We Are Borg here with more Toy Fair news. Now that I the event is over I can take some time and walk you through the toys. We hit up the K'NEX booth to see what they had in store, or rather what's coming to store this fall. This stuff is so prototype, that some of the display pieces were 3D printed and it's very much subject to change. It's really cool, however, being able to see stuff this fresh out of development.
Let me break it down for you...
When the Sonic Rainboom goes wrong.
...literally, break it down. Poor Rainbow. So these are the pieces each pony will come in. It is unclear yet if the bodies will come in two parts or one but either way is fine. These modular ponies would be great for you to make your Cupcakes sequel. Let check out their product offerings...
Twitchy tail! Twitchy tail!
K'NEX's MLP toys are based off of their modern plastic Tinker Toys system. While not compatible with the Wood system or the old Hasbro plastic system, these MLP sets will work with any of the plastic Tinker Toy sets you can find on shelves today. So even if you can't buy Canterlot right now, grab yourself some big kits and design your own.
This Pinkie Pie Sugercube Corner kit is one of their bigger sets and features a nice mixture of custom molded pieces and classic Tinker Toy pieces. Sets like this one will include instructions for building a variety of structures with the same pieces. This set, for instance, can also be used to make a big cupcake. Tasty. Here's a close up of Pinkie...
Big purple eyes and yellow teeth? Can't unsee it can you?
Rather have a cider stand personally, but we'll get to AJ in a moment. First, let's see the other big set...

You stand over there Spike...
Just kidding, you can buy Canterlot. These kits have a lot of potential with the pieces they include. On the left of the castle, you can see a swing, for sending Spike to the next playset over. Ponies, by the way, will attach to the ends of the rods by their hooves so you can keep them in place or place them in a dramatic pose. Here's a close up of Twi and Spike...

Pretend you're M. A. Larson and pop Twilight's wings on and off all day.
I'm not sure if Spike has a connection point on him but he looks like he could easily fit on Twilights back. Let's check out the smaller kits...

She's gone to pieces on me.
So I think this one works by putting Dashie at the top of the slide then swinging the Rainbow around until it hits her in the butt and she slides down. It's an educational lesson in cloud safety. Also, I'm rather sure that the ponies' pieces connect using the same diameter connections. All I'm saying is you could mount a Rainbows head on that playset and it would be easy. Let's look at their single pony sets...

So not sure how much research the K'NEX people did into the ponies but they paired Rarities vain flank with a mirror and a brush LOL! What's cool though is the mirror is actually rather reflective and you can even see the back of her head there. Let's zoom in on Applejack...

Applejack paired with Apples. "Paired..." Get it? So while I'd rather have seen an apple tree, an apple sign is alright. AJ has a little bit of business entrepreneur in her. But if you really want an apple tree, all you need is Fluttershy...

3D printed Angel.
Fluttershy is always cute in any form. Also, that might be the most teriffying Angel toy we've ever seen...which means it's the most show accurate. Good job K'NEX!
Hope you liked it, and hopefully, they'll send me some finished products for me to review closer to launch. Let me know what in the comments what you'd build with My Little Pony TinkerToys.