Nightly Roundup #1397
by Calpain
I've actually never seen Star Vs The Forces of Evil but I hear it is pretty good! I'm surprised then this is the first crossover art I've seen of it and ponies. Though it could just be because my head is in the sand all the time.
News guys, get it all after the break!
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Zephysonas' orchestral works are usually pretty light and enjoyable, and there's no difference here with a lighthearted tune that has a bit of an adventurous tone to it. It kind of feels like the sort of thing you might hear in the background for a JRPG during one of the more low key sections. The percussion rolls along in a marching style with some great melodies as well. Check it out below!
Pacific PonyCon 2017 A Success!
by Calpain
Besides Ponycon which happened last weekend, Pacific PonyCon also held their convention recently with great success! With about 800 attendees and raising $2,238 for the San Diego Habitat for Humanity these were but a few successes for this year's convention.
Check on after the break for the full breakdown!
Nightly Discussion #974
by Calpain
Somewhere in an alternate reality the CMC are wondering what they'd be like as cute little ponies. Sweetie sure seems to like the idea!
Evening everyone, ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
The NIGHT MARE (moon).
I get it now. I never knew. Her name was a pony parody all along.
Get lots of art below!
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Commission for knuxmania by L1nkoln
The fiftieth issue of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic drops tomorrow! To help celebrate the occasion, Equestria Daily had the honor to sit down and interview Ted Anderson about the soon to be released comic. And specifically what it means to have written the landmark fiftieth issue of the series!
You can check it out in full after the break!
Soapboxing ALL the ponies. Cartoon horses have a lot of strange consistencies throughout the seasons, and in the world of brony we love to point them out. Expect some of that, some looove, lots of crossover, and more today!
Expect these posts every Tuesday at 3:00 PM. To submit your own, see this post. (Note: Discussion on clop isn't being accepted for now)
- Is Shipping Good, Bad or Neither?
- Fair Use and Ponies
- Trixie is our Peridot!
- MLP Should Take Inspiration from Mario
- Long Lost Sisters? - Introduction
And get your soapboxes below!
[Comedy][Slice of Life]
Author: Meta Four
A Survey of the Work of Vinyl Scratch (Abbreviated)
Vinyl Scratch, the mare behind DJ PON-3’s purple shades, is boldly exploring new frontiers of electronic dance music. Meanwhile, Spilt Ink, music critic for Sound on Sound magazine, is just as boldly exploring how far he can stick his head up his own rectum.
Trace the trajectory of one mare’s career—and one stallion’s sanity—through this peek into the music world’s sordid underbelly: the album reviews.
Additional Tags: Pitchfork, /mu/core, hipster garbageop 2:00 PM
Labels: Author: Meta Four, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, OC Ponies, Story, Vinyl Scratch -
The party plannerThe bringer of smilesThe DESTROYER of physics...The enigma.
While many earth ponies find satisfaction in their lack of magical prowess, one pony seems to have unlocked the very secrets of the universe. What are her limits? Where did these abilities come from? How does she plan on using them?
We were hired by Celestia herself to analyze and report on Pinkie Pie in an attempt to better understand her capabilities, and determine if they are either a threat or a boon to Equestrian society. Will she eventually crack and destroy the world? Or is she here to bring the pony race to a new age of enlightenment?
After six years of monitoring and investigation, our report is now available for the masses. Find it down below.
GalaCon has announced their second Guest of Honor that will be attending the convention. Kazumi Evans, voice of Adagio Dazzle, Octavia and Moondancer and singing voice of Rarity and Luna, will be at the festivities in Ludwigsburg, Germany this summer.
Find the press release below the break or over here!
That's a lot of "other"! You all better explain it in the comments! I'm in slot #1 with most of you for non-online/convention friends. They all thing its madness.
Next Poll: Who was your favourite Friendship is Magic Story Editor? (Thanks to Dominick for the idea!)
Get it on the side bar, and the results of this one below.
Morning Discussion #753
by Calpain
We had a giant Applejack so now here is a tiny Applejack to balance it all out. Now everything is right in the world!
Morning everyone, ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Rainbow Dash Day Soon! Get Your Emails In!
by Calpain
Rainbow Dash Day is less than a day away when this goes up so now is your chance to get your Rainbow Dash stuff in to make it for the big day! We don't want to disappoint Rainbow do we? Her ego can be a bit fragile you know.
Send in your Rainbow Dash related stuff to submit@equestriadaily.com with Rainbow Dash Day in the subject line followed by the type of media you're sending in.
Example: Rainbow Dash Day - Comics
We've hit 50 emails so far, but I know we can easily double that! After all, other mane six days have easily gotten over 100.
We look forward to what you send us!
Twitter: Calpain -
The Tails of Equestria RPG has a a few months left before it's actual release, but that doesn't mean the flood of news has dried up at all. Tabletop Weekly sat down with managing director Alessio Cavatore for a quick interview covering their work on the project and what we can expect out of it.
Head on down below to check it out!
Monday, January 30, 2017 op 9:00 PM
Labels: Merchandise, News, Not-Fanfiction, Official Pony RPG, Tails of Equestria -
Crusader! is back with a reflective and soft country-style piece sung from the point of view of Big Mac missing Applejack during her time away from the Apple Family farm. Crusader!'s voice works really well for this style of music, and the guitar strums along with the tune very nicely. Make sure to give it a listen below!
Author: whiterook6
Description: Inept guards, unsupervised death traps, and monologuing villains – Twilight Sparkle thinks the Daring Do stories are too predictable, so when she learns Rainbow Dash and Applejack are going off to have a make-believe Daring Do adventure, she vows to make it an adventure they’ll never forget.
Daring Do and the Lost Tome of Shadows (New Part 15!)
Additional Tags: Indiana Jones meets MLPop 7:42 PM
Labels: Adventure, Applejack, Author: whiterook6, Complete, Daring Do, Fanfiction, Rainbow Dash, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Nightly Discussion #973
by Calpain
Wanting to buck more apples in a day, AJ asked Twilight to make her into a giant pony! Unfortunately the increase in apple intake to power her each day outweighed the greater apple output. Oh well, the best laid plans they say.
Evening guys, how are you doing tonight?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Comic: Surprise / Everfree 62 / Chaos 64 / Scheduled Fun / Star Mares 3.2.11 / Future Twi 3.4
by Calpain
Finally, something that Angel likes, right? You might want to wear that when ever he is acting up, eh Flutters?
Comics guys, get the rest after the break!
We were just going to add this to the roundup since it has been done a few times now, but a huge amount of people are sending it so we might as well! More pony was spotted at the WWE. Someon was holding an Applejack is Best Pony sign up in the background. Good work random brony! Represent!
Thanks to PrincessLuna101, Christopher, Malteon, and everuone else for the heads up.
I wonder who Sunset Shimmer's friends used to be? Will we ever meet them?
Get a bunch of art below!
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Best friends by Holivi
Shatner Teases Doing Voice on MLP
by Calpain
Shatner continues his tweets about MLP, responding to a question about being a voice on the show with "What makes you think I haven't?". Granted the questioner is Nick Confalone, a writer for the show, so you'd think he'd be in the know and Shatner is just messing around.
Still, it isn't an outright denial of wanting to do a voice on the show so maybe our hopes of him popping up on MLP are more grounded than we think. I guess we'll just have to see what the show has in store for us!
Thanks to Dominick for sending it our way!
Twitter: Calpain -
Over the past few years, we have seen a pretty massive rise in the world of OC ponies. While Pony Creator was the dominant force in the early days, quite a few are moving on to much higher quality models for their creations, causing more people to find them attractive enough to share and post elsewhere.
A few 100% fan made characters have gotten to almost show-level status when it comes to popularity, with ponies like Little Pip and Fluffle Puff spawning humongous amounts of fan art and buzz. They aren't the only well-designed ideas out there though! Drawfriend posts here have almost a 50/50 split on OC's vs. Canon characters.
So, fandom filled with it's wondrous ideas and creativity, our Hypothetical Hasbro guy is back again, and he needs an OC for an upcoming episode. Who's it gonna be? Some [possible] choice paths:
- A very well designed OC pony
- An OC pony with an interesting story behind it
- An OC pony with a massive following
- An OC pony with a fandom person that you would love to see in the show
Pop your pony pick down below!
ThatMusicBrony's Among The Stars was a really great glitch hop track featuring some very nice vocals and chords, and those are what Sky Runner has used to craft a new drum & bass tune that rolls along beautifully. A pretty cool synth plays the lead melody whilst the drums are top notch as always. Give it a listen below!
op 11:00 AM
Labels: Drums and Bass, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Remix, Music: Vocal, Not-Fanfiction -
Story: Those Who Wield Power
by Calpain
[Slice of Life]
Author: Present Perfect
Description: Roblé Rotunda has the perfect thesis for his master's program. It's sure to put his name into the annals of Equestria's greatest thinkers. He's going to prove that Princess Celestia is not omnipotent.
Those Who Wield Power
Additional Tags: philosophical, thought experiment, god paradoxop 10:00 AM
Labels: Author: Present Perfect, Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, OC Ponies, Story -
A new game added to GOG.com a few days ago called "Mainlining", and it apparently has some pony under the hood. The point and click hacking style adventure has the website above as one of the places to visit, completely with a pretty obvious FiM pony and fanfic. This was actually found in the trailer, so I'm not too sure how extensive the cartoon horse is within it.
If you are curious, you can find the trailer below.
Morning Discussion #752
by Calpain
This is the reason you give ponies gifts: just to see them smile.
Morning everyone! How are you doing today?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
William Shatner Tweets About MLP Again
by Calpain
Either Shatner is being sincere or he is playing the long game on a joke, but today he has once again said he is a Brony. This comes months after his post last year where he declared he was a Brony and almost two years ago when he made some pony related posts.
Considering how amazing Discord is it would be pretty fun to have another Star Trek star on the show in a guest appearance. Though personally I'm waiting on Picard to show up alongside Discord.
Thanks to Fenchiph for sending in this bit of late night fun!
Twitter: Calpain -
Reverbrony's got a new metal track here, and this one features some vocals of his own as well! There are some really nice heavy guitar riffs and strong percussion as one would usually expect from a Reverbrony track, and it's clear he's definitely improving on his vocalwork, which certainly suits this style of track pretty well. If you want some heavy Scootaloo music, check this out below the break!
Nightly Discussion #972
by Calpain
Some happy Applejack to brighten up your day perhaps?
Evening guys, ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
This just came plowing through your wall. Do you still love Lyra even though she has an uncontrollable urge to punch things with her new mecha-fists?
Get a ton of art below!
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Knock Knock by Jadekettu
As we trudge forward into yet another hiatus, I figured it was a good time to get another one of these going similar to last year. Lets talk about EQD and THE FUTURE!
After six years of largely living off of word of mouth, we've decided to try some actual advertising out. Our buddies over at WeimTime LLC (Whom you may recognize for all those Synthesia piano videos we post) got their team together to do something we truthfully didn't have the expertise to pull off on our end. As he puts it:
WeimTime: I believe in a strong community for the best content aggregation, so I took the bill of creating this as a gesture of showing how I believe it's up to content creators to help bring back some life into the site that gave them life from the get-go.
Equestria Daily now has a video ad with Caitbug as the voice of Spotlight!
We need the fandom's help to get it out there though. So, why are we doing this and what can you do to get the word out? I'll explain it all below!
Metal Music: Ponysphere - Blackened Heart / Morgsch - Let The Sun Rise (SDreamExplorerS Cover)
by ExplodingPonyToastA couple of metal tracks here! First up Ponysphere rocks up with some power metal full of aggressive guitar riffs and percussion, and some great vocals too. He's definitely been improving in that aspect a lot recently. The second track is a cover from SDreamExplorerS of Morgsch's track Let The Sun Rise where he's taken the electronic original and turned it into a heavy metal one. Keeping the mellow vocals of Itchigotchi, he's added in some screaming-style ones of his own to amp up the energy. Check them both out below!
Scholastic has a few pony books out that we haven't ever highlighted here before, complete with some reasonably cool pony figurines. Right now we have "Official Pony Guides" to the mane 6 and princesses, along with the backs of each if you are curious about what they describe. Each uses the usual generic vectors.
Along with that, the Polish Rainbow Dash book has an English version. We've included that below as well! Go get em.
Marvel&Ponder has written up a really interesting look at the history of the art design process that went into creating our beloved pony cartoon, from concept to current. Some of you probably recognize a lot of this if you have been here since the beginning, but it includes a lot of neat tidbits that both veterans and new people will probably find interesting.
Head on over here to check it out!
Some unfortunate news has arrived from the Brony Thank You Fund team at Ponycon. As reported over on their Twitter, someone has stolen the giant signed poster that was going to head to the charity auction later. They are asking that people keep an eye out for it and contact them at (603-513-2383) if you have any information on it's whereabouts.
Hopefully something appears soon. It's pretty awful that someone would steal a thing like this from a Charity booth of all places.
Thanks to Frederick for the heads up.
Music: Totalspark - What Once Was (feat. Itchigotchi) [Spectra Remix] [Melodic Dubstep]
by ExplodingPonyToastSpectra has produced some great music in the past and here's back once again with a remix of one of Totalspark's recent tracks. Featuring vocals from Totalspark and Itchigotchi, Spectra's added in some powerful melodic sounds that help to carry the emotion across from the original, as well as some pretty cool bass sounds in the main sections. Make sure to check it out below if you want some pretty emotional sounding dubstep!
op 8:00 AM
Labels: Dubstep, Electronic, Media, Melodic Dubstep, Music, Music: Remix, Music: Vocal, Not-Fanfiction -
Morning Discussion #751
by Calpain
If you have a floating crown like that I wonder if she has to watch out for low hanging things looking to take it out?
Morning everyone! Ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
Music: Holocene - Never Know (feat. Rhyme Flow) [Chillout/Rap] / Morgsch - Let The Sun Rise (Sonic Rainboom Remix) [Experimental Pop]
by ExplodingPonyToastSome more vocal-oriented tunes in this post! First up Rhyme Flow has teamed up with producer Holocene to create a pretty great chilled out track. The instrumental complements Rhyme's vocals perfectly, allowing him to spit his classic deep words - as always his lyrics are more than worth paying attention to. The second track is Sonic Rainboom's new take on Morgsch's Let The Sun Rise. He's taken Itchigotchi's vocals and added a pretty cool bitcrushed-style pop instrumental underneath it.
op 8:00 PM
Labels: Chill, Chillout, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Remix, Music: Vocal, Not-Fanfiction, Pop, Rap -
Nightly Discussion #971
by Calpain
Don't worry Sunburst, Starlight was just trying to get everything she needed to finish her Harry Potter cosplay!
Evening guys, how is your Saturday going?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Bats and socks go together like pizza and parmesan. Purely amazing.
Get a bunch of art below!
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Scarlet + Speedpaint by Scarlet-Spectrum
Livestream Saturdays and Drawfriend
by Calpain
January is almost over guys and school season is in full swing! If you're relaxing this weekend, why not check out some streamers this week?
Remember, anyone who can stream can join in on these! Whether you craft, are doing a live reading, some art, animating, whatever. If you can stream it we'll be happy to put it up.
Note: Livestream Sundays are back on track, send in your info if you can participate!
As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at calpain@equestriadaily.com with your name, the type of art you'll be doing (general art, requests, videos, animation, ect), a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 4pm EST / 1pm PST on Saturday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain
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