If yesterday wasn't enough for you, today is another flood. Collectors all around the world have sent in their pony hordes from the past 7 years (I still can't believe it has been that long!), and we are here to show them all off for you!
If you missed the first 80, check out that post over here. Below the break, get another 80! Thanks a ton to everyone that sent their stuff in this year. We can't do it without you!
81 Spyro's Collection - Dakota

Only thing not included is my IDW comic collection. I have every issue up till now, just wasn't sure how to take a good picture of all of them. I also have a Spike sticker on my wall and a picture drawn by Brenda Hickey of myself as a Pony. Otherwise, that's my whole collection!
Only thing not included is my IDW comic collection. I have every issue up till now, just wasn't sure how to take a good picture of all of them. I also have a Spike sticker on my wall and a picture drawn by Brenda Hickey of myself as a Pony. Otherwise, that's my whole collection!
82 pony collection - Umi

This is my full pony merchandise collection! Minus a couple of small things. The first pony-related thing I bought was the Rainbow Dash build-a-bear in late 2013 I think? I've been collecting ever since then.
This is my full pony merchandise collection! Minus a couple of small things. The first pony-related thing I bought was the Rainbow Dash build-a-bear in late 2013 I think? I've been collecting ever since then.
87 Ketoprofeno MLP:FiM Little Collection - Ketoprofeno

It's my 1st time showing my collection to the Internet, it's quite hard to build it living in a country in the end of the world (Chile).
It's my 1st time showing my collection to the Internet, it's quite hard to build it living in a country in the end of the world (Chile).
91 Collection part 2 - derjuin

I guess this pic got skipped when I was mashing the others together. Oh well. Pony clothes head to toe and some figurines/think they're McDonalds toys/CCG binders.
I guess this pic got skipped when I was mashing the others together. Oh well. Pony clothes head to toe and some figurines/think they're McDonalds toys/CCG binders.
93 Pony Collection Contest 2017 - Nils Horsthemke

My picture went not as good as planne, but time is killing me
My picture went not as good as planne, but time is killing me
95 My MLP and EG collection!! - GlitterGirl

This is a picture of my entire collection of all my MLP and EG merchandise. I have been collecting all of this stuff for almost a year and a half now. If you were to add all of these things up, you would find out that I have around $400 worth of MLP and EG merchandise. (I know because I calculated it all). Even still, I want more!!! lol. I'm very proud of my collection though. And it will continue to grow because my love for MLP will never end. My Little Pony and Equestria Girls forever!! :)
This is a picture of my entire collection of all my MLP and EG merchandise. I have been collecting all of this stuff for almost a year and a half now. If you were to add all of these things up, you would find out that I have around $400 worth of MLP and EG merchandise. (I know because I calculated it all). Even still, I want more!!! lol. I'm very proud of my collection though. And it will continue to grow because my love for MLP will never end. My Little Pony and Equestria Girls forever!! :)
96 - Sanada Ookami

Fun statistics- collection started 1990, G1- 421, G2- 21, G3- 235 G4- 824, prototypes- 17 Total number of ponies-1,501 Not pictured/counted- ponyville sets, plush, customs
Fun statistics- collection started 1990, G1- 421, G2- 21, G3- 235 G4- 824, prototypes- 17 Total number of ponies-1,501 Not pictured/counted- ponyville sets, plush, customs
97 Pinkie Pie Collection - Andres Caicedo Castro

This is my collection of Pinkie Pie, the most joyful and special pony for me
This is my collection of Pinkie Pie, the most joyful and special pony for me
100 Sonata dusk <3 b="">3> - Angel Yarier Saez Torres

Hello my name is ángel i from chile ^^ and speak little english, and i love the dazzling of eg so much!! And my DA i have 3 photo more of my collection but i have more , but only 3 photo and a hug thank ^^
Hello my name is ángel i from chile ^^ and speak little english, and i love the dazzling of eg so much!! And my DA i have 3 photo more of my collection but i have more , but only 3 photo and a hug thank ^^
106 A paper pony's pony collection. - Paper Heartfold

I don't have a DA sorry. So... Inventory check: Fluttershy plushie Fluttershy PEZ dispenser Brohoof shirt Rainbow dash lounge pants Derpy shirt Derpy lounge pants And a Luna Keychain
I don't have a DA sorry. So... Inventory check: Fluttershy plushie Fluttershy PEZ dispenser Brohoof shirt Rainbow dash lounge pants Derpy shirt Derpy lounge pants And a Luna Keychain
107 Collection Partial Group Shot - zombienixon

Currently in the middle of a move. I tried setting it all up for a group shot. Halfway through I realized how much work it would be and snapped the largest group shot I could
Currently in the middle of a move. I tried setting it all up for a group shot. Halfway through I realized how much work it would be and snapped the largest group shot I could
108 G3 Collection - Jen

This was an old set up of mine that I had at one stage before I moved overseas. The shelves were 3 ponies deep, the plushie is just over 3 feet in height. I wish I had additional photos, but I sadly do not. One of the walls had my MOC (mint on card) G1 and G2 ponies.
This was an old set up of mine that I had at one stage before I moved overseas. The shelves were 3 ponies deep, the plushie is just over 3 feet in height. I wish I had additional photos, but I sadly do not. One of the walls had my MOC (mint on card) G1 and G2 ponies.
109 Pony Collection Contest 2017 - 2017/03 - Lin Jensen

I hope my picture can be put to contest, I hope....
I hope my picture can be put to contest, I hope....
112 My pony collection - Rebecca

I had all my collection saved on Facebook :3 hope that counts as its not on da
I had all my collection saved on Facebook :3 hope that counts as its not on da
113 My Little Collection: a place for everything, and everything in its place - Ben

I'm sorry for the low rez, silly phone. Sadly, this convention season was/is not to be for me :(, hopefully next year. At least I have five signed merchs and a big love butt. Happy merch hunting everypony. Thanks for putting these events on, it really brings the pride and camaraderie out. Keep up the good work, EqD, especially in offseason, ya know we love ya :D.
I'm sorry for the low rez, silly phone. Sadly, this convention season was/is not to be for me :(, hopefully next year. At least I have five signed merchs and a big love butt. Happy merch hunting everypony. Thanks for putting these events on, it really brings the pride and camaraderie out. Keep up the good work, EqD, especially in offseason, ya know we love ya :D.
114 My Little Collection! - Livvy

So many cosplays and outfits were excluded from this post. Stickers, coloring books, books, puzzles, bags and party accessories. Will it ever be enough for me? (I hope I submitted this right)
So many cosplays and outfits were excluded from this post. Stickers, coloring books, books, puzzles, bags and party accessories. Will it ever be enough for me? (I hope I submitted this right)
115 $14,000+ of Glory and Hardwork - Sarah Zulli

I canNOT stand you only allow 2 images. Collages take away the glory. I have the most merch of just FiM and Eqg than anyone I have seen yet and this is irritating that you only allow two images. I usually take 77 pictures to convey the beauty of ONE of my rooms. Not both. This tour only is of ONE of my bedrooms because otherwise all the images would be microscopic.
I canNOT stand you only allow 2 images. Collages take away the glory. I have the most merch of just FiM and Eqg than anyone I have seen yet and this is irritating that you only allow two images. I usually take 77 pictures to convey the beauty of ONE of my rooms. Not both. This tour only is of ONE of my bedrooms because otherwise all the images would be microscopic.
117 Silverwind's MLP Collection - Silverwind Blade

I am from the UK, and I have been a brony for a little over a year. I've managed to accumulate a collection bigger than I thought over that time. And as always, there's more I want to get... I share some of my collection with my girlfriend, as we both enjoy the show a lot. The only things not shown are the small things like stickers (which are attached to other things), and some of the badges (which are also attached to things, like my backpack). Some of my merchandise is from BUCK last year, and from local events, such as South Coast Brony meets.
I am from the UK, and I have been a brony for a little over a year. I've managed to accumulate a collection bigger than I thought over that time. And as always, there's more I want to get... I share some of my collection with my girlfriend, as we both enjoy the show a lot. The only things not shown are the small things like stickers (which are attached to other things), and some of the badges (which are also attached to things, like my backpack). Some of my merchandise is from BUCK last year, and from local events, such as South Coast Brony meets.
118 PC Wall - Dustin

Since there was two submissions I chose the two most heavily ponied parts of my room :D
120 More pony stuff :3 - KateLynnSince there was two submissions I chose the two most heavily ponied parts of my room :D
121 A Small Beginning Pony Collection - Amethyst Rose

This is just my small pony collection I started in October 2016, so far I just have 7 Posters, 2 bookmarks, 1 door hanger, 1 sheet of tattoos, 2 plushies (Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo) and a Scootaloo Pony figurine.
This is just my small pony collection I started in October 2016, so far I just have 7 Posters, 2 bookmarks, 1 door hanger, 1 sheet of tattoos, 2 plushies (Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo) and a Scootaloo Pony figurine.
124 OkamiGirl64's MLP Collection! - Madeline Rihner

Here is a picture of some of my collection! It's impossible to fit everything; I have 2 full shelves on the side you can't even see! Here's a link to my full collection video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21ejLrbHYHk
Here is a picture of some of my collection! It's impossible to fit everything; I have 2 full shelves on the side you can't even see! Here's a link to my full collection video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21ejLrbHYHk
128 GD's Pony Collection Pt.1 - GatheringDust

I don't have a lot of space to put all this on display. Usually it's packed into a large cabinet in the office and other places around the house, so this was real fun to pull most of it out and shoot it all!
I don't have a lot of space to put all this on display. Usually it's packed into a large cabinet in the office and other places around the house, so this was real fun to pull most of it out and shoot it all!
129 GD's Pony Collection Pt.2 - GatheringDust

Some more stuff, mostly comics, prints and some original art, games, clothes and a custom made drinking horn I'm putting together for BABSCon. I'm flying all the way from Australia for it, so I hope to see you there!
Some more stuff, mostly comics, prints and some original art, games, clothes and a custom made drinking horn I'm putting together for BABSCon. I'm flying all the way from Australia for it, so I hope to see you there!
131 My MLP Collection 2017 - Ebony Crystal

My phone's camera isn't exactly the best but I tried to show off everything I have the best way I could. I'm glad I did this since I used to think my collection was kind of small, but I'm actually pretty proud of it. Hopefully I can take an update picture next year if it's grown any by then(maybe sooner if I'm lucky!). :3
My phone's camera isn't exactly the best but I tried to show off everything I have the best way I could. I'm glad I did this since I used to think my collection was kind of small, but I'm actually pretty proud of it. Hopefully I can take an update picture next year if it's grown any by then(maybe sooner if I'm lucky!). :3
135 Frith's Pony Swag - Frith

Plushes, plushes, so many plushes. Aurora World Celestia arrived at my door today.
Plushes, plushes, so many plushes. Aurora World Celestia arrived at my door today.
137 Pony Collection! March 2017 - William Baldwin

Ponies! Current as of St. Patrick's Day. Mostly G4, but not all. Not pictured: Individual comic covers (they're all in the box), some missing McDonalds ponies, Christmas music CD, blanket. Includes some G1 stuff, original DVDs and a mail-in pony I got from a cereal mail-in long ago.
Ponies! Current as of St. Patrick's Day. Mostly G4, but not all. Not pictured: Individual comic covers (they're all in the box), some missing McDonalds ponies, Christmas music CD, blanket. Includes some G1 stuff, original DVDs and a mail-in pony I got from a cereal mail-in long ago.
138 GoH first year, Bronymexicon plushies, others... - Harlen

GoH First Year, 3 Brushables from 2012, 2 Bronymexicon Plushies, 1 Shining Plushie, 1 blindbag pony, 5 Funko Vinyls, A mysterious bag
GoH First Year, 3 Brushables from 2012, 2 Bronymexicon Plushies, 1 Shining Plushie, 1 blindbag pony, 5 Funko Vinyls, A mysterious bag
139 Pony Collection Contest 2017 - Twilight Sparkle

The things from my pony collection that is on display. I also have a bunch in t-shirts, posters that I don't have free wall space a lot of other random things in a box.
140 MLP Collection 2017 - Overview - Sapo100The things from my pony collection that is on display. I also have a bunch in t-shirts, posters that I don't have free wall space a lot of other random things in a box.
142 All the Fluttershy's! :3 - FlutterbatIM/Elemental-Fluttershee

I was rushed, but this is the majority of my collection. This time, including my set of MLP trading cards (various rares and special cards), my Flutterbat shadow box, my Flutterbat wall scroll, and my Fluttershy giant poster. In the large image, I have a 3D printed Fluttershy figure in the bottom left black box on the wall. My lifesize plushies were made by qtpony and Agatrix. They are 45" and 40" long (and super cute!). I have a few other MLP brushable figures from 2010 and '11, but I didn't include those (they're in storage). I also have a G1 MLP collection in storage. :3
I was rushed, but this is the majority of my collection. This time, including my set of MLP trading cards (various rares and special cards), my Flutterbat shadow box, my Flutterbat wall scroll, and my Fluttershy giant poster. In the large image, I have a 3D printed Fluttershy figure in the bottom left black box on the wall. My lifesize plushies were made by qtpony and Agatrix. They are 45" and 40" long (and super cute!). I have a few other MLP brushable figures from 2010 and '11, but I didn't include those (they're in storage). I also have a G1 MLP collection in storage. :3
143 Pony Colllection - RogerDaily

My pony collection including the figures, arts, comics, plushies and my RD fursuit head...Then I Feel I need a pony pillow too.
My pony collection including the figures, arts, comics, plushies and my RD fursuit head...Then I Feel I need a pony pillow too.
144 MasqueradesFox's Pony Collection - Danii

I've been an avid collector for over 15 years, ponies are my second biggest, following my Scooby-Doo collection. I separated the photo into half G4 and the other half is everything from G1-G3.5. I tend to try and make my collections look like store displays, so (especially with the pegboards) there may be multiples in a row that are hard to see. Unfortunately I don't have enough room to properly display all my old gen stuff. I post all my collection finds and shenanigans to my instagram, and love doing fandom themed crafts as well, which is why I threw into some of my favorite pony craft supplies. Cant wait to see everyone's collections!
I've been an avid collector for over 15 years, ponies are my second biggest, following my Scooby-Doo collection. I separated the photo into half G4 and the other half is everything from G1-G3.5. I tend to try and make my collections look like store displays, so (especially with the pegboards) there may be multiples in a row that are hard to see. Unfortunately I don't have enough room to properly display all my old gen stuff. I post all my collection finds and shenanigans to my instagram, and love doing fandom themed crafts as well, which is why I threw into some of my favorite pony craft supplies. Cant wait to see everyone's collections!
147 Pony Collection 1 - Keith Christopherson

Here's my collection room. It's mostly pony, but there is some Fairies in there too. *I know someone will say something but that is NOT the stolen Bronies For Good autographed poster. I can provide close ups if anyone seems to think other wise.
Here's my collection room. It's mostly pony, but there is some Fairies in there too. *I know someone will say something but that is NOT the stolen Bronies For Good autographed poster. I can provide close ups if anyone seems to think other wise.
148 Pony Collection2 - Keith Christopherson

A lot of my larger items have been stored, Plushes and Castles etc.
A lot of my larger items have been stored, Plushes and Castles etc.
149 - Snowblind

This is most of my collection. Not pictured are numerous art prints, a few mugs/cups, many comics/books, and a large collection of CCG cards.
This is most of my collection. Not pictured are numerous art prints, a few mugs/cups, many comics/books, and a large collection of CCG cards.
150 Obvious Comic Aficionado - Nman625

Collection includes five pony shirts, various funkos, various McDank toys, A custom plushie of little bro's oc, Plenty of posters including the complete works of Sycotex(?) up to September 2016 (I got them at a con), Wonderbolts manual, Journal of Two Sisters, Elements of Harmony book, Pinkie shadowbox, Lotsa of comics (I have them all, if I don't have it as an individual issue, I have a trade paperback for it, and a whole lotta other junk.
Collection includes five pony shirts, various funkos, various McDank toys, A custom plushie of little bro's oc, Plenty of posters including the complete works of Sycotex(?) up to September 2016 (I got them at a con), Wonderbolts manual, Journal of Two Sisters, Elements of Harmony book, Pinkie shadowbox, Lotsa of comics (I have them all, if I don't have it as an individual issue, I have a trade paperback for it, and a whole lotta other junk.
151 Collection Closers - Nman625

Bet you're soooooooooo jealous right now. Don't be. I have a problem.
Bet you're soooooooooo jealous right now. Don't be. I have a problem.
152 Flitter's Pony Collection 2017 - Flitter

I downsized my collection to only brushables in the past year. There are 80 figures.
I downsized my collection to only brushables in the past year. There are 80 figures.
154 My Pony Collection - Poppun

I finally had the chance to take pictures of (nearly) everything for one of these contests, most of this was bought in stores on sale....I swear this isn't all I got from my accounting degree
I finally had the chance to take pictures of (nearly) everything for one of these contests, most of this was bought in stores on sale....I swear this isn't all I got from my accounting degree