A successful convention would be impossible if it weren't for the dedicated staff and volunteers that take their time to make every pony con the best it can be! That's why SEAPonyCon is currently looking for volunteers and staff to help fill the gaps they have for this year's event.
If you're looking to help, check on after the break!
As Project SEAPonyCon nears its 6-month countdown, we open our doors to those interested in helping out in the preparation for the convention and also at the convention itself.
Unlike many other conventions, you are also welcome to help with the planning and organisation even if you are unable to make it for the event!
At http://StaffApplication.SEAPonyCon.com , you’ll find a form to fill up that will help us get to know you better and see where you are able to fit into the schedule. We have vacancies in almost every department from logistics to catering to registration and we need all the help we can get! We also have posts for volunteers as well so if you can make it to the convention and want to help out too, we definitely have something for you to do.
The process is also open to bronies from all over so don’t be afraid apply even if you are not from around Southeast Asia. Remember that Project SEAPonyCon is for everyone, not just Southeast Asia!
If you are unsure about anything or would like to ask a question, hit us up at Contact@SEAPonyCon.com, drop a message in our Discord server at http://discord.SEAPonyCon.com, send us a pm athttp://fb.com/SEAPonyCon or tweet us at @SEAPonyCon.
We look forward to welcoming you into the team behind Southeast Asia’s most anticipated pony convention!
Your friends at Project SEAPonyCon
Twitter: Calpain