Panel Applications are quickly coming to a close, in fact, they'll be closed by tomorrow! So for those of you who haven't gotten your panel applications in just yet now is your chance.
Check on after the break for all the info you need to do so!
Just a friendly reminder that Everfree Northwest 2017 is still taking panel applications, but the deadline is right around the corner! Applications close Friday, March 10, 2017. If you’re looking to apply, the application form is available at
Alternatively, if you have an idea for a panel, but don't want to host it yourself, we'd still love to hear your ideas! Please submit them to our event suggestion form, which can be found here
So, whether it’s a simple Q&A you want to do, a game you’d like to play with everyone, an arts & crafts session that foals can jump into, or even something else entirely, don’t hesitate; we’d love to have you!
Art by
Twitter: Calpain