Suddenly lots of updates! Get four story updates below covering all the genres!
[Slice of Life][Comedy][Human]
Author: The Albinocorn
Description: After putting on the Element of Magic, Sunset Shimmer was shown just how much of a monster she really is. But that wasn't all the Elements did to her. Sunset has now been forced to serve penance by answering any question truthfully and by doing anything asked of her, whether she wants to or not. And she really doesn't want to. Until all of the hatred in her heart is gone, Sunset is at the whim of her peers, unbeknownst to them of course. Can her new "friends" help her down the road to redemption? If not, there's always that other Twilight Sparkle she keeps running into.
Long Road to Friendship
[Alternate Universe][Adventure][Slice of Life]
Author: AugieDog
Description: Through a long-forgotten mirror buried deep within Starswirl the Bearded's laboratory lies the equine kingdom of Hevonenvalta. There, the unicorn medical mare Silver Scalpel has just received an honorable discharge from Her Majesty's cavalry due to injuries she sustained on the frontier. She finds herself at loose ends in the capital city of Ehwazton until a chance encounter with the aardhorse detective Currycombs changes both their lives forever.The Casebook of Currycombs
[Alternate Universe][Dark]
Author: CoffeeMinion
Starlight Glimmer's attempts to stop the Rainboom pulled Twilight Sparkle into many possible timestreams.
In one, Rarity and Rainbow Dash survived Nightmare Moon's victory over the forces of light, eventually attaining positions of prominence and comfort in the Nightmare's service. But when the unexpected visit of an Alicorn and Dragon sheds light on a growing conspiracy against the wicked mistress of the night, Rarity and Rainbow Dash may yet be inspired to risk what they have gained to join the fight for a better world.
To Serve In Hell (Update Part 9!)Yet darkness lingers even in the hearts of some who would oppose the Nightmare, and not all agree on what a better world would look like...
Author: Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
Description: Necromancers. Sickly ponies bathed in cloaks of darkness, bringing ruin to all who fall under their shadow, terror to those who meet their gaze. Ripping the dead from the grave and conscripting them to their army of evil and conquest. Woe to the towns that dare draw their interest.The Necromancer's Ambition
Such are the legends.
This is a story about one of the kindest ponies I know.