tell? It's one of the things I love about the fandom, that we have created all these characters to expand our views on the world and add even more depth to it by creating our own adventures and stories. Not only that but taking pre-existing canon characters and giving our own spins on their personalities and lives just makes the characters deeper and deeper as we explore aspects of them not seen on the show. It's artists like all of you that help make that possible, and I thank you all for sharing your perspectives through your art with us all.
Tonight we managed another 102 ponies which now brings us up to 3020 ponies! We've now broken the 3000 picture mark my friends! I wonder how far we'll get?
We've been tackling prompts that can happen in Equestria up to this point so tonight's prompt is something that can let you be a bit more fantastical in your drawings and I hope you guys will enjoy. It's one of the prompts we've used with success in previous ATGs and it's resulted in some great ideas each time we use it. So for today's prompt you guys will Draw a pony from or in the future / Draw a pony in space.
Since we have done another 10 prompts tomorrow will be our makeup day everyone! Time to catch up on prompts, try them again or take a break.
As usual our compiler can be found here! Good luck guys and have fun!
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission even though this post is up!
Check on after the break for our full gallery!
Tutorial on first day on how to upload
Art tutorials
ATG Alumni Group tutorials
2 Making Her Mark - Binky T.

So I decided to do the very moment a pony realized their special talent. This is my OC, Terra Flora, finding out she can manipulate plants and other flora with a simple flower. And unlike normal Earth pony magic, hers is much powerful because well.. she is an actual earth pony. Her Mane and tail are pretty much leaves and the "dock" is a branch.
So I decided to do the very moment a pony realized their special talent. This is my OC, Terra Flora, finding out she can manipulate plants and other flora with a simple flower. And unlike normal Earth pony magic, hers is much powerful because well.. she is an actual earth pony. Her Mane and tail are pretty much leaves and the "dock" is a branch.
4 Watched by the OP squad - Slizergiy

Beware for they are ready to call Mary Sue at a moment notice...
Beware for they are ready to call Mary Sue at a moment notice...
7 EQD ATG 19 - Former Greenhouse - WolfieDrawie

Drew's cutiemark are three paint smudges (orange, blue and green). It represents her painting skills but also talent for crafting pigments.
Drew's cutiemark are three paint smudges (orange, blue and green). It represents her painting skills but also talent for crafting pigments.
8 Ace of magic - Star Shine

"There are all kinds of magic. But the best kinds are the ones that make you smile" - Star Shine
"There are all kinds of magic. But the best kinds are the ones that make you smile" - Star Shine
13 Lamiks showing off her special talent! - Rarityismywaifu

Here̢۪s Lamika showing off what her special talent really is, Taking care of her family. Be that by running the company her parents left her or protecting her family interests, when it comes to helping whoever she calls family she̢۪s VERY good at it.
So here she is being very disgruntled with a soon to be former employee!
Here̢۪s Lamika showing off what her special talent really is, Taking care of her family. Be that by running the company her parents left her or protecting her family interests, when it comes to helping whoever she calls family she̢۪s VERY good at it.
So here she is being very disgruntled with a soon to be former employee!
16 Animating Horse - Zecora

I have always wanted to animate, but I think I lack the skills, the time and the equipment for it. But animation is actually the reason I draw :3
I have always wanted to animate, but I think I lack the skills, the time and the equipment for it. But animation is actually the reason I draw :3
21 Tracking - Quint t. W.

Thanks to her abyility of expert tracking, Pointy White is a valued member of the smilopon tribe. With it, she is able to find dinner quickly, easily backtrack if she gets lost, or effectively help in search for missing foals.
The ability does have it's drawbacks too. For example, other foals of her age never wanted to play hide and seek with her.
Thanks to her abyility of expert tracking, Pointy White is a valued member of the smilopon tribe. With it, she is able to find dinner quickly, easily backtrack if she gets lost, or effectively help in search for missing foals.
The ability does have it's drawbacks too. For example, other foals of her age never wanted to play hide and seek with her.
22 Keep It Up - MustachedBain

My drawings are heavily influenced by SVTFOE because that's when I started to improve drastically :)
My drawings are heavily influenced by SVTFOE because that's when I started to improve drastically :)
23 Swarm of the Century - TheArticPegasus

This one is a bit of a mix really. I wish I could do a one pony band someday, but also, this is one of Pinkie Pie's many talents!
This one is a bit of a mix really. I wish I could do a one pony band someday, but also, this is one of Pinkie Pie's many talents!
26 Mail has arrived - Zecora

Drawen on phone... Nice idea, but not well done :/
Mane and head to small :3
Drawen on phone... Nice idea, but not well done :/
Mane and head to small :3
28 NATG2017 - DAY19 - Flutterplush - DarkDabula

2nd try: Added the missing wing .... how embarrassing ....
2nd try: Added the missing wing .... how embarrassing ....
30 Ms. Twist - Marc Fisher

Twist never got any more screen time after that episode, she deserved better.
Twist never got any more screen time after that episode, she deserved better.
31 Mother and Daughter - Grim Ponka

I know it's kinda cheesy but someday I wish to be a parent happily holding my daughter as she sleeps, tickling her cute little nose from time to time. Well that and I want to hug a cute pone.
I know it's kinda cheesy but someday I wish to be a parent happily holding my daughter as she sleeps, tickling her cute little nose from time to time. Well that and I want to hug a cute pone.
32 Hard but meditative work - Ragmo

She luckily never had to use a sword in combat, but she's very skilled with it. Maintaining a blade with those grinding wheels is exhausting - but for her it's also quite meditative.
She luckily never had to use a sword in combat, but she's very skilled with it. Maintaining a blade with those grinding wheels is exhausting - but for her it's also quite meditative.
36 Hoovy is an alicorn - Marcsello

I mean... If papers could give you horns and wings... he'd probably be one.
(nope... I totally not missed the prompts... that's exactly what we'd both do... just standing in a server room, with our papers in our hooves/hands... that's just what we want to do)
I mean... If papers could give you horns and wings... he'd probably be one.
(nope... I totally not missed the prompts... that's exactly what we'd both do... just standing in a server room, with our papers in our hooves/hands... that's just what we want to do)
44 Penelope's Mark - Binky T.

I had a story for this but I couldn't shorten it enough the meet the character limit. :( But to put some context into it, Penelope is a pegasus who was created by a unicorn who works in what would be Equestria's black market. While originally made just to assist her, they grew close and her creator noticed something about her behavior that was off-putting. She wanted a cutie mark, but couldn't earn one due to her being made of ponies who already had earned theirs. Her master than because jotting up ideas one night until she came to a final design that would fit Penelope. The image shows her off to assist her master would proudly wearing her "cutie mark".
I had a story for this but I couldn't shorten it enough the meet the character limit. :( But to put some context into it, Penelope is a pegasus who was created by a unicorn who works in what would be Equestria's black market. While originally made just to assist her, they grew close and her creator noticed something about her behavior that was off-putting. She wanted a cutie mark, but couldn't earn one due to her being made of ponies who already had earned theirs. Her master than because jotting up ideas one night until she came to a final design that would fit Penelope. The image shows her off to assist her master would proudly wearing her "cutie mark".
45 It's Up to You to Not Fail this Time - Rav Aharon Ben Yisrael

Would be Crystal Prep valedictorian pressured to unleash the Equestrian magic that her latest invention had unwittingly stolen throughout her studies of what she thought were electromagnetic fields. Reference from "Friendship Games."
Would be Crystal Prep valedictorian pressured to unleash the Equestrian magic that her latest invention had unwittingly stolen throughout her studies of what she thought were electromagnetic fields. Reference from "Friendship Games."
49 Eden - Mellow

Draw a pony doing something I'd one day like to do; choose:
1)Not being an anxious mess
2)Being able to relax
3)Hanging out with friends
4)Having friends to hang out with
5) Be happy
Draw a pony doing something I'd one day like to do; choose:
1)Not being an anxious mess
2)Being able to relax
3)Hanging out with friends
4)Having friends to hang out with
5) Be happy
50 Draw a pony doing something you wish you could do someday - abzde

I want to touch Twilight Sparkle's butt one day.
I want to touch Twilight Sparkle's butt one day.
53 Pinkie's Special Welcome - B.J. Dazzle

This picture fulfills both prompts.
I look up to Pinkie a lot in the show.
This picture fulfills both prompts.
I look up to Pinkie a lot in the show.
57 Tragic Story - GeoLinna

My zebra character is a storyteller, who uses potions to show the story.
Digital coloring and smoke effects by GymbalLock
My zebra character is a storyteller, who uses potions to show the story.
Digital coloring and smoke effects by GymbalLock
58 PATG Day 19 - Plushie Potential - Cobalt Sketch

Just a quickie today, it's been one of THOSE days.
Just a quickie today, it's been one of THOSE days.
60 ATG [Day 19] Saroba's special talent - BluestFlames

This is for the Artist Training Grounds On Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony showing off their special talent / Draw a pony doing something you wish you could do someday.
So I drew Saroba's Special Talent, which is being able to freeze air!
This is for the Artist Training Grounds On Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony showing off their special talent / Draw a pony doing something you wish you could do someday.
So I drew Saroba's Special Talent, which is being able to freeze air!
61 ATG 20 - "My First Pipbuck" - Gamer115x

Bad name, Better drawing. I'm a tech person and always wanted to get into wearable technology. How about a holographic Pipbuck?
Bad name, Better drawing. I'm a tech person and always wanted to get into wearable technology. How about a holographic Pipbuck?
62 ATG VII Day XIX: Pony Showing Off Special Talent - RizDub

I had intended to draw Lyra using her magic as though they were human fingers (as in the fanfic Anthropology), but that kinda got lost in the colored pencil.
I had intended to draw Lyra using her magic as though they were human fingers (as in the fanfic Anthropology), but that kinda got lost in the colored pencil.
67 - Still Waters

It might not be her explicit talent, but Luna does seem to have a knack for helping ponies with their nightmares and fears.
It might not be her explicit talent, but Luna does seem to have a knack for helping ponies with their nightmares and fears.
69 Wing Sign! - KingSombraFan2825 (Allen)

I was in a slight rush to finish this but I finally got it done! This is my first training ground participation and I really enjoy it!
I was in a slight rush to finish this but I finally got it done! This is my first training ground participation and I really enjoy it!
71 Bucking - HalflingPony

Of course, apple bucking itself isn't AJ's talent so much as caring for her farm and family, but it's a part of it she's good at.
Of course, apple bucking itself isn't AJ's talent so much as caring for her farm and family, but it's a part of it she's good at.
72 Limits of the talent - Axgar

"Still want to fight?"
I know some day my drawing will be in the cover page (?
(in my dreams maybe? :'P)
"Still want to fight?"
I know some day my drawing will be in the cover page (?
(in my dreams maybe? :'P)
75 Game Note dream has come true - Franzyd

Yup, I want to be a game designer in the future
Unfortunately I'm lazy
Yup, I want to be a game designer in the future
Unfortunately I'm lazy
77 Apple - Hailey

pony showing off their special talent
Yes.. This is just Applejack holding up an apple...
pony showing off their special talent
Yes.. This is just Applejack holding up an apple...
79 Edgy Li'l Shooter - Rusty

I wish I had the balls to shoot airsoft guns, but my delicate skin is too fragile to take hits back
I wish I had the balls to shoot airsoft guns, but my delicate skin is too fragile to take hits back
82 Trixie Shadowbox Vector Mockup - Citizen Smiley

Designed to be a template for cutting cardstock, not a completed illustration.
Designed to be a template for cutting cardstock, not a completed illustration.
89 Whoopsie-Daisy - Binky T.

Just Sally showing off her cooking skills. Though it's safe to say that while she's certainly good at it, she's far from perfect. ;P
Just Sally showing off her cooking skills. Though it's safe to say that while she's certainly good at it, she's far from perfect. ;P
93 Sigmath Lectures Lambda Calculus - Sigmath Bits

And here you can see, when the Y-combinator has been defined as such, we are able to recursively define the factorial function like this, in terms of the Y-combinator!
And here you can see, when the Y-combinator has been defined as such, we are able to recursively define the factorial function like this, in terms of the Y-combinator!
94 Someday - Huffy26

... What can I say? I do want to boop an actual pony someday. Being able to pull off some of Pinkie's maneuver would also be good. >_>
... What can I say? I do want to boop an actual pony someday. Being able to pull off some of Pinkie's maneuver would also be good. >_>
96 A Pegasus With Silk Wings - phallen1

CHS student Software Patch sees the girl of his dreams, doing something he;d only dreamed of doing himself some day.
CHS student Windcatcher sees someone who should REALLY get out of her landing path, because she can't really avoid him standing there.
CHS student Software Patch sees the girl of his dreams, doing something he;d only dreamed of doing himself some day.
CHS student Windcatcher sees someone who should REALLY get out of her landing path, because she can't really avoid him standing there.
97 Wrasslin' is Magic: prompt #19: To Be A Wrestling Champion - Jameson Ethan

(Draw a pony something you 'wish' you can do someday.)
Whilst my oc is around here somewhere, probably sleeping by a window sill. A young Rocket Tier can be my stand-in. As a young bab-bee I pretended to be a champion like Bret Hart (like late 80s / early 90s Bret Hart, when he was Intercontinental Champion, Tag Champion, and had just became World Champion). I won't go into semantics about how pro-wrestling is fake or real, it's all perspective, however, what it really comes down to, is that they are telling a story.
Also, i didn't forget his wrap around his leg, it is being covered by his Astro Boy-like boots. I was watching / listening Astro Boy while drawering.
(Draw a pony something you 'wish' you can do someday.)
Whilst my oc is around here somewhere, probably sleeping by a window sill. A young Rocket Tier can be my stand-in. As a young bab-bee I pretended to be a champion like Bret Hart (like late 80s / early 90s Bret Hart, when he was Intercontinental Champion, Tag Champion, and had just became World Champion). I won't go into semantics about how pro-wrestling is fake or real, it's all perspective, however, what it really comes down to, is that they are telling a story.
Also, i didn't forget his wrap around his leg, it is being covered by his Astro Boy-like boots. I was watching / listening Astro Boy while drawering.
99 Barking Mad - Frith

It took me awhile to settle on which pony doing what for this prompt. Screw Loose's innate talent is to be barking mad, apparently. That and to keep the hospital ponies occupied. Work is made, complexity is added to Equestrian society, everypony is fulfilled. Weird wild web of commensuality. Road apples, gotta go back to bed, alarm goes off in an hour.
It took me awhile to settle on which pony doing what for this prompt. Screw Loose's innate talent is to be barking mad, apparently. That and to keep the hospital ponies occupied. Work is made, complexity is added to Equestrian society, everypony is fulfilled. Weird wild web of commensuality. Road apples, gotta go back to bed, alarm goes off in an hour.
100 Desire Dragon Princess Mary (5-star) - thattagen

I haven't drawn princess Mary in a long time! She's basically the best at everything of course.
I haven't drawn princess Mary in a long time! She's basically the best at everything of course.
Twitter: Calpain