Imagine my surprise when Peter New himself randomly popped up in our collection event results! I think he wins easily for biggest Big Mac fan. Check out dat body pillow.
The results have been collected for this year's event, and we have a whopping 160 submissions again! For the sake of all those mobile and old computer browsers out there, the post will be split into two. Expect part two tomorrow.
Head on down below for WAY TOO MUCH PONY!
1 My updated mlp collection - Brandon hudson

These toys are awesome and got the Plushy's from a Seattle mall
These toys are awesome and got the Plushy's from a Seattle mall
5 Shrags' Pony Collage 2017 - ChordShrag

Joined the fandom in early 2011 and started collecting in 2012. Collection consists of most of the Funko's (only missing a handful), POP figures, blind bags, mystery minis, brushables, couple shirts, several posters, a few of the Chinese knock off plushies, a build a bear Twilight, some TY plushies, and 4DE plushies.
Joined the fandom in early 2011 and started collecting in 2012. Collection consists of most of the Funko's (only missing a handful), POP figures, blind bags, mystery minis, brushables, couple shirts, several posters, a few of the Chinese knock off plushies, a build a bear Twilight, some TY plushies, and 4DE plushies.
16 I love love love it!!!! - BG

My collection with best pony Cadance and second best pony Rarity!!!!
My collection with best pony Cadance and second best pony Rarity!!!!
17 - lordalexander74

Nearly every 4de plush, several custom plushies including Bronycon mascots and Fluffle Puff. Various posters, mostly Enterplay, some G1/G3 ponies. Got a G1 Applejack signed by Bonnie Zacherle and Liz Knight. Almost every card from Enterplay's trading card collections. I need more shelves.
Nearly every 4de plush, several custom plushies including Bronycon mascots and Fluffle Puff. Various posters, mostly Enterplay, some G1/G3 ponies. Got a G1 Applejack signed by Bonnie Zacherle and Liz Knight. Almost every card from Enterplay's trading card collections. I need more shelves.
18 - lordalexander74

The rest of my herd. Mostly brushables and molded figures, half my Applejack plush collection and the Crystal Palace playset. Still boxed up since I have nowhere to put it.
The rest of my herd. Mostly brushables and molded figures, half my Applejack plush collection and the Crystal Palace playset. Still boxed up since I have nowhere to put it.
19 My simple pony merch - Eddo Editya

These are all the pony merch I have currently. Very simple and small, but not bad after all :D
20 Collection of Cartoon Horses - SubrosianDimitriThese are all the pony merch I have currently. Very simple and small, but not bad after all :D
22 My Little Pony Collection (See what I did there? :D) - Johannes Byrö

Haha! I knew that one photography class would pay off someday! Though, a Blackberry isn't exactly the best camera, but I digress! Wait... I was a brony back then... That was five years ago... I'm old...
Haha! I knew that one photography class would pay off someday! Though, a Blackberry isn't exactly the best camera, but I digress! Wait... I was a brony back then... That was five years ago... I'm old...
27 Yeah, I guess she's my favorite - Rag

My simple little collection of the fabulous dress horse. Along side that is my customized PC in the theme of Rarity that I have been crafting over the years. (do mind the unmanaged desk cables :p)
My simple little collection of the fabulous dress horse. Along side that is my customized PC in the theme of Rarity that I have been crafting over the years. (do mind the unmanaged desk cables :p)
30 Ponified Madness - Melissa Taylor

From Toys to Plushies, Jewelery to Belts & clothing; we have a mahoosive My Little Pony Collection. Not pictured are washroom bits (toothbrush, toothpaste, hair accessories, face cloth), lanyards & keychains, lunchpails, talking Queen Crysalis, remote control cloud car, and more!
From Toys to Plushies, Jewelery to Belts & clothing; we have a mahoosive My Little Pony Collection. Not pictured are washroom bits (toothbrush, toothpaste, hair accessories, face cloth), lanyards & keychains, lunchpails, talking Queen Crysalis, remote control cloud car, and more!
32 My MLP Collection of a Small Scale - Matthew Powell

This is my first time entering in one of these, I am 15 and I've been in the Brony Fandom for about 2 years and finally have a big enough collection where its worth showing off. Hope you like it!
This is my first time entering in one of these, I am 15 and I've been in the Brony Fandom for about 2 years and finally have a big enough collection where its worth showing off. Hope you like it!
33 wysteria star's 2017 pony room - wysteria star (sophie)

walking into my room its not hard to tell im a very dedicated mlp fan. i have over 300 ponies, and over 500$ worth of them. ive been collecting for 4 years and i co-own an mlp youtube channel. i dont use it often, my friends do, but in case you want to see, we are dj lightning shimmer. some things not picctured are small trinkets and t shirts.
walking into my room its not hard to tell im a very dedicated mlp fan. i have over 300 ponies, and over 500$ worth of them. ive been collecting for 4 years and i co-own an mlp youtube channel. i dont use it often, my friends do, but in case you want to see, we are dj lightning shimmer. some things not picctured are small trinkets and t shirts.
34 A Congregation of Pone - WishUponAStar

Okay, this is my half of the pony stuff, consisting of: Comics, a book, figurines, plushies, a blanket, headphones, socks, posters, a print, a puzzle, *breath*, trading cards, a cup, a squishy stress ball, a tin, valentines, tattoos, a button, a balloon on a stick, and last but not least, some pocket tissues. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go reassess my life.
Okay, this is my half of the pony stuff, consisting of: Comics, a book, figurines, plushies, a blanket, headphones, socks, posters, a print, a puzzle, *breath*, trading cards, a cup, a squishy stress ball, a tin, valentines, tattoos, a button, a balloon on a stick, and last but not least, some pocket tissues. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go reassess my life.
35 A Congregation of Pone Pt. 2 - WishUponAStar

Aaaaand, it's my sister's half of our collective pony collection! As you can see, she controls most of the toys in the hoard, with three castles, a little fold up Rarity set, and 50+ pony figures. There's also some more trading cards, a pillow, plushies, a backpack, calendars, a tiny pony helicopter, a bank, some coloring books, and a board game. Not pictured is a deck of the collectible card game, and a little toy car that pulls a small throne on wheels.
Aaaaand, it's my sister's half of our collective pony collection! As you can see, she controls most of the toys in the hoard, with three castles, a little fold up Rarity set, and 50+ pony figures. There's also some more trading cards, a pillow, plushies, a backpack, calendars, a tiny pony helicopter, a bank, some coloring books, and a board game. Not pictured is a deck of the collectible card game, and a little toy car that pulls a small throne on wheels.
36 my room 1st half - Palandrose Endgame

3 years of collecting for all my fandoms. As you can tell ponies make up the bulk :p first hald of my picture colection of my room.
3 years of collecting for all my fandoms. As you can tell ponies make up the bulk :p first hald of my picture colection of my room.
37 my room 2nd half - Palandrose Endgame

3 years of collecting for all my fandoms. As you can tell ponies make up the bulk :p second half of my picture collection of my room.
3 years of collecting for all my fandoms. As you can tell ponies make up the bulk :p second half of my picture collection of my room.
38 My Little Pony Herd - Seiya-Meteorite

This is the first time I've uploaded anything onto this site, this is my collection of G1/G4 My Little Pony ponies that I currently have. I unfortunately didn't think of adding in the books I had from them, but I hope this is enough and passable.
This is the first time I've uploaded anything onto this site, this is my collection of G1/G4 My Little Pony ponies that I currently have. I unfortunately didn't think of adding in the books I had from them, but I hope this is enough and passable.
39 Jason More "Sunset Shimmer collection" - Jason More Greaser Shimmer

all this 4 years my entire collection of Sunset Shimmer <3 i="">3>
all this 4 years my entire collection of Sunset Shimmer <3 i="">3>
40 THE RED HORSE ARMY! - Redczar

Behold comrades the glories friendship of MLP. Long Live the Herd! Become part of the herd!
Behold comrades the glories friendship of MLP. Long Live the Herd! Become part of the herd!
41 Pony Collection part 1 - Justin Blanford

Part 1 of my ever expanding MLP collection. Higher res images can be found here:
Part 1 of my ever expanding MLP collection. Higher res images can be found here:
42 Pony Collection part 2 - Justin Blanford

Part 2 of my MLP collection. Higher res images can be found in this dropbox folder:
Part 2 of my MLP collection. Higher res images can be found in this dropbox folder:
44 Flame Fatale and Paintsplatter's Collection 2017 - Flame Fatale and Paintsplatter

Husband and wife, Flame Fatale (22) and Paintsplatter (24) have been collecting MLP merch since 2012, though their love for horses and ponies goes much further back. Their favourite ponies are Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy respectively. Their collection is still growing and expanding every month with new releases and one-of-a-kind items made by both of them.
Husband and wife, Flame Fatale (22) and Paintsplatter (24) have been collecting MLP merch since 2012, though their love for horses and ponies goes much further back. Their favourite ponies are Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy respectively. Their collection is still growing and expanding every month with new releases and one-of-a-kind items made by both of them.
47 Koya (Lafayette)'s Collection - Koya (Lafayette)

As a Fan living in Japan collecting pony merchandise is not easy!
As a Fan living in Japan collecting pony merchandise is not easy!
48 Koya (Lafayette)'s Collection - Koya (Lafayette)

I check imported toy stores in Tokyo area on every weekend.
I check imported toy stores in Tokyo area on every weekend.
49 My MLP Collection Collage - Wayne Dolphin

Over the years I been collecting MLP official and fan made items, plushes and drawings. Including commissioning my friend Kloof from Kloof furs to create one of the top of my MLP collect my Electuroo fursuit. A unique piece are my Japanese style MLP umbrella. My Plushy collection of my bed covers my whole bed including MLP pillows including hand made Electuroo pillow made by my amazing Sister.
Over the years I been collecting MLP official and fan made items, plushes and drawings. Including commissioning my friend Kloof from Kloof furs to create one of the top of my MLP collect my Electuroo fursuit. A unique piece are my Japanese style MLP umbrella. My Plushy collection of my bed covers my whole bed including MLP pillows including hand made Electuroo pillow made by my amazing Sister.
50 Collection Oct 2016 - zombienixon

My collection as of October 2016, minus T-shirts, posters, and other miscellaneous branded merchandise.
My collection as of October 2016, minus T-shirts, posters, and other miscellaneous branded merchandise.
51 Ponies from Beyond the Portal - Dennis Amador Cherry

Can't get enough of my girls. They count as ponies, right? At least Twilight and Sunset should. These are all of my EqG Minis, half of my plushies, most of my other figures from blind bag to Funco, and just a sample of 2+ years of collecting the comic books. Cant wait for the EqG specials and new Minis - I'm going to need a bigger shelf.
Can't get enough of my girls. They count as ponies, right? At least Twilight and Sunset should. These are all of my EqG Minis, half of my plushies, most of my other figures from blind bag to Funco, and just a sample of 2+ years of collecting the comic books. Cant wait for the EqG specials and new Minis - I'm going to need a bigger shelf.
52 - Blade Trail

Not pictured: 1 mug, 3 posters, 9 shirts, roughly 2000 MLP:CCG cards + sleeves, and Blade Trail bent at an unnatural angle against an old desk and an older TV rack in an epic struggle to get everything into the shot without dropping the camera he borrowed.
Not pictured: 1 mug, 3 posters, 9 shirts, roughly 2000 MLP:CCG cards + sleeves, and Blade Trail bent at an unnatural angle against an old desk and an older TV rack in an epic struggle to get everything into the shot without dropping the camera he borrowed.
54 Logan's MLP collection (most of it) March 2017 - Loganberry

Not shown due to lack of space: a whole bunch more IDW comics, some blind bags, a couple of brushables, a few more art prints, button badges and a few odds and ends such as trading cards and Kinder Egg ponies.
Not shown due to lack of space: a whole bunch more IDW comics, some blind bags, a couple of brushables, a few more art prints, button badges and a few odds and ends such as trading cards and Kinder Egg ponies.
55 MLPpencilArt's collection - MLPpencilArt (Mitchell Drummer)

This is my small collection of pony stuff, something hard to see is a ARC welded metal cutout of RD's cutie mark. Find more at
This is my small collection of pony stuff, something hard to see is a ARC welded metal cutout of RD's cutie mark. Find more at
57 Equestria Daily Pony Collection Contest 2017 - TheirOneandOnly

This is my first time ever sending anything in to Equestria Daily, let alone involving myself in any sort of social media in a long while, but I thought it would be fun to join this contest to start getting comfortable with it again! I haven't counted them recently, but my collection does consist of over, at least, 130 ponies!
This is my first time ever sending anything in to Equestria Daily, let alone involving myself in any sort of social media in a long while, but I thought it would be fun to join this contest to start getting comfortable with it again! I haven't counted them recently, but my collection does consist of over, at least, 130 ponies!
64 My Newer Pony Merch - Silver Rain

I skipped putting everything together, but since I had more of the Season DVD's and Equestria Girls movies, I included those, both old and new all together. And yes, I don't have the newest Equestria Girls movie, Legend of Everfree, simply because I haven't gotten around to buying it. So, in summary: All 5 released Season DVD sets ~ Season 1 through Season 5 First 3 Equestria Girls Movies ~ Equestria Girls, Rainbow Rocks, Friendship Games 2 4DE Plush Ponies ~ Twilight and Rarity 2 Funko Figures ~ Cadance and Octavia 1 of the Mini Series Funko "Blind Bag" Figures ~ Sweetie Belle
I skipped putting everything together, but since I had more of the Season DVD's and Equestria Girls movies, I included those, both old and new all together. And yes, I don't have the newest Equestria Girls movie, Legend of Everfree, simply because I haven't gotten around to buying it. So, in summary: All 5 released Season DVD sets ~ Season 1 through Season 5 First 3 Equestria Girls Movies ~ Equestria Girls, Rainbow Rocks, Friendship Games 2 4DE Plush Ponies ~ Twilight and Rarity 2 Funko Figures ~ Cadance and Octavia 1 of the Mini Series Funko "Blind Bag" Figures ~ Sweetie Belle
66 My MLP collection - Emerson Don D. Raymundo Jr.

It's all the pony stuff I have. It consists of 1 blind bag, 1 brushable, a Pez dispenser, a plushie of my Flutterwaifu, and a throw pillow.
It's all the pony stuff I have. It consists of 1 blind bag, 1 brushable, a Pez dispenser, a plushie of my Flutterwaifu, and a throw pillow.
67 My Pony Collection 2017 Part 1 - BraveryTheBrony

All my pony stuff I've collected over the past 6 or so years with a few tings missing due to my forgetfulness. I have no real plans of stopping soon and hope to pick up a few fan made things this summer.
All my pony stuff I've collected over the past 6 or so years with a few tings missing due to my forgetfulness. I have no real plans of stopping soon and hope to pick up a few fan made things this summer.
71 Pony merchandise March 2017 - Appleglenn

Trixie is a little upset she gets the sideshow while Applejack gets the main stage. I love you Trixie, but applepone is the best.
Trixie is a little upset she gets the sideshow while Applejack gets the main stage. I love you Trixie, but applepone is the best.
72 MLP Collection Collage 2017 - SugarLoop

So! Starting on the bookshelf on the left, going top down: -13 inch Aurora plushes from Five Below, and the 1st version of the Ty Beanie Babies. -2 shelves full of Equestria Girls dolls -Small brushables -Funko Pop ponies, Funko mystery minis, a box of CCG cards, and seasons 1-5 on DVD. -Random collectibles: lunch boxes, ornaments, Luna and Celestia GoH figurines, Pez dispensers, etc. -EQG mini's Second bookshelf, going top down: -First 3 shelves are Build a Bear plushes and fashion style brushables -All of the Cupcake Keepsakes and styling size brushables -Funko figures -Paper products - comics, books, posters, valentines, pens, three binders full of trading cards and one with the completed dog tag collection Not pictured: My MLP jewelry collection, which can be seen in last year's collection, my posters (I still need to get them laminated), or my random activity & coloring books.
So! Starting on the bookshelf on the left, going top down: -13 inch Aurora plushes from Five Below, and the 1st version of the Ty Beanie Babies. -2 shelves full of Equestria Girls dolls -Small brushables -Funko Pop ponies, Funko mystery minis, a box of CCG cards, and seasons 1-5 on DVD. -Random collectibles: lunch boxes, ornaments, Luna and Celestia GoH figurines, Pez dispensers, etc. -EQG mini's Second bookshelf, going top down: -First 3 shelves are Build a Bear plushes and fashion style brushables -All of the Cupcake Keepsakes and styling size brushables -Funko figures -Paper products - comics, books, posters, valentines, pens, three binders full of trading cards and one with the completed dog tag collection Not pictured: My MLP jewelry collection, which can be seen in last year's collection, my posters (I still need to get them laminated), or my random activity & coloring books.
73 Average Pegasus Collection - Alexandre Pasche-Giroux

4 life size plush, 2 small plush. many figurine and the autograph of John De Lancie, Tara Strong and Andrea Libman! And an empty wallet....
4 life size plush, 2 small plush. many figurine and the autograph of John De Lancie, Tara Strong and Andrea Libman! And an empty wallet....
75 My Little Collection - Valca

Hello from Germany! This is my Collection which I started in 2010 after I got hooked by the first Season of the show, my first Pony was a Fluttershy Brushable and since then I always look for new ones to collect. The stuff you see is exclusively from toy stores in my hometown, so no funky internet merch ;). I haver never shown my Collection to anyone but one person, so I really hope you guys like it!
Hello from Germany! This is my Collection which I started in 2010 after I got hooked by the first Season of the show, my first Pony was a Fluttershy Brushable and since then I always look for new ones to collect. The stuff you see is exclusively from toy stores in my hometown, so no funky internet merch ;). I haver never shown my Collection to anyone but one person, so I really hope you guys like it!
77 MY MLP COLLECTION - Marvin George Luis Barillas Palacios

Hello there~! This is my Pony collection I'm from Guatemala and I love My Little Pony Friendship is Magic :D This is my collection I've been doing for years and I wanted to share it to you nwn
Hello there~! This is my Pony collection I'm from Guatemala and I love My Little Pony Friendship is Magic :D This is my collection I've been doing for years and I wanted to share it to you nwn
78 MY MLP FIM COLLECTION PART II - Marvin George Luis Barillas Palacios

I wasn't able to put the whole collection in one pic sorry uwu anyways this is the rest of my collection :D Hope you like it
I wasn't able to put the whole collection in one pic sorry uwu anyways this is the rest of my collection :D Hope you like it
80 Is it Possible to have Too Much Pony? - Derjuin

GENTLEMEN, BEHOLD - PONIES. A lot of this was in storage, as current living arrangements make displaying a collection hazardous to the health of the collection. Missing is my purse, which has oodles of pony stuff hanging from it, and various pieces of pony-related clothing. Enjoy!
GENTLEMEN, BEHOLD - PONIES. A lot of this was in storage, as current living arrangements make displaying a collection hazardous to the health of the collection. Missing is my purse, which has oodles of pony stuff hanging from it, and various pieces of pony-related clothing. Enjoy!
And check out previous years by scrolling down over here! Expect another 80 tomorrow.