• Season 7 Episode 15 Revealed - Triple Threat - Possible Synopsis Rumor, Chrysalis! (Rumor Debunked!)

    Once again GeorgeQGreg has another episode title for you guys! And not only that but a possible episode synopsis but not from GeorgeQGreg. Another submitter grabbed this info off Google before it was taken down apparently.

    Man, things are getting weird.

    Check after the break for the rumored synopsis for the new episode "Triple Threat" after the break!

    The recent title reveals have indeed been confirmed from our reliable source, this synopsis is not yet confirmed but everything from GeorgeQGreg has been so far. I know, confusing, right?

    Update: We have just had a confession from the person who sent us the synopsis that it was a lie they made up based on the data they have received so far from George. The title IS correct but the rumored synopsis is a fake. We have no idea what this episode is about now.

    This is a false

    Twitter: Calpain