Segments of Life has been releasing a lot of music recently, and this is one of the better ones in my opinion. A pretty unique musician, their music focuses on blending electronic and metal together to create interesting sound combinations. This one wraps strong percussion, heavy guitars, vocal chops and some trance-y sounds into a cool package that's definitely not the kind of thing you hear every day. Give it a listen below the break!
Friday, March 31, 2017 op 10:00 PM
Labels: Acoustic, Electronic, Media, Metal, Music, Music: Instrumental, Not-Fanfiction, TranceShare This!3 Comments
Nightly Discussion #1033
by Calpain
A simple little apple horse for a quiet Friday evening.
The weekend is here! Chat it up!
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Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
The actual terms haven't been announced, but it looks like Nightmare Night's BronyDanceParty animation is officially back on Youtube with all 7.1 million of it's views restored. I think that is some of the quickest turnaround time we've seen yet from a record label taking something down.
This means the rest of the videos are most likely safe as well. For now, you can rewatch Nightmare Night below if you are bored!
Vapor Trail, Coco Pommel, Marble Pie, Fluttershy, and many more have absolutely dominated the fandom over the years. For whatever reason, even if they barely play any role at all in their first episode, these cute quiet mares are beyond popular. We have had loads of incidental ponies pop up and disappear, yet this formula always strikes a chord.
So fandom, I'm curious. What is it you love about this character type? What draws you to the quiet, submissive mares?
I didn't think it was possible to improve Yakovlev's art, but he's getting even better and it's scary.
Get a bunch of art below!
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Secret hobby=3 by Yakovlev-vad
After three years of promos and animatics, it looks like the Fallout Equestria animation series has officially been cancelled. In the end, missed deadlines, burnout, people switching to other projects, and lack of new blood to fill their spots were all cited as reasons for it's ending.
They still have the Radio Play and SFM channels going, so don't expect a complete cease on Fallout stuff from the team. Along with that, all of their assets for the project are now publically available, including flash puppets and backgrounds. You can find the entire pack of those over here.
Head on down below for the announcement video about this.
The next episode of Baby Flurry Hearts Heartfelt Scrapbook has officially released, with Pinkie Pie once again providing vocals over a recap of old stories with interesting new felty designs. Below the break, get a story all about Equestria and it's harmony!
While this doesn't seem to bring anything specifically new to the table, the My Little Pony website does look a lot better in it's new iteration officially released today. We've had a few updates over the past few weeks, including new EG characters buried in the sites code, but this marks Hasbro's first actual announcement of it.
As always, you can check it out over here.
Thanks to Masem, Mlpbronypony, and everyone else for sending it.
Do we not have floating islands in pony yet? I feel like this is a required trope for every fantasy world.
Get a bunch of SFM art below!
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Fluttershy's flight by RedAceOfSpades
METEOR SWARM. Luna style. We have a bunch of wallpapers, and some oldschool ones we never posted that someone found. Head on down below for them!
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Live For The Night ~ Wallpaper by Karl97
Comic/Music: Timey-Wimey: Jyc Row - Tempora's Requiem (feat. Decibelle) [Orchestral]
by ExplodingPonyToast
Something pretty awesome here! Jyc Row has been working with Lumic4 to produce some music that ties into their Timey-Wimey comic. The music accompanies the artwork seen above, which also constitutes pages 78 and 79 of the comic. Singer Decibelle has hopped aboard as well to add some excellent vocals to what is a powerful and fitting epic orchestral instrumental. You can check out the comic here and the song with message from Jyc and Lumic4 below the break!
Morning Discussion #812
by Calpain
People sure like putting our ponies in armor. I don't blame them, it's pretty awesome to be honest.
Morning guys, ready to chat?
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Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Author: Codex Ex Equus
Changeling Courtship Rituals (Update Part 10!)
For years, Twilight Sparkle and Queen Chrysalis have been at each other's throats. Both have experienced victory over the other, and both have experienced defeat. Out of all the creatures in Equestria, none despise each other the way the pony Princess and changeling Queen do. They seemed destined to remain locked in battle forever, or at least until one is finally dead at the hooves of the other. The cruel insults, the vicious loathing, and the powerful spells that have passed back and forth between them at each meeting have become the stuff of legend.
Imagine Twilight's surprise when she finds out changelings consider this dating.
And now they're married.
Additional Tags: Twilight Sparkle accidently marries Queen ChrysalisThursday, March 30, 2017 op 10:38 PM
Labels: Author: Codex Ex Equus, Chrysalis, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Shipping, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Nightly Discussion #1032
by Calpain
I often wonder what my first day as a teacher in my own class will be like? I hope it isn't as scary as it seems.
Evening guys, ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Dungeons and Dragons pony wins! I was actually expecting something a bit more different from Equestria to take it, but it looks like we are all pretty content with more ponyland.
Below the break, get the results of that.
Next poll: Which of Pinkie's family should get more episodes with Pinkie?
Go vote on the side bar!
Unleash the PONES OF WAR. I am perpetually confused at this but can't deny that it is beyond awesome.
Go get a bunch of art below!
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KanColle Flutters by NCMares
Filly In The Box is back with some awesome neuro-style sounds and awesome foley in the background. There's some neat vocal chops as well, and some terrific constract between heavy electro synth design and soft light piano used in the break. The track never gets repetitive as the sound design is constantly switching up its arrangement and tone, but still in a way that sounds cohesive. Give it a listen below the break!
op 3:00 PM
Labels: Electro, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Neurofunk, Not-Fanfiction -
Story: Why?
by Calpain
[Slice of Life][Sad]
Author: The 24th Pegasus
Description: I have lived my entire life among the ice at the top of the world with my pod. I knew little of the world outside of the ways of We of the Sea, and as a filly, that suited me just fine. But one day, the steel whales came, and on their backs, they carried creatures not unlike myself, yet wholly different. For while I swam in the sea, they walked on the land and flew through the air. Yet they reminded me of my kind, so curious, so tragic, and so infinitely precious. Where they did not understand, they sought to learn with a foolish stubbornness. Where they wandered far from home, they extended their hooves in friendship.
Where they waged their wars, they fought with a violent savagery that was frightening to me.
As I held a dear friend close, the breath fleeing from his body, I only wanted to know one thing.
Additional Tags: An orcapony asks a question -
The offiical version of the My Little Pony Youtube channel has released a short little video dedicated to Rarity titled "Fashion Do's and Don'ts". Unfortunatetly it's all in Greek. We were waiting to see if an English version would arrive, but they still haven't posted one. You can get a pretty good idea of it anyway.
Head on down below to check it out.
Comic: Luna Land / Artistic License / Mark of Chaos #2 / Little Monster 22-23 / Bluegem #16
by Sethisto
I'm still desperately waiting for that Luna and Celestia duo episode. Just shelf the mane 6 for 22 minutes and let these two grab the spotlight.
Get a bunch of comics below!
Music: I Bring Da LULZ - Ponify Me (feat. Dwight G. MacGyver, Melody Sky, & Fluffalo) [Hip-Hop]
by ExplodingPonyToastA long while ago Lulz and Dwight MacGyver released a pretty cool track called Ponify Me. A few years later and Fluffalo (formerly Buffalo Brony), along with help from Melody Sky has done it up to be extra awesome! Featuring the original vocal chorus, there's some great new rap verses that contrast very cleverly with the original topic of the song, as a sort of reflection of how things have changed since the release of the original track. Give it a listen below for a pretty awesome experience!
Morning Discussion #811
by Calpain
Giant mobile pony fortresses are the way of the future! Fluttershy will conquer all!
Morning guys, sleep well?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
The mod for Skyrim that replaces everyone with anthro ponies has been imported over to Fallout 4. Now you can wander the wastleland interacting with it's slightly terrifying inhabitants while celebrating the wonders of the Uncanny Valley with pony heads on brightly colored bodies. It's a let's players dream.
Download it over here.
Nightly Discussion #1031
by Calpain
Spike is awesome no matter what form he takes! Keep rocking on bud!
Evening guys, ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
If you have ever played Starcraft 2 and it's Protoss campaign, you probably noticed the voicework of John de Lancie for Alarak. Over in Heroes of the storm, they decided to add a few mini emotes, and one just so happens to look a whole lot like Discord for the character.
Head on down below for the video if the screencap of it above isn't enough.
I always did love Sugar Belle. Maybe Glimmy will go on a crazy adventure with her buddies from that old village we still haven't come up with a name for yet?
Get the art below!
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Baker pony by thediscorded
Season five was our first real interaction with the Cutie Map, and we have had it periodically appear ever since. During it's introduction, Hasbro had a huge marketing campaign going for "Exploring Equestria" with a merchandise lineup, commercials, and books all pushing the concept. Around this time is when the official map of Equestria had it's first expansion, adding a whole bunch of interesting new locales for us to theorize on while we waited for episodes that took place in them.
What many thought was just a season long theme ended up continuing forward into the 6th season, and there are no signs that it won't be used even more in the 7th. Is the cutie map a good idea though? Should we move on to a new concept or expand it?
Editorial time! Lets dive into it below!
No new comic this week, but that won't stop us from taking a look back!
Let's have a view back at Granny Smith mending a rift between brothers.
Check out the review after the break, but watch out! Flim and Flam will try to sell you spoilers.
op 1:00 PM
Labels: After the Fact, Analysis, Author: Silverquill, Comic, IDW, Not-Fanfiction, Official Comic, Review -
Ever want to ship some Pinkie and Fluttershy? An artist and game creator over on Tumblr has released a game doing just that! There are three primary routes to take through it with different endings for each. I'll let the official description explain it though.
Go check it out over here.
Thanks to Graciedog for the heads up!
Legends of Magic finally has a three page preview out of iTunes! This one is expected to drop on the 12th of April. so we stll have a ways to go before it happens.
If you missed the initial announcement on this series, all the information on this comics including the the entire general idea of the arc, head on over here!
Anyway, get three pages below.
Morning Discussion #810
by Calpain
I wonder what Luna is up to in such a desolate landscape? Reflecting? Planning? Reliving some memories?
Morning guys, ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Nightly Discussion #1030
by Calpain
We don't see too much of Sugar Belle! Glad to see she hasn't been completely forgotten.
Evening guys, ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
The early My Little Pony fandom had some of the biggest crossover projects out there. Considering how many people were being bombarded by cartoon horses at every possible spot they browsed online, it was inevitable that fandoms would mix. October 11th 2011 marked the beginning of a long-running series with millions of views across it's six episodes, and it's still one of the coolest we've had 6 years later. I'm talking of course, about Turnabout Storm!
An armada of artists, video editors, and voice actors all got together and decided to create a massive project based on the Phoenix Wright series, starring the entire mane cast, the CMC, a bunch of backgrounders and indcidental ponies, and The Greatest and Most Powerful Trixie! It was filled with intrigue, mystery, and obnoxious blue unicorns desperately trying to fight her way out of court.
Head on down below the break for all four episodes! Be sure to set aside a bunch of time for it, as altogeather they clock in at a whopping 7 hours and 55 minutes!
I like this art style. I could see this hanging as a painting somewhere.
Get a bunch of art below!
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Once in forest by freeedon
Another week, another set of community soapboxes! Derpy got some love this time, along with a bunch of other crazy topics.
Expect these posts every Tuesday at 2:00 PM PST (3:00 EQD Time). To submit your own, see this post.
This week we dive into the following:
Why Derpy and Dinky ARE Canon
Order and Chaos
Equestrian Longevity
Why Rainbow Dash Wants to Join the Wonderbolts
Ponyville Saves the Day
And get your soapboxes below!
Crafts and Custom Compilation #2
by Calpain
It may be too late for Christmas, but AJ here is preparing for Christmas in July. A bit early, but as we all know Christmas always starts early.
Get your customs and crafts after the break!
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Hearth's Warming Eve Applejack by AlisteRosenheim
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