Ah, nothing like deadlines, right my friends? We've all been in that situation where we are racing the clock to get something done. Hopefully with these daily prompts the ATG has helped you all increase your drawing speed while maintaining your quality over the past half month.
Tonight we managed 103 ponies, bringing us up to 2918 ponies in total. Keep it up everyone!
As we approach day 20 of our month long event I want to give you guys another prompt I think you guys will really like based on the turnout for a similar prompt we had earlier. Days ago I had mentioned that one of the things the community loved to do was share things about themselves whether it be how their day was, what their favorite things were, or just whatever was on their minds. Well tonight's prompt gives you another chance to share a little about yourself or share a little bit about your OCs if you have one as I would like you to Draw a pony showing off their special talent / Draw a pony doing something you wish you could do someday.
As usual you can find our submitter here! Good luck everyone, I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission even though this post is up!
Check on after the break for our full gallery!
Tutorial on first day on how to upload
Art tutorials
ATG Alumni Group tutorials
5 Nutstacking Shy Horse - Mango Island

With the 60-second clock counting down, it adds to Fluttershy's stress to complete the Minute to Win It challenge, "The Nutstacker".
With the 60-second clock counting down, it adds to Fluttershy's stress to complete the Minute to Win It challenge, "The Nutstacker".
9 Running out of (bladder space and) time - easyfox7

when bladders are full, time is suddenly of utmost importance.
knowing if your toilet is out of order earlier might have been useful too.
when bladders are full, time is suddenly of utmost importance.
knowing if your toilet is out of order earlier might have been useful too.
12 Running Late - Zecora

This is a reference to "The white rabbit" - The bunny form "Alice in wonderland" - although the show already have made this reference :3
This is a reference to "The white rabbit" - The bunny form "Alice in wonderland" - although the show already have made this reference :3
13 Tick tock - Slizergiy

The artist makes no apolagies becuase more than one person is probably going to do this...
The artist makes no apolagies becuase more than one person is probably going to do this...
14 EQD ATG 7 DAY 18 : Fluttershy is late - Cakestealer

Today is the last day before school so I went all out because I might no be able to manage a drawing for each day because of school but I'll try. I'm
Today is the last day before school so I went all out because I might no be able to manage a drawing for each day because of school but I'll try. I'm
16 Rainbow Dash Racing the Time Attack - B.J. Dazzle

Sonic Mania is amazing. I was just looking for an excuse to draw it with today's prompt. Carry on!
Sonic Mania is amazing. I was just looking for an excuse to draw it with today's prompt. Carry on!
21 NATG2017 - DAY18 - Racing The Clock - DarkDabula

To race the clock isn't your thing Dashie !
Hi guys !
Today I had some difficulties with the topic of Equestria Daylis Newbie Artist Training Ground.
So while I am pretty beat after this day at work, I decided to take the topic literally. And who is the fastest pony and who likes nothing more than winning races !? Yeah, Rainbow Dash !!! But the clocks isn't a very good opponent.
Created with pen(s) and paper
Color correction with GIMP
To race the clock isn't your thing Dashie !
Hi guys !
Today I had some difficulties with the topic of Equestria Daylis Newbie Artist Training Ground.
So while I am pretty beat after this day at work, I decided to take the topic literally. And who is the fastest pony and who likes nothing more than winning races !? Yeah, Rainbow Dash !!! But the clocks isn't a very good opponent.
Created with pen(s) and paper
Color correction with GIMP
22 Twilight Races The Clock - Ninjachristian

Seeing the prompt, I just couldn't help myself. I mean "Draw a pony Racing the clock"? How could I not! xD
Seeing the prompt, I just couldn't help myself. I mean "Draw a pony Racing the clock"? How could I not! xD
23 EQD ATG 18 - Day before the Deadline - WolfieDrawie

This is me... right now... But hey I'm really looking forward to this weekend! Who else is going to attend Czequestria???
This is me... right now... But hey I'm really looking forward to this weekend! Who else is going to attend Czequestria???
25 Against the clock - Taggerung

"You have 13 hours in which to solve the labyrinth before your baby brother becomes one of us...forever. Such a pity."
"You have 13 hours in which to solve the labyrinth before your baby brother becomes one of us...forever. Such a pity."
26 - Pirill

For those with no idea about the pony, it's the 30 minute art challenge mascot Quick Draw! She draws quickly and with much PASSION!
For those with no idea about the pony, it's the 30 minute art challenge mascot Quick Draw! She draws quickly and with much PASSION!
33 I'M LATE! - Ragmo

I'm missing some hours right now... and for the next few days - so, sadly not as much time as i want to have for atg :(
I'm not satisfied with the eyes in this one :(
I'm missing some hours right now... and for the next few days - so, sadly not as much time as i want to have for atg :(
I'm not satisfied with the eyes in this one :(
36 That laptop (in the bag) is running L.A.T.E - Marcsello

Why do I leave myself such a little time to draw lately...
I always end up rushing it :/
Why do I leave myself such a little time to draw lately...
I always end up rushing it :/
38 Not Like They Will Start Without Me - S.Guide

The first thing you learn to love as a teacher is not the students. It's the recess.
The first thing you learn to love as a teacher is not the students. It's the recess.
54 Too Much Time in Equestria - Equalizer (EQ)

Whoops, looks like she spent too much time in Equestria!
Whoops, looks like she spent too much time in Equestria!
57 Scoot Speed - ttkitty441

Keep it up Scootaloo, soon you will fly in ten seconds flat!I am a dummy!
At first I was thinking about a pony racing against a clock, but then I thought other people would do the same, so here is one of Scootaloo! I didn't have that much time so I went traditional again. Sweetie Belle is standing using the cloud walking spell by the way.
Keep it up Scootaloo, soon you will fly in ten seconds flat!I am a dummy!
At first I was thinking about a pony racing against a clock, but then I thought other people would do the same, so here is one of Scootaloo! I didn't have that much time so I went traditional again. Sweetie Belle is standing using the cloud walking spell by the way.
59 Monday Blues - Stone39

When I saw the prompt, I knew it had to be Sunset Shimmer running late from the EqG music video ponified. I'm sure plenty of other people had the same idea. :D
When I saw the prompt, I knew it had to be Sunset Shimmer running late from the EqG music video ponified. I'm sure plenty of other people had the same idea. :D
60 Clock Is Ticking! - Rav Aharon Ben Yisrael

Twilight losing her marbles over an overdue paper. Reference from "Lesson Zero."
Twilight losing her marbles over an overdue paper. Reference from "Lesson Zero."
61 Running Late - ZoneSystem

Sunburst misread his watch and is now very late to an important meeting.
Sunburst misread his watch and is now very late to an important meeting.
62 First Day - EbonyCrystal1986

I know today's prompt called for a pony racing against the clock or a pony running late, but once this image popped into my head of these four friends heading to the schoolhouse just barely after the bell rang, well I couldn't resist drawing it out. x3;;
At first I was going to draw the CMCs doing that, but then I figured why not get creative and make these little fillies instead, and it's their first day of school, so they don't have their cutie marks yet, either. They don't have names, but as soon as I come up with any, I'll post them later. :3
I know today's prompt called for a pony racing against the clock or a pony running late, but once this image popped into my head of these four friends heading to the schoolhouse just barely after the bell rang, well I couldn't resist drawing it out. x3;;
At first I was going to draw the CMCs doing that, but then I figured why not get creative and make these little fillies instead, and it's their first day of school, so they don't have their cutie marks yet, either. They don't have names, but as soon as I come up with any, I'll post them later. :3
70 Wrestling is Magic: prompt #18: The Heartbreaking Finish of the 1-Hour Iron Ma'am Match! - Jameson Ethan

"The time is winding down in this contest between these two; a heated, yet, friendly rivalry.
In recent months they challenged each other to just about any type of match they could think of! Each match had ended with a draw! From a Ladder Match, a Hog-pen Match, to Best of 3s, Best of 5s, and even best of 7s! Heck, they even decided to join forces to became a successful tag-team afterwards; if that's not enough, they became TAG CHAMPIONS, but the only problem was, they were BOTH champions!?
Now, Applejack, just hit Rainbow Dash with her Super-Buck (a super kick) finisner, but it is just not enough, Rainbow Dash is in the lead by one point! Unfortunately, AJ can not make the pin, the referee was out of position and only started counting. Rainbow Dash is out! And Applejack, is out of time!"
What a crazy finish. (If you're not familiar with an Iron Man match, wrestlers score points by pinfall, submission or count-out within said hour.)
"The time is winding down in this contest between these two; a heated, yet, friendly rivalry.
In recent months they challenged each other to just about any type of match they could think of! Each match had ended with a draw! From a Ladder Match, a Hog-pen Match, to Best of 3s, Best of 5s, and even best of 7s! Heck, they even decided to join forces to became a successful tag-team afterwards; if that's not enough, they became TAG CHAMPIONS, but the only problem was, they were BOTH champions!?
Now, Applejack, just hit Rainbow Dash with her Super-Buck (a super kick) finisner, but it is just not enough, Rainbow Dash is in the lead by one point! Unfortunately, AJ can not make the pin, the referee was out of position and only started counting. Rainbow Dash is out! And Applejack, is out of time!"
What a crazy finish. (If you're not familiar with an Iron Man match, wrestlers score points by pinfall, submission or count-out within said hour.)
73 Air Supremacy (Sketch) - The Commandant

"All ERA Air Corps units in the vicinity of this transmission are to fly in Cloudsdale airspace and take down all human aircraft! We don't have much time, their bombers will be on top of us in twenty minutes! Please, we're still trying to evacuate civilians, we need more time! Send in as many aircraft as you can spare! All able bodied Pegasi are to head out to Cloudsdale and provide support for our fighters! Hurry!"
"All ERA Air Corps units in the vicinity of this transmission are to fly in Cloudsdale airspace and take down all human aircraft! We don't have much time, their bombers will be on top of us in twenty minutes! Please, we're still trying to evacuate civilians, we need more time! Send in as many aircraft as you can spare! All able bodied Pegasi are to head out to Cloudsdale and provide support for our fighters! Hurry!"
74 ATG [Day 18] Late! - BluestFlames

This is for the Artist Training Grounds On Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony running late / Draw a pony racing the clock.
So I drew Violet being late, for something...
This is for the Artist Training Grounds On Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony running late / Draw a pony racing the clock.
So I drew Violet being late, for something...
79 Five seconds remain, Appletaro! - KorenCZ11

I wonder if even your Star Arizona can deflect this many knives...
I wonder if even your Star Arizona can deflect this many knives...
80 Waiting - Novaintellus

What's taking so long? It's been maybe 30 minutes.
We said to meet at 6 PM, I hope nothing bad happened.
What's taking so long? It's been maybe 30 minutes.
We said to meet at 6 PM, I hope nothing bad happened.
85 Game Note shows the time - Franzyd

I mean it has a clock
If you're late he's going to call child protective services
I mean it has a clock
If you're late he's going to call child protective services
88 Artist Panic Grounds - Binky T.

Pretty much me these past couple days. The deadline ends when I'm supposed to be sleeping (3:00 AM EST)
Pretty much me these past couple days. The deadline ends when I'm supposed to be sleeping (3:00 AM EST)
91 Pinchy Bunny is late for a very important date. - Goggle Sparks

Coughing isn't going away yet so I'm taking early rest than spending several hour after midnight to ink and color this. I will get back to them when I have my chance, though.
Coughing isn't going away yet so I'm taking early rest than spending several hour after midnight to ink and color this. I will get back to them when I have my chance, though.
93 Pinkie race - Hailey

Just a quick sketch
I know this is a bad joke... But if I am anything...I am a bringer of bad jokes
Just a quick sketch
I know this is a bad joke... But if I am anything...I am a bringer of bad jokes
97 Paradox Pursuit Doctor and Roseluck (4-star) - thattagen

It's been a while since I've seen any Doctor Whooves stuff. Here's a simple DW sketch for today!
It's been a while since I've seen any Doctor Whooves stuff. Here's a simple DW sketch for today!
98 Pinkie's Running Late! - phallen1

A slight divergence since I couldn't come up with a good idea I could make "canon" in the Air Ponyville universe. Here's a human version of the schoolgirl Pinkie I did last year, dropping in to school. Based on a suggestion from the Great and Mighty Poo.
A slight divergence since I couldn't come up with a good idea I could make "canon" in the Air Ponyville universe. Here's a human version of the schoolgirl Pinkie I did last year, dropping in to school. Based on a suggestion from the Great and Mighty Poo.
100 Imgonnabelate - Huffy26

This Minuette is from Minuette vs Tardiness (It's a pony platforming game that was made a while ago).
This Minuette is from Minuette vs Tardiness (It's a pony platforming game that was made a while ago).
102 Race The Clock - Frith

I had nearly finished this hours before deadline... and then I had to rest my eyes. Now it's well over an hour past deadline. One little pony in great distress, searches everywhere for a saddle-like dress. If she can't find one smaller than small, then she can't go to the Ponyville Ball.
I had nearly finished this hours before deadline... and then I had to rest my eyes. Now it's well over an hour past deadline. One little pony in great distress, searches everywhere for a saddle-like dress. If she can't find one smaller than small, then she can't go to the Ponyville Ball.
Twitter: Calpain