• Story Updates - February 15th

    The noble old applejack looking all prophety has come with more fanfic updates! Enjoy them below.

    Story: The Alchemy of Chemistry (Update - Sequel Part 3-4)

    [Alternate Universe][Drama]

    Author: Novel Idea
    Stuck as an aide to a bunch of second-year students at Gifted Unicorns, Sunset Shimmer thought picking one to tutor might be entertaining… and maybe advance her plans for the mirror and her eventual ascension.
    This 'Moon Dancer' filly is just a means to an end, after all.
    So why can’t Sunset sleep after Moon Dancer storms out on her? Why are Princess Celestia and Professor Polish so concerned about her?
    But most importantly, why is Sunset starting to doubt herself?
    This was all part of the plan. Right?
    The Alchemy of Chemistry

    Story: The Changeling Of The Guard (Update Part 32!)

    [Adventure][Dark][Slice of Life]

    Author: Vdrake77

    Description: Not all changelings are fit for life in a hive. But that doesn't mean they're capable of life outside it, either. Join one such changeling as he tries to find his place in Equestria, and what the difference is between survival and living.

    The Changeling Of The Guard (New Part 32!)

    Story: The World Within the Web (New Part 26!)

    [Alternate Universe][Adventure][Human]

    Author: Lord Max
    Across the great kingdoms of the Internet, a new power has arisen.
    Rising from the dark shores of the Chan, these men and women walk the Web and commune with their mystical benefactors - strange and colorful figures from another world, whom their followers know only as the "Six Friends Who Are One." A carefully guarded peace exists between those who venerate the Six and those who resist them, one that has lasted many years.
    Now, however, war looms once again. A Knight Moderator and his squire lie murdered in a dying city-site. Blame shifts to the blameless, and a small team of followers sworn to the Generous and Honest Friends must sail across the world to prove their innocence and save their brothers. All the while, they must contend with the forces of a hostile court, an unrelenting judge, assassins, anarchists, sorcerers, and one of their own as well - the fanatical Warden of All Honesty. Beneath everything is a vast conspiracy, holding a secret that will shake not only the Brony Collective, but all of the World Within the Web.