A slightly late feature for Vinyl Octavia day, this is nonetheless a really funky electro swing-style piece from BlueBrony that bops around with a pretty infectious groove. There's some great piano work combining well with swing-y synths and brass sounds. Give it a go below!
kolmapäev, 31. mai 2017 op 21:00
Sildid: Electro Swing, Electronic, Jazz, Media, Music, Music: InstrumentalShare This!7 Comments
Nightly Discussion #1094
by Calpain
Oh wow, Wind Waker style! I haven't seen this used with our pony friends in quite some time. Just look at that manly chest!
Evening guys, ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
The Twilight and Starlight DVD announced way back in February has officially hit stores and Amazon for sale. This one includes the following episodes:
- No Second Prances
- To Where and Back Agaain Part 1 and 2
- Celestial Advice
- All Bottled Up
If you want it, you can get it on Amazon over here, or Target in the case of the image above.
Thanks to Jesse for the image.
Luckiest stallion in Equestria? Losing Sugar Belle sucks, but dat trio.
Go get art below!
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To Capture or to be Caught? by TheCuriousFool
Looks like we've got our first promo for the Equestria Girls Special 'Dance Magic' over on Discovery Family! It's not the best video, but we'll keep this post updated if and when a better version appears.
Get it after the break and thanks to Feather Data for sending it in originally and for The Brony Network for the higher quality clip.
Music: WoodLore - The Learner's Paradox (Hay Tea & Sky Runner Remix) [Drum & Bass]
by ExplodingPonyToastWoodLore's music always seems to work really well when remixed into electronic stuff, and that's no different here as Hay Tea & Sky Runner combine to add some drum & bass vibes to one of his more recent pieces, Learner's Paradox. Check it out below!
Morning Discussion #871
by Calpain
Let sleeping ponies lie. They need their sleep to recharge their cuteness after a long day after all.
Morning guys, hope you slept well!
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Nightly Roundup #1420
by Calpain
Ponies sure do make good stand-ins for cats, don't they? They really are the universal symbol of cuteness~
News time guys, get it all after the break!
The Leo Awards were held last weekend and will be concluded this coming weekend and MLP is off to a good start as it clinches the award for Best Sound in an Animation Program or Series for 28 Pranks Later.
Next up is Best Musical Score on June 3 where Daniel Ingram and Caleb Chan are nominated for their work on A Hearths Warming Tail. Best of luck to them and congrats on the win!
Thanks to let SuperPonyBolt for letting us know!
Twitter: Calpain -
Glimmy's face when she can't handle all these reviews on this weird schedule.
It's such a mess this season, that we have episodes dating all the way back to Rock Solid Friendship here. I blame Canada. Please stahp.
Canadian episodes are at the bottom after spoilers, so don't go all the way if you don't want to see screencaps of them as thumbnails.
Go get a bunch of reviews below.
Nightly Discussion #1093
by Calpain
I wish I had some folks crushing on me though I think I'd react the same way as Sugar Belle if they came on that strongly.
Evening guys! Ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Elias brings some folk metal, and it's nice to hear some original vocal music from him, which he doesn't tend to do that often. His vocals alternate between clean and more raspy, with some great use of softer and more metal instrumentation. The vocals tell of a place where dishonoured ponies are imprisoned, and does it very well. Give it a listen below the break!
Author: Corejo
Description: Darkness holds dominion over the world. Cinders of Sun and Moon gathered from a long-forgotten catastrophe are all that remain to shelter the village from the consuming void. But their power wanes. Lanterns of Sun and Moon held close against his chest, a stallion takes up the mantle of light bearer and forges into the abyss to return light to a world that has all but forgotten it.
Beyond the safety of the village gates, he will meet a voice of shadows and starlight, and many are the revelations it has of the world he thought he knew so well.
Into the Dark (New Part 15+Epilogue!)
Additional Tags: A disembodied Luna guides her championop 18:00
Sildid: Author: Corejo, Complete, Dark, Fanfiction, Luna, OC Ponies, Shipping, Star-Needed, Story -
TOP tier parents and adopted filly. That's what happened right? Scootaloo is a Dash now?
Go get a bunch of art below!
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Rainbow's Family by Tsitra360
We have another pack of soapboxes for you all! We are pretty low on backlog for these, so be sure to submit yours for next week!
Expect these posts normally every Tuesday at 2:00 PM PST. To submit your own, see this post.
Note: These soapboxes do not at all reflect the ideas of EQD. They are an open forum for anyone to post whatever crazy theory they want.
Your headlines this week:
- My Recipe for an Awesome S7 Ending
- Merry May and Other Underrated BG Ponies
- Earth Ponies Vs. Others
- Rainbow Blaze Speculation
- Another Starlight Rant, Grab Your Popcorn
And get your soapboxes below!
I love comics. I will not deny it. The comics medium as a whole is wonderful, but one of the greatest aspects of them in the internet age are webcomics. There are a few comics I follow with any regularity, and as it just so happens, Marry Me is one of them.
Written by Bobby Crosby, and Illustrated by Remy "Eisu" Mokhtar, Marry Me is the story of a Pop Star named Stasia who, in a fit of frustration with her love life, decides to marry the first shmuck she spots holding a "Marry Me" sign at her latest concert. That shmuck is named Guy, and he's holding the sign which belongs to his best friend Parker.
I should probably mention this is the very first chapter in the story, and it only crazier from there.
So, why should Bronies care about a plot-driven-romantic-comedy? Well, there is two main reasons, The first is Keenspot has been printing the comic in physical form for a few months now! The second is the MLP Parody Cover for the 7th issue of the series, which has been illustrated by well known Brony Fan Artist John Josceco.
You should go buy it to support not just a fantastic series, but also a fellow Brony!
The Diamond Order Code for the comic is MAY171164, and the comic has a tentative release date of July 26th, 2017.
Now because this comic is from Keenspot and not Marvel/DC/IDW/Dark Horse/etc, not every comic shop is going to carry this comic. Currently the series is listed on Midtown Comics, and up to issue 5, however your best bet to pre-order the comic now is to go to your local comic shop and politely ask them to order it for you. Please give them the Diamond Order Code when you ask. It will make their life and yours so much easier.
Twitter: The Illustrious Q -
Some Trixie-flavoured metal from SDreamExplorerS in the next track from his imminent album release! This one tells the tale of Trixie's exile after Magic Duel, and I'm certainly impressed by the depth of character through the song. As with the last couple of releases from the album, there's a thoroughly enjoyable melodic death metal instrumental backed up well by the aggressive vocals. Give it a listen below!
Not long ago we got some new info from the June Programming Highlights that showed we were getting the Equestria Girls Specials later that month and into July while the season would be put on hold with the mid-season finale being 'Not Asking for Trouble' on June 17th.
Now we have the July Programming Highlights and there is no MLP in sight, save for the two Equestria Girls Specials that takes place early that month. The usual place where it would appear, under returning series, shows only one show called Blazing Team.
Looks like we might not be getting new episodes till August from Discovery at this rate.
Thanks to Loperse for sending it in!
Twitter: Calpain -
Morning Discussion #870
by Calpain
Just got to love this family (Scoots included)! Aren't they adorable?
Morning my friends, ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Vinyl and Octavia Day Draws to a Close
by Calpain
And so another appreciation day draws to a close my friends! We hope that you have enjoyed our antics for today and that you enjoy these little days we have for our little ponies.
Next up is Celestia Day as we celebrate the longest day of the year on June 21st (yes, I know our calendar says the 20th, but the solstice is actually on the 21st this year), you can see our whole calendar here.
Check out the rest of the day's posts here!
Now check on after the break for everything we just couldn't fit in for today!
Vinyl and Octavia Day Cosplays!
by Calpain
Octavia and especially Vinyl are popular cosplays at cons I see! I've always thought that due to the large cast of MLP that are popular that there is a pony for anyone if they decide to cosplay.
Now get a bunch of great ones after the break!
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DJ: 20% More Bass by dj-smackdown
As with any character from the show Vinyl and Octavia have their fair share of crafts, customs and plushies created to celebrate them.
Now dive on into our collection of cute crafty cuddly ponies after the break!
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Octavia x Vinyl Scratch by EarthenPony
I think this one represnts this post well. Some have honed their craft over years and demand perfection, while others are still learning and just enjoying the act of art. There are no quality control requirements here, just freedom of art!
Below the break, get some pones from people at all levels of skill. If you are looking for the best-ofs with Octavia and Vinyl, you can get those over here.
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Arts and Crafts by CloudyGlow
Can't have a music pony day without a music pony post! We've seen these two dominate the scene for years now with every genre on the planet, and quite a few songs have gone absolutely huge over the years. I know I'm probably not the only one that had a few of these on repeat for a month.
Go get some Vinyl and Octavia music below!
Ah DoubleWBros, you are always who I turn to for these appreciation days with your awesome simulators!
Enjoying Tavi and Vinyl Day guys? We've got some fun comes from over the years for you to check out after the break!
For more Vinyl and Octavia, I recommend checking out BobTheDalek and his comics which frequently feature the two.
Nightly Discussion #1092
by Calpain
Oh no! Now the boops! They are highly dangerous in the wrong hooves, causing mass heart attacks if done in a crowded space. Avert your eyes, friends!
Chat time guys, get to it!
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Comic: Hazing / Tia Waifu / Cider / Cyan 11 / Star Mares 3.4.22 / Manehattan 4 / Guardians 12 / Bond
by Calpain
So that's why they are all so accepting of Starlight! Geez, I don't think I could have survived that sort of initiation.
Comics guys, get them after the break!
Following Octavia, we have Equestria's #1 DJ. Or at least Earth's #1 pony DJ. Or something. We don't know a whole lot about these two do we?
Anyway, if you missed Octavia, you can find the link below along with a link to the Saucy post when it goes live about 30 minutes after this one:
- Best of Octavia
- Best of Vinyl Scratch (This Post)
- Vinyl Scratch and Octavia (Saucy WARNING Edition)
Like before, the drawings involving both of them will be at the bottom. Now go get some Vinyl Scratch below!
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Dancing with Vinyl Scratch by NabbieKitty
Continuing the trend on pony themed holidays, we have a selection of the best of the best art in the fandom for you all to dive into today! Since we have two ponies to cover, I've split it into two separate posts and distributed art involving both of them through the two to even them out. Hope you are in the mood for some Vinyl and Octy~
Expect the following posts as the links go live:
- Best of Octavia (This Post)
- Best of Vinyl Scratch
- Vinyl Scratch and Octavia (Saucy WARNING Edition)
And get your pone below!
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Octavia by PYOO-kee-pony
Equestria needs more ponies like Sugar Belle.
We have a bunch of art today. Expect the Vinyl and Octavia drawing flood later, but for now, have some other pones!
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More Equestria Girls on the Way!
by Calpain
Looks like we can be expecting some more Equestria Girls in the future! Some of you were wondering where the shorts we had seen in Russian were in the specials but as it turns out it appears that they will be little shorts we can expect this year!
Check after the break for the tweet and source on the information. The guy usually goes to expos and such so his information is usually correct.
Thanks to Maik for sending it in!
Suskii returns with the next track from his upcoming Changeling-centric EP, Bugsquad, put together with fellow producer Cyfr. This track has some pretty awesome electro-style sound design through the track, and the ominous Changeling hive feel is present throughout and well presented by the break melody especially. Give it a listen below!
Story: Time Enough for Wub
by Calpain
Author: CoffeeMinion
Time Enough For Wub
Star Swirl the Bearded has lost his memory. He's arrived in modern-day Manehattan on a mission of dire importance, but he can't remember any details—including his name.
Vinyl Scratch has lost the pony she loved most. She moved away from Ponyville to bury her heartbreak under big beats and big-city bravado, but the memories remain.
Time and memory collide as Vinyl and Star Swirl explore the mystery behind his mission, and discover how to make each other whole again.
Additional Tags: Time is running outop 11:00
Sildid: Adventure, Author: CoffeeMinion, Complete, Fanfiction, Shipping, Starswirl, Story, Vinyl Scratch -
And as promised, following Vinyl Scratch we have a selection of wallpapers starring Octavia to help balance it out a bit. We hit around 60 in this one, so hopefully you can find something to get festive with here!
Go get a ton of wallpapers below.
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Out of Chalk by KP-ShadowSquirrel
Deck out your desktop with some Vinyl Scratch for today! We have 56 awesome wallpapers starring Equestria's #1 DJ.
Expect an Octavia compilation to follow this one. Go get your wall swarm below!
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Young Vinyl Scratch by KP-ShadowSquirrel
With the flood of these brushables hitting Amazon, it's not surprising that a few of them are sneaking into stores now. Princess Skystar was spotter at Target, though none of the other movie specific characters were. Hopefully this means the flood is coming soon!
As always, it is highly recommended that you call before making the trip. Target releases can be pretty random.
Thanks to Bunny South for the picture and Rainbow And Jolly for sending it!
Octavia and Vinyl have been some of the most popular background characters since they appeared way back in season 1 with their popularity being famously acknowledged in episode 100! Since then many theories about the two have been created and they've been a popular pairing for shippers in the fandom.
So what do you guys think? What sort of dream episode would you want from these two if they ever got one, what do you like about their characters and the themes surrounding them, or even what irks you about how the fandom has portrayed them?
Discuss it all in the comments!
Twitter: Calpain
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