With one of the heaviest tracks I've heard in recent times, Trixent continues to catch up for lost time with some of the coolest neuro sound design I've heard. All of their recent releases have really impressed me, and this is no different. With immaculate percussion, dark chord stabs, brooding pads and of course the beautifully designed bass sounds this is definitely worth checking out!
Saturday, October 22, 2016 op 11:00 PM
Labels: Drums and Bass, Electronic, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Neurofunk, Not-FanfictionShare This!2 Comments
A new project is underway to celebrate all the animation talent in the fandom. The plan is to fully animate the first episode of the show with clips from varying styles. Right now the following people are onboard:
Laughing Gas
Shiba Roll
With many more showing interest if the project picks up.
Head on down below the break for the intro video!
Two voice talents from Friendship is Magic are once again nominated for the UBCP/ACTRA awards. We've won and lost spots in this before from various categories these past few years, and have another shot to make up for it.
Two people in particular are in the running for "Best voice"
- Peter Kelamis is nominated for playing Big Daddy McColt
- Andrea is nominated for “The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows”
You can find a full list of people in the running over here.
Thanks to Jason for the heads up.
174UDSI is pretty darn good at upbeat house stuff, and whilst a lot of his tracks sound pretty similar at times, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Here though, he's released an amazing track that is absolutely taken to another level by the fantastic use of vocal sampling and chopping. I really like when people add an extra layer to their productions with stuff like that, and it's definitely paid off here with what is probably my favourite track he's released so far.
The usual legal demons have popped their heads up again for another round of trouble. A Lawsuit has been filed against My Little Pony: Puzzle Party from Peak Games; the makers of the game "Toy Blast". Venture Beat did some investigating and found that it really does look like it copied just about everything, from the shape of the fields to the tutorials.
Toy Blast has been out since 2015 and shot up to #1 on Google play and #3 on iTunes, so this isn't a small deal by any means.
You can find one of those screenshots below, or all over them over here.
Note: I supposed we will see what happens to the game going forward. If you want to hold on to it in case there is a shut-down, you might want to turn of updates.
I, for one, really enjoyed that season. It may or may not have been due to Glimmy and Trix, but I bet im not the only one that loved those two.
Get the arts below!
[1] Source
MLP Season 6 In A Nutshell - Complete by dm29
Comic: An Old Meemory / Fluttershy's Anti-Adventures #14 / It's a Spectacle / AJ/Dash Shipping / Flutterzone
by Sethisto
Lots of comics! And mainly single parters this time since Calpain is at NMND and I don't have his update list. You should all send those. Warning on #4 and 5, they are pretty shippy.
Go get them below!
4EverfreeBrony has brought on the feels in collaboration with lyricism from TrojanPony, and some beautiful piano work from Metajoker with this new wonderful piece of music. The instrumental is quite minimal, yet doesn't feel empty at all, especially when that really nice flute sound comes in. The vocals and piano are the heroes of the track though, and both are performed perfectly. If you're up for a moving track about Twilight losing her treehouse, make sure to check it out!
"This Spring, experience a convention like never before, starring the amazing talent of Tabitha St. Germain. Tabitha plays the role of BABSCon's first Guest of Honor and promises an appearance like never before. A blockbuster premier of pony proportions, on the red carpet of the Hyatt Regency SFO, April 14th-16th. Tickets are on sale now and Sponsor memberships are almost sold out, so get yours today.
Read the full release below.
If you haven't made a trip to Gamestop yet for the Power Ponies figures, Funko has uploaded them over on Amazon for purchase online. You have two specific options:
Singles at $6.99
Set at $79.99
We also have a report that the toys are starting to appear at a store called "2nd and Charles", though that might be a bit more niche than just hitting Amazon.
Thanks to Jyro and Jeffrey for sending it.
The finale has officially arrived. While it technically already aired in the UK, we don't yet have a version in HD without sped up voices. That poll a few days ago seemed to hint that a lot of you haven't watched it yet either.
And expect episode followups to follow, just like Top Bolt. We wanted HD Screenshots!
Starlight Glim Glam doing some studious student type things before the new finale.Morning, folks! It looks like the end of season 6 is now finally upon us. It has been one roller coaster of a season, but one I've certainly enjoyed. Looking back, we've gone on some rather exciting adventures, met a lot of fun new characters, and been given more backstory to some good old characters as well. Here's to a splendid season 7!Remember your spoiler tags for until after the finale airs as always! Now it's time to get chatting!
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