Regardless of what we do or who we are we all go through the personal journey of life. Every moment adds a another step in the staircase that makes up this journey and while the steps ahead of us may be hard we can look behind us and see all we've accomplished and how high we've climbed.
In another small step on your own personal journeys you guys came up with another 119 ponies bringing us up to 2217 ponies altogether! Keep up the amazing work everyone.
Tonight's prompt touches on something really important we see in the show: families and having fun with others. Not only will this give you more chances to draw multiple ponies and help improve your drawing times but I hope it gives another chance to flesh out the many OCs I've seen during the ATG and explore more aspects of characters from the show. So tonight I'd like you guys to Draw a pony family activity / Draw a pony party!
As always the compiler can be found here. Best of luck everyone!
Remember, our compiler is up a few hours even after this post goes up so feel free to submit your submission even though this post is up!
Check on after the break for our full gallery!
Tutorial on first day on how to upload
Art tutorialsATG Alumni Group tutorials
4 Dream Catcher - Drawpones

Finally! Thanks for fixing the link, Cal.
I finally found my motivation again. It was lying in a corner of my room waiting to be used again. Which I did. Enjoy.
Finally! Thanks for fixing the link, Cal.
I finally found my motivation again. It was lying in a corner of my room waiting to be used again. Which I did. Enjoy.
9 Dream Thief - ATG VII Day 12 - Visrack

Celestia would love to dream but Luna is making that difficult...
Celestia would love to dream but Luna is making that difficult...
10 Rainboom Practice - Rav Aharon ben Yisrael

Rainbow Dash attempting to perform a sonic rainboom while practicing for the Young Flyers Competition. Reference from "Sonic Rainboom."
Rainbow Dash attempting to perform a sonic rainboom while practicing for the Young Flyers Competition. Reference from "Sonic Rainboom."
13 Don't worry,I will be with you - MDStw

Princess Luna,chasing the dreams which has night mare inside,and protect every ponies she love.
Princess Luna,chasing the dreams which has night mare inside,and protect every ponies she love.
14 Reaching for the cookies - Slizergiy

Young Twilight wants the cookies. Someone else wants them too..
Young Twilight wants the cookies. Someone else wants them too..
19 Young Illusionist - Taggerung

A young Trixie shows her passion for magic, at least she will when she can gat a grasp of how to use it more. For now, illusion will have to do.
The crowd she pulls is small, more for the artist running short of time and having trouble coming up with an idea, but she may still make enough to buy that new cape and hat…
A young Trixie shows her passion for magic, at least she will when she can gat a grasp of how to use it more. For now, illusion will have to do.
The crowd she pulls is small, more for the artist running short of time and having trouble coming up with an idea, but she may still make enough to buy that new cape and hat…
23 NATG2017 - DAY12 - Chase Your Dream - DarkDabula

Someday you will catch it !
Hi guys !
Today I drew just a small piece because I didn't get any good ideas for todays motto.
So I drew a classic Derpy who is chasing her favorite "dream". Hope you like it.
Created with pen(s) and paper
Color correction with GIMP
Someday you will catch it !
Hi guys !
Today I drew just a small piece because I didn't get any good ideas for todays motto.
So I drew a classic Derpy who is chasing her favorite "dream". Hope you like it.
Created with pen(s) and paper
Color correction with GIMP
28 Reaching a goal - Ragmo

I'm sorry... this is bad... in multiple ways :(
don't like the eyes this time
I'm sorry... this is bad... in multiple ways :(
don't like the eyes this time
32 Kell egy ház, lenn az óceán partján... - Marcsello

... majd ha végleg visszavonultam
(something like "I need a house, by the sea, once I got retired.")
... majd ha végleg visszavonultam
(something like "I need a house, by the sea, once I got retired.")
37 PATG Day 12 - Recipe writer - Cobalt Sketch

Dream big, big enough to hold over 145 complete recipies!
Dream big, big enough to hold over 145 complete recipies!
43 Learn to fly - LennyStendhal13

I didn't quite feel good today but I didn't like the idea to skip a day, so here's a little Scoots trying to learn to fly to become like her mentor. I know it's nothing special, but that's pretty much the most complex thing I could do today ^^; Hope you like it anyway ^^
I didn't quite feel good today but I didn't like the idea to skip a day, so here's a little Scoots trying to learn to fly to become like her mentor. I know it's nothing special, but that's pretty much the most complex thing I could do today ^^; Hope you like it anyway ^^
46 Daydreaming on cleanup duty - Comic Relief

I swear, by the end of season 7 or 8, Rainbow is going to be the new captain of the Wonderbolts. Im calling it now.
I swear, by the end of season 7 or 8, Rainbow is going to be the new captain of the Wonderbolts. Im calling it now.
47 Healing - AspieFluttershy

Applejack relearning how to use her broken leg. Recovery/healing is a worthy goal and a great accomplishment. To anyone recovering from anything, physical, mental, etc., I am proud of you.
Applejack relearning how to use her broken leg. Recovery/healing is a worthy goal and a great accomplishment. To anyone recovering from anything, physical, mental, etc., I am proud of you.
48 Applejack the Dream Chaser - B.J. Dazzle

I'll let you fill in the blanks on this one.
Good to be back and drawing ponies again!
I'll let you fill in the blanks on this one.
Good to be back and drawing ponies again!
49 I Swear to Sister, Once I Catch You... - S.Guide

If you chase your dream for long enough, your dream will start chasing you--and every other pony it comes by. --Neightzsche
If you chase your dream for long enough, your dream will start chasing you--and every other pony it comes by. --Neightzsche
51 A Simple Dream - Jonathan

My dream is to serve the Lord my God, and to share the love he has shown me with others. Since today's prompt was "draw a pony chasing their dreams / reaching for a goal" I thought I would draw my oc (which is in development) Helping an old lady rake her lawn. Hope you like it!
My dream is to serve the Lord my God, and to share the love he has shown me with others. Since today's prompt was "draw a pony chasing their dreams / reaching for a goal" I thought I would draw my oc (which is in development) Helping an old lady rake her lawn. Hope you like it!
52 I'll go sailing, no more. - KorenCZ11

No it can't be true
I could fly if I wanted to
Like a bird in the sky
If I believe I can fly
Why I'd fly
Clearly I will go sailing, no more.
No it can't be true
I could fly if I wanted to
Like a bird in the sky
If I believe I can fly
Why I'd fly
Clearly I will go sailing, no more.
55 Sky High Goals - Gary Mitchelhill (Rapidsnap)

A tough one for me and the first appearence of my OC: Rapidsnap for this years ATG. I missed day 11 as I was too tired after my mini adventure (and got another one coming up next week), but hopefully catch up with it on one of the Catch Up days. My drawing has gone a bit iffy as I'm suffering strain in my hand from work, hopefully it settle down in a few days.
A tough one for me and the first appearence of my OC: Rapidsnap for this years ATG. I missed day 11 as I was too tired after my mini adventure (and got another one coming up next week), but hopefully catch up with it on one of the Catch Up days. My drawing has gone a bit iffy as I'm suffering strain in my hand from work, hopefully it settle down in a few days.
60 Scootaloo Chasing Her Dream - Bright Idea

Left out Scoot's cutiemark because she just might be chasing after that...or trying her best to pull off the most daring scooter-stunt possible...take your pick! :P
Left out Scoot's cutiemark because she just might be chasing after that...or trying her best to pull off the most daring scooter-stunt possible...take your pick! :P
65 Day 12 - daExile

"Dream" in prompt, so I couldn't resist to draw some napping horsies. Also pegasus bias.
"Dream" in prompt, so I couldn't resist to draw some napping horsies. Also pegasus bias.
68 Subversive Ghost - AaronMk

When your climbing to and want of the cookie jar releases the unformed lich of union activism under the banner "don't mourn, organize"
Both are good.
When your climbing to and want of the cookie jar releases the unformed lich of union activism under the banner "don't mourn, organize"
Both are good.
71 Serious Builder - Stone39

Nicole's goal for the day? Build a LEGO kit with Feather's help. Nothing says teamwork like asking for one, red 2x4 tall LEGO brick to match the written instructions for the build.
Nicole's goal for the day? Build a LEGO kit with Feather's help. Nothing says teamwork like asking for one, red 2x4 tall LEGO brick to match the written instructions for the build.
72 The struggle of becoming an artist - DJDavid98

Legend has it that if you practice long enough you'll eventually be good at art, but unfortunately it isn't always easy to come up with ideas or to renounce playing video games all day to get some much needed mileage in those muscles.
Legend has it that if you practice long enough you'll eventually be good at art, but unfortunately it isn't always easy to come up with ideas or to renounce playing video games all day to get some much needed mileage in those muscles.
73 Achieving Dreams - ZoneSystem

Thunderlane had a dream to become a Wonderbolt. As of S7E7 (Parental Glideance) he was finally able to achieve that dream.
Thunderlane had a dream to become a Wonderbolt. As of S7E7 (Parental Glideance) he was finally able to achieve that dream.
75 Chasing Dreams - Fluttershy_Z

I don't really know. Although Pinkie's dreams would probably be weird like this.
Also continuing on that Droste effect thing from yesterday, just a few levels deeper. Cause who doesn't like recursion?
I don't really know. Although Pinkie's dreams would probably be weird like this.
Also continuing on that Droste effect thing from yesterday, just a few levels deeper. Cause who doesn't like recursion?
76 Sweet dreams are made of... - World Eater

Dreams are great. It's like your brain suddenly gets much better at storytelling, and puts on a show for you, every night. Trouble is getting there. Why is a natural process you undergo every night so hard to initiate?
Dreams are great. It's like your brain suddenly gets much better at storytelling, and puts on a show for you, every night. Trouble is getting there. Why is a natural process you undergo every night so hard to initiate?
77 Reach for the Wonderbolts - ttkitty441

If you don't understand: Spitfire and Rainbow Dash are fillies here, and at this point, both of them didn't get there cutiemarks yet and Rainbow Dash doesn't know how to fly but Spitfire does.
If you don't understand: Spitfire and Rainbow Dash are fillies here, and at this point, both of them didn't get there cutiemarks yet and Rainbow Dash doesn't know how to fly but Spitfire does.
78 ATG [Day 12] *Chasing dreams* - BluestFlames

This is for the Artist Training Grounds On Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony chasing their dreams / Draw a pony reaching for a goal.
So I drew Violet "Chasing her dreams" Of getting a longer tail.
This is for the Artist Training Grounds On Equestria Daily!
Today's prompt was to: Draw a pony chasing their dreams / Draw a pony reaching for a goal.
So I drew Violet "Chasing her dreams" Of getting a longer tail.
79 Sunny Glow pursuing her dreams - Bronymedic

Pursuing dreams takes time, hard work and dedication. Dreams aren't easy to attain otherwise they wouldn't be dreams. For Sunny, studying hard is an integral part of her pursuit, even if sleep must be sacrificed!
Pursuing dreams takes time, hard work and dedication. Dreams aren't easy to attain otherwise they wouldn't be dreams. For Sunny, studying hard is an integral part of her pursuit, even if sleep must be sacrificed!
80 ATG VII Day XII: Pony Chasing Dreams - RizDub

I wanted to avoid doing a pun today, I really did. I also wanted to do something simpler after the rock cavern I did yesterday. But I couldn't think of something that satisfied both conditions, so I just did this.
I wanted to avoid doing a pun today, I really did. I also wanted to do something simpler after the rock cavern I did yesterday. But I couldn't think of something that satisfied both conditions, so I just did this.
83 Where to Now? - Novaintellus

"Nopony knows that we are still here, Smiling beneath the moonlight
while remembering our dear mother, For we will forever be, her children
of the night."........I'm too tired
"Nopony knows that we are still here, Smiling beneath the moonlight
while remembering our dear mother, For we will forever be, her children
of the night."........I'm too tired
88 Going for It - HalflingPony

Wait a minute... it *is* called a "goal" when they knock the ball under the net in volleymitten, right? Or is that called a "down" cause that's the direction they hit it? I can never keep my sportsball terms straight.
Wait a minute... it *is* called a "goal" when they knock the ball under the net in volleymitten, right? Or is that called a "down" cause that's the direction they hit it? I can never keep my sportsball terms straight.
100 Scootaloo's Image Training - phallen1

Scootaloo is still a little too young, a little too small, to be allowed to go through skydiver training for real. But Dash will let her wear her rig, and she can still practice what she can on the ground, and imagine the time some day soon when she can share the sky with her hero and mentor...
Scootaloo is still a little too young, a little too small, to be allowed to go through skydiver training for real. But Dash will let her wear her rig, and she can still practice what she can on the ground, and imagine the time some day soon when she can share the sky with her hero and mentor...
102 Reaching for the GOOOOOOOOOOOOAL!~! - Mister Twister

GIMP always does something to images that makes them appear washed out on Deviantart. I DON'T KNOW WHY.
GIMP always does something to images that makes them appear washed out on Deviantart. I DON'T KNOW WHY.
104 ATG7 Day 12 - The Next Step Forward - Joseph Ortiz

Depending on your headcanon concerning the future of the CMC, I would assume that one of Scootaloo's next goals would be to work her way into the Wonderbolts so as to join Rainbow Dash and continue to follow in the footsteps of the pony whom she admires so much.
Depending on your headcanon concerning the future of the CMC, I would assume that one of Scootaloo's next goals would be to work her way into the Wonderbolts so as to join Rainbow Dash and continue to follow in the footsteps of the pony whom she admires so much.
105 Here we are - Star Shine

"We all got the same cutie mark! Cutie Mark Crusaders forever!" - Cutie Mark Crusaders
"We all got the same cutie mark! Cutie Mark Crusaders forever!" - Cutie Mark Crusaders
106 A pony reaching for a goal (or denying a goal, what ever floats your boat) - Veryzoned

Yeah the Deviant Art page title of this is a Pony in action but it just so happened that my pony was reaching for a goal as well so here it is! Again! I was gonna colour it in...but I spent the entire day reinstalling and calibrating and programming the shortcuts to my tablet. Yeah.
Yeah the Deviant Art page title of this is a Pony in action but it just so happened that my pony was reaching for a goal as well so here it is! Again! I was gonna colour it in...but I spent the entire day reinstalling and calibrating and programming the shortcuts to my tablet. Yeah.
107 becoming one of canterlot's trusted - jayruki

"ever since I was little, I always wanted to help other ponies, because of that desire, I chose to become a medic for canterlot"
"ever since I was little, I always wanted to help other ponies, because of that desire, I chose to become a medic for canterlot"
110 Wrestling is Magic: prompt #12: Going for the Early Pin! - Jameson Ethan

"What a sequence of chain wrestling! If you missed it, we not gonna be able to show that again, not in a million years! However, Rocket Tier had just reversed an Irish Whip as he fought off Spotlight Splash's early domination. Through grit and experience he was able to knock down Spotlight, after a surprise running bulldog, a senton and a reverse hip toss that he was able to block to slam her to the canvas. He went for the early pin, but that just won't be enough for Spotlight to be stuck with the 1-2-3! Not bad, although, Rocket Tier needs to keep on the pressure!"
2! 2! She gets her shoulder up!
That is a referee, i faded 'em out to bring focus to our wrestling superstars.
"What a sequence of chain wrestling! If you missed it, we not gonna be able to show that again, not in a million years! However, Rocket Tier had just reversed an Irish Whip as he fought off Spotlight Splash's early domination. Through grit and experience he was able to knock down Spotlight, after a surprise running bulldog, a senton and a reverse hip toss that he was able to block to slam her to the canvas. He went for the early pin, but that just won't be enough for Spotlight to be stuck with the 1-2-3! Not bad, although, Rocket Tier needs to keep on the pressure!"
2! 2! She gets her shoulder up!
That is a referee, i faded 'em out to bring focus to our wrestling superstars.
113 Rarity and Luna Dreamed a Little Dream - Ignited Sage

Too tired but here we have Rarity and Luna looking at their most sought after goals
Too tired but here we have Rarity and Luna looking at their most sought after goals
119 [MLP:FiM] Mailmare Dinky - Optic Rainfall

So cute to see this role play going on here. Having Dinky follow in Derpy's hoofsteps, imagine that.
So cute to see this role play going on here. Having Dinky follow in Derpy's hoofsteps, imagine that.
Twitter: Calpain