Nightly Roundup #1381
by Calpain
Tillie, the 14 year old artist, is back with another piece of artwork to share with us tonight. Excellent work Tillie, keep up the wonderful work.
News time is here again my friends, get it all after the break.
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Ataraxia's made a variety of chilled out stuff recently, but one of the things he's evidently best at, is gorgeous piano works like this. With some added ambient sounds behind the piano, the mix doesn't feel empty despite only the single main instrument, and the variety in the tonality of the piano helps to keep it interesting. Especially wonderful is how nicely it fits the mood of the image that goes with it. This is definitely one of the nicest piano pieces I've heard in a while, and well worth a listen!
Buddy Valastro from the show "Cake Boss" on TLC decided to drop some Pinkie Pie off on his personal Facebook page today. That's 5 million people all getting in on the glories of a cakified cartoon horse. Apparently the crew over at Carlos Bakery (also from Cake Boss) either got a request for one, or have a pony fan on staff.
Thanks to Veronica for the heads up!
Ponycon has an exciting bit of news tonight as they happily announce the attendance of FluffyMixer, the creator of Fluffle Puff! Along with Crowne Prince, Pikapetey, Piemations, and Deadly Comics (also announced as attending!) the community guest list is starting to shape up quite nicely!
Check on after the break for the full press release.
Nightly Discussion #898
by Calpain
Socks just aren't enough for Derpy. For maximum fluff she needs a cloud as well to complete her ensemble! Just look how gracefully she rocks that outfit?
Evening guys, time to chat!
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
The GOD OF ALL TIMBERWOLVES has come. Bow before him.
Get loads of art below!
[1] Source
Timber wolf revenge by InsaneRoboCat
For anyone out there looking to do something with an evil Celestia or Luna, the comic versions of both of them have been re-created over in Source. Both include the usual things you'd expect out of these.
Go get them here.
One of our own is in the hospital tonight after being mugged while playing Pokemon GO. Vinnie, one of the admins for North Carolina Bronies, was found in a parking lot with possessions stolen and suffering from facial lacerations, broken facial bones and bleeding on the brain.
We've always come together as a group when horrible things happen to one of our own so if you're at all able please consider checking out the GoFundMe page for more details and spread this story around if you can.
We here at EqD are hoping for speedy recovery for Vinnie in the days ahead.
News Story
GoFundMe Page
Twitter: Calpain -
op 4:00 PM
Labels: Dubstep, Electronic, Glitch-Hop, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Not-Fanfiction -
PMV: Where is the Love?
by Calpain
The creator of the wildly popular Discord PMV is back with a new one tackling the apparent hate in a fandom that is based on love and kindness. Whether you agree or disagree with that sentiment, it is still a pretty good PMV set to the song Where is the Love by the Black Eyed Peas so check it out after the break!
Thanks to Mordecai for sending it in!
Greetings hens and gentlegriffons! We Are Borg here with a gathered analysis of none other than Gabriella the Griffon and everything about her; this adorable aerial predator. I mean this griffon might just be the best character to be introduced in season 6. I’ll cover her design, personality, what makes her tick, her stint as a Mary Sue, and the minds behind her.
Please join me below for animated gifs, tattoos, death hugs, silliness, and a deeper look into Gabby than you thought possible.
Two characters who haven't had a lot of interaction, but share a common friend. How would an adventure shape up between these two?
Time for a look back at one of the earliest Friends Forever issues. Click for more but be mindful of spoilers!
op 12:00 PM
Labels: After the Fact, Analysis, Author: Silverquill, Comic, IDW, Not-Fanfiction, Official Comic, Review -
The Brony Thank You Fund has been helping fight cancer for years now, selling calendars and pins with the goal of Bucking Cancer. The organization needs a little help from you guys now all while helping out Jenn Blake as well!
Awhile back she promised to get a page into the 2018 calendar but due to recent events she won't be able to finish it in its entirety. That's where you guys come in as she is looking for a colorist to finish the page she is working on! Check out the full details below:
Hi all,
In the summer, Jenn Blake agreed to do a page for the 2018 Brony Thank You Fund calendar. Obviously, since then, a lot has happened with Jenn, but she'd still like to contribute to fighting cancer. What she needs is someone to color the page she's doing. If you have a background doing comic coloring, or think you have the chops to pull it off, contact info@bronythankyoufund.org with some samples of your work, so we can hook you up with Jenn. We need art in by December, so time is of the essence.Twitter: Calpain -
Billy Bob is getting asked about ponies all over the place now that he admit to watching the show early last week with his daughter in a GQ Interview. On Late Night with Seth Meyers, he got the age old "Favorite Pony" question and went into more detail on how he watches the show. Turns out he and his kid mainly watch Equestria Girls now.
Head on down below to check it out!
Story: Maud-lin
by Calpain
[Comedy][Slice of Life]
Author: Pascoite
Description: Pinkie asks Spike to keep Maud company until she gets off work, but he can't just sit there and say nothing to Maud, right? But she barely talks back, so he continues filling the silence, and... well, he should have stayed quiet.
Additional Tags: Spike just can't winop 10:00 AM
Labels: Author: Pascoite, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Maud, Normal, Pinkie Pie, Spike, Story -
A Symphony Of Two are back in business with a stunning orchestral track that moves along majestically. With a soft string build build punctuated by arpeggiating piano notes it steadily becomes more complex with added piano layers and some other instruments. I think these guys really excell at this atmospheric orchestral stuff, so it's definitely nice to hear some more from them!
Morning Discussion #677
by Calpain
Some Trixie this morning so that I can pay my Trixie Tax to Seth.
Morning guys, ready to chat?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
AJ Day Reminder - 4 Days Remaining
by Calpain
While AJ Day quickly approaches, AJ has been fixing things up for the big day! That's right, we're just 4 days out from the day that started all of these appreciation days! Despite that we've only collected 8 emails so far for the big event, probably the lowest we've ever gotten on a first pass.
If we're to make this day successful we need you guys! So make sure to send in your AJ Day related material to submit@equestriadaily.com with the subject header "AJ Day" followed by whatever you are sending in.
We can't wait to hear from you guys!
Twitter: Calpain
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