This post is going up a little early due to the episode stream post going up at midnight. You still have the usual amount of time to get your artwork in!
While family can drive us nuts sometimes, they can always be there when you need them. Just don't bring a bunch of families together and get too competitive, things can turn ugly, heh.
Thanks to all of your hard work tonight we managed to bring in an a nice haul of 107 ponies tonight bringing us up to 2324 ponies altogether!
For tonight's prompt I thought we'd try something a little different from our prompts so far! Being an artist is also about being a part of a community and letting yourself be expressed through your art and share what you love with others. So tonight I have a what I hope is a treat for you guys as I want you to Draw a pony crossing over with your favorite game/book/movie/ect / Draw a pony doing something you enjoy.
As usual you can find the submitter for today here. Have fun everyone!
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission even though this post is up!
Check on after the break for our full gallery!
Tutorial on first day on how to upload
Art tutorialsATG Alumni Group tutorials
2 A Dungeon Party - FreshlyPositive

As the OC Party Trio embark on a quest,they stumbled upon an error in their ways.
perhaps a class mishap.
As the OC Party Trio embark on a quest,they stumbled upon an error in their ways.
perhaps a class mishap.
14 Applejack's Lullaby - Stone39

"Hush now, little sister
You're loved by all you know
You'll never lose their friendship
No matter where you go
There ain't no call to worry
So don't you cry or fret
A cutie mark won't change you
No matter what you get"
Another shot at the Apple Family sleepytime. With the official introduction of Pear Butter, I could finally draw her as their mother. She seems to be very proud of Applejack taking care of her Apple Bloom.
"Hush now, little sister
You're loved by all you know
You'll never lose their friendship
No matter where you go
There ain't no call to worry
So don't you cry or fret
A cutie mark won't change you
No matter what you get"
Another shot at the Apple Family sleepytime. With the official introduction of Pear Butter, I could finally draw her as their mother. She seems to be very proud of Applejack taking care of her Apple Bloom.
19 - Still Waters

So maybe more of a nightmare night event hosted in Canterlot than a /party/ but... >3>
So maybe more of a nightmare night event hosted in Canterlot than a /party/ but... >3>
21 There is a Pony in my cake! - Ragmo

Pink Party Pony Pinkie Pie joins our party and makes her happy :)
Pink Party Pony Pinkie Pie joins our party and makes her happy :)
24 Fan Art Convention - Jonathan

I made this with the thought "Gathering of ponies". It's not a party or a family gathering, but it counts, right? right. I didn't do that that good a job on this one. I tried to use two point perspective, but I had already drawn the building and the pony at the door in one point perspective. I didn't realize there was an issue till after I had darkened a lot of the lines. Oh well, good practice and I had fun. I guess that's what counts. Really excited to see what everybody else has come up with!
I made this with the thought "Gathering of ponies". It's not a party or a family gathering, but it counts, right? right. I didn't do that that good a job on this one. I tried to use two point perspective, but I had already drawn the building and the pony at the door in one point perspective. I didn't realize there was an issue till after I had darkened a lot of the lines. Oh well, good practice and I had fun. I guess that's what counts. Really excited to see what everybody else has come up with!
25 This was supposed to be relaxing! - LennyStendhal13

When Pinkie Pie invited Stendhal Syndrome to a picnic, he thought it would be fun, as every activity with Pinkie. What he wasn't expecting was that his sisters would come along too so now he's kind of stressed out ;P
Pinkie: Come on, Stendhal, help yourself: you're our guest, so you can have all the cake you want!
Maud: I don't care how much you take...I don't like cake...just leave a small bit for Boulder...
Limestone: Don't you dare take a bigger slice than me, or I'll DESTROY you!
Marble (thinking) : If he looks at me, I'll start running!
Sorry for the bad quality, the drawing is better than it looks :/
When Pinkie Pie invited Stendhal Syndrome to a picnic, he thought it would be fun, as every activity with Pinkie. What he wasn't expecting was that his sisters would come along too so now he's kind of stressed out ;P
Pinkie: Come on, Stendhal, help yourself: you're our guest, so you can have all the cake you want!
Maud: I don't care how much you take...I don't like cake...just leave a small bit for Boulder...
Limestone: Don't you dare take a bigger slice than me, or I'll DESTROY you!
Marble (thinking) : If he looks at me, I'll start running!
Sorry for the bad quality, the drawing is better than it looks :/
26 NATG2017 - DAY13 - Partaaayyy - DarkDabula

Its always nice to be together with your friends.
Hi guys !
Today I am not in a good condition to create art because I didn't sleep very well last night and its already late here in Germany. But as every day I try to contribute something for EqDs Newbie Artist Training Ground.
The is no party without Pinkie Pie. But to celebrate a party you need also some friends and here they are.
This time I am not 100% satisfied with the result. There are many strange things like Fluttershys mane or Spike. I think this is the result of to few hours of sleep ;D Hope it isn't to bad anyway ...
Created with pen(s) and paper
Color correction with GIMP
Its always nice to be together with your friends.
Hi guys !
Today I am not in a good condition to create art because I didn't sleep very well last night and its already late here in Germany. But as every day I try to contribute something for EqDs Newbie Artist Training Ground.
The is no party without Pinkie Pie. But to celebrate a party you need also some friends and here they are.
This time I am not 100% satisfied with the result. There are many strange things like Fluttershys mane or Spike. I think this is the result of to few hours of sleep ;D Hope it isn't to bad anyway ...
Created with pen(s) and paper
Color correction with GIMP
27 Family bonding with Lamika and Vigilant! - Rarityismywaifu

Breakfast with the family is a nice time to spend some time together!
So Vigilant and Lamika always try to have this meal together and enjoy each other̢۪s company!
Breakfast with the family is a nice time to spend some time together!
So Vigilant and Lamika always try to have this meal together and enjoy each other̢۪s company!
31 Oldschool Mommy. - Binky T.

A quick doodle of my OC Saving Grace with her son Rolling Thunder. I haven't drawn the latter in a while. As a single mother, she always strives to be close to her sin and be like his father figure in a way. On her days off from work and isn't busy, she'll put her time into spending time with her son. Here she's showing him that she's still got it when it comes to video games. Especially some old school ones she grewup with.
A quick doodle of my OC Saving Grace with her son Rolling Thunder. I haven't drawn the latter in a while. As a single mother, she always strives to be close to her sin and be like his father figure in a way. On her days off from work and isn't busy, she'll put her time into spending time with her son. Here she's showing him that she's still got it when it comes to video games. Especially some old school ones she grewup with.
32 Sisters: Employ diplomacy. - Kinrah

"It's the most often seen state of diplomacy between the two of you, as much as a family activity as anything else. You blame Celestia. You always blame Celestia. She always starts it to get you into trouble. Stupid lousy older sisters."
Not much more needs explaining, really. An animation, a fight, what else are sisters supposed to do? Love and respect each other? Only when she's not being a controlling jerk and she's not shirking her lessons to read comic books.
"It's the most often seen state of diplomacy between the two of you, as much as a family activity as anything else. You blame Celestia. You always blame Celestia. She always starts it to get you into trouble. Stupid lousy older sisters."
Not much more needs explaining, really. An animation, a fight, what else are sisters supposed to do? Love and respect each other? Only when she's not being a controlling jerk and she's not shirking her lessons to read comic books.
33 Fighting sisters, big brothers - Hoffman

My very first time with Artist Training Ground but not first contact with art ;) I drew this in hurry, all with mouse, so it looks not that impressive. But hey, it is all about good time and fun :)
My very first time with Artist Training Ground but not first contact with art ;) I drew this in hurry, all with mouse, so it looks not that impressive. But hey, it is all about good time and fun :)
36 I thought you were bringing it! - Rav Aharon ben Yisrael

The Royal Sisters Celestia and Luna arguing over who forgot to bring a gift to Cranky and Matilda's wedding. Reference from "Slice of Life."
The Royal Sisters Celestia and Luna arguing over who forgot to bring a gift to Cranky and Matilda's wedding. Reference from "Slice of Life."
38 The Hooves Family Party 3 - B.J. Dazzle

Truly, friendships will be strengthened in this most glorious of activities Pinkie has prepared!
Pretty sure I'm not the only one to do this today, but I did it anyway. So there.
Truly, friendships will be strengthened in this most glorious of activities Pinkie has prepared!
Pretty sure I'm not the only one to do this today, but I did it anyway. So there.
40 Party of One - Gary Mitchelhill (Rapidsnap)

Quite a simple drawing for today, just to give my hand a rest.
Quite a simple drawing for today, just to give my hand a rest.
41 Sunny Glow 'enjoys' pinkies party - Bronymedic

Pinkie is the most enjoyable pony to draw for me and, as soon as party was mentioned she was in. Unfortunately Sunny prefers her parties a bit more low keyed.
Pinkie is the most enjoyable pony to draw for me and, as soon as party was mentioned she was in. Unfortunately Sunny prefers her parties a bit more low keyed.
46 - Marc Fisher

These faces turned out really good! When they say draw a whole line, it works. Sometimes...
All my fellow Bronies, really, keep practicing, use references, try other animals, LEARN! I've tried so hard for the last two years, and it really does show. Never surrender!
These faces turned out really good! When they say draw a whole line, it works. Sometimes...
All my fellow Bronies, really, keep practicing, use references, try other animals, LEARN! I've tried so hard for the last two years, and it really does show. Never surrender!
49 ATG VII Day XIII: Pony Family [Activity] - RizDub

When I first read the prompt I missed the word "activity." So... I guess getting a family portrait counts as an activity, right?
I had to do a lot of digital fine-tuning in this one.
When I first read the prompt I missed the word "activity." So... I guess getting a family portrait counts as an activity, right?
I had to do a lot of digital fine-tuning in this one.
51 Family Dance - Ttkitty441

I worked SOOOO hard on this, so I hope one day to be header image...
This has a bit of the feels, dancing apple family, including the deceased family, and the soon-to-be family.
Also, is it just me, or does the Brightbutter couple look a lot like the Sugarmac couple?
I worked SOOOO hard on this, so I hope one day to be header image...
This has a bit of the feels, dancing apple family, including the deceased family, and the soon-to-be family.
Also, is it just me, or does the Brightbutter couple look a lot like the Sugarmac couple?
54 Today's family activity: Drawing Ponies! - GumBlackwood

Today I came home to the kid asking to draw; so we got to spend quite some time having a pony family activity, drawing ponies.
I didn't get much time to actual draw or think, but you have a truly new artist behind the abstract parts of these drawings. I'm so happy to share this with her.
QOTD "Draw Pinkie Pie! Pinkie Pie is so excited!"
Today I came home to the kid asking to draw; so we got to spend quite some time having a pony family activity, drawing ponies.
I didn't get much time to actual draw or think, but you have a truly new artist behind the abstract parts of these drawings. I'm so happy to share this with her.
QOTD "Draw Pinkie Pie! Pinkie Pie is so excited!"
57 Family Activity - ZoneSystem

Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles getting ready to cheer on their daughter, Rainbow Dash, as the best nap-taker in all of Equestria!
Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles getting ready to cheer on their daughter, Rainbow Dash, as the best nap-taker in all of Equestria!
63 Always Family (Sketch) - The Commandant

The greatest thing about a family is that you'll always have the knowledge that at least someone truly cares about you, whether through blood or friendship.
Oops, realized a little too late that this wasn't exactly going along with the prompt. Oh well, I'll get it tomorrow.
The greatest thing about a family is that you'll always have the knowledge that at least someone truly cares about you, whether through blood or friendship.
Oops, realized a little too late that this wasn't exactly going along with the prompt. Oh well, I'll get it tomorrow.
67 Music in Our Bones - EbonyCrystal1986

As most little fillies are with their dads, Ebony and Smooth Jazz were VERY, VERY close with each other. One of their favorite things to do together was to listen to his favorite old records and have little contests to see who could pull off the silliest dance moves. Granted most of them ended in a tie, but they always had a lot of fun and that's what mattered most to both of them. :3
NOT my best work, but I had an idea at the last minute to make this one of little Ebony's first drawings before she got her cutie mark, hence her not having one here this time. I still think it was a cute idea since my dad and I used to do that IRL when I was little. In fact this was referenced from an old photograph I found in an album a while back, so I couldn't resist drawing it out with these two for today's prompt. :3
Plus I was listening to one of dad's favorite songs at the time so that's where I came up with the title. :'3
As most little fillies are with their dads, Ebony and Smooth Jazz were VERY, VERY close with each other. One of their favorite things to do together was to listen to his favorite old records and have little contests to see who could pull off the silliest dance moves. Granted most of them ended in a tie, but they always had a lot of fun and that's what mattered most to both of them. :3
NOT my best work, but I had an idea at the last minute to make this one of little Ebony's first drawings before she got her cutie mark, hence her not having one here this time. I still think it was a cute idea since my dad and I used to do that IRL when I was little. In fact this was referenced from an old photograph I found in an album a while back, so I couldn't resist drawing it out with these two for today's prompt. :3
Plus I was listening to one of dad's favorite songs at the time so that's where I came up with the title. :'3
69 You Sunk My Battleship! - Luftwaffles163

After reading the prompt, I had some fond memories of playing Battleship with my younger brother. As a result, I drew his OC Circuit Board and my OC Tale Craft advertising the game in its old 1967 style format.
After reading the prompt, I had some fond memories of playing Battleship with my younger brother. As a result, I drew his OC Circuit Board and my OC Tale Craft advertising the game in its old 1967 style format.
70 The Family You Choose - AspieFluttershy

I am well aware that this is not my best work. I plan on redrawing this at some point.
I am well aware that this is not my best work. I plan on redrawing this at some point.
71 Party Of One - Frith

I circumvented the multi-pony complexities that would have kept me up until the wee hours by making it a party of one. I chose this frame for the unusual expression and body.
I circumvented the multi-pony complexities that would have kept me up until the wee hours by making it a party of one. I chose this frame for the unusual expression and body.
74 ATG [Day 13] Party time! - BluestFlames

This is for the Artist Training Grounds On Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony family activity / Draw a pony party!
So I drew a few of my OCs dancing!
This is for the Artist Training Grounds On Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony family activity / Draw a pony party!
So I drew a few of my OCs dancing!
85 First Time Cooking - Novaintellus

That ingredient is the most amazing granite to give a crunchy texture,
While over there is feldspar, which can be shaved for a nice garnish.
That ingredient is the most amazing granite to give a crunchy texture,
While over there is feldspar, which can be shaved for a nice garnish.
86 P.S.S.S.D - Star Shine

"Gift giving isn't a competition. It's an expression of love." - Star Shine
"Gift giving isn't a competition. It's an expression of love." - Star Shine
92 party of none - Citizen Smiley

Continuing my trend of only drawing one character and having little relation to the prompt because that seems to be all I'm capable of.
Continuing my trend of only drawing one character and having little relation to the prompt because that seems to be all I'm capable of.
96 Pinkie and Fluttershy, it's Party Time - Ignited Sage

Everypony is feeling fine cause it is party time! Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy should coordinated the party time. It seems Pinkie Pie is up four days straight since she didn't get feature Tuesday. This scares Fluttershy.
Everypony is feeling fine cause it is party time! Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy should coordinated the party time. It seems Pinkie Pie is up four days straight since she didn't get feature Tuesday. This scares Fluttershy.
97 Buy Some Apples - Huffy26

Sorry, Big Mac! I ran out of time, so I couldn't draw you a bazooka this time! D=
Sorry, Big Mac! I ran out of time, so I couldn't draw you a bazooka this time! D=
98 Great Expectations - phallen1

Soon-to-be mother Cadance and soon-to-be aunt Twilight appreciating family and new life.
Soon-to-be mother Cadance and soon-to-be aunt Twilight appreciating family and new life.
101 Wrestling is Magic: prompt #13: There Ain't No Party, Quite like a SUPER-KICK PARTY! - Jameson Ethan

"What! Sweet Celestia!(?) What are members of Twilight Wyatt's stable doing here?! They have no business being in this match, maybe they are trying to impress their leader, but they are providing a great distraction! While Rocket Tier is giving each and everyone a Super Kick for their troubles coming out to ringside! And their the last of 'em, not even The Big Mac couldn't give a buck! It seems Rocket was ready for them, too! OH! Over The Big Mac goes! But look out Rocket Tier, Spotlight Splash, the one received the first kick, is slowly standing up!"
Augh, 4 run-ins?! At least Rockey held his own against 4 others!
(I almost skip this one, but then i recalled the Young Bucks and their Superkick Parties!)
"What! Sweet Celestia!(?) What are members of Twilight Wyatt's stable doing here?! They have no business being in this match, maybe they are trying to impress their leader, but they are providing a great distraction! While Rocket Tier is giving each and everyone a Super Kick for their troubles coming out to ringside! And their the last of 'em, not even The Big Mac couldn't give a buck! It seems Rocket was ready for them, too! OH! Over The Big Mac goes! But look out Rocket Tier, Spotlight Splash, the one received the first kick, is slowly standing up!"
Augh, 4 run-ins?! At least Rockey held his own against 4 others!
(I almost skip this one, but then i recalled the Young Bucks and their Superkick Parties!)
102 ATG7 Day 13 - Party of One - Joseph Ortiz

Not gonna lie, I kind of rushed this one. I don't think it necessarily turned out bad, but I do feel like I could've come up with a better idea than this.
Not gonna lie, I kind of rushed this one. I don't think it necessarily turned out bad, but I do feel like I could've come up with a better idea than this.
103 Celestia at night - Hailey

I think about those 1,000 years a lot. This is how imagine Celestia spent most of her nights
I think about those 1,000 years a lot. This is how imagine Celestia spent most of her nights
104 Pinkamena's Party - ManicDiane

I spent way too much time on this. If I hadn't I could've had a prayer of submitting this on time
I spent way too much time on this. If I hadn't I could've had a prayer of submitting this on time
107 [MLP:FiM] Wacky Swordplay - Optic Rainfall

Seems that Party Favor made balloon swords for both Double Diamond and Night Glider to wack each other with.
Seems that Party Favor made balloon swords for both Double Diamond and Night Glider to wack each other with.
Twitter: Calpain