Been awhile since we had one of these! We really need to get some fresh streamers in on these things.
If you or know someone who would like to stream, sign up by sending your info into [email protected]! We take more than just art, so if you're streaming your music, crafting or anything else feel free to participate!
Note: Livestream Sundays are back on track, send in your info if you can participate!
As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at [email protected] with your name, the type of art you'll be doing (general art, requests, videos, animation, ect), a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 4pm EST / 1pm PST on Saturday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain
Artist's Streaming Today:
AssasinMonkey (General Art) - Livestream - Gallery
Ember (General Art, starts 7pm EST) - Livestream - Gallery
Livestream Drawfriend
None Today
Twitter: Calpain