Nightly Roundup #1366
by Calpain
I've always liked how the fandom pairs these two up for gaming fun, but I'm unsure what it's origin is. I guess out of the CMC she seemed the most likely to play games and people just paired them up, sort of like how Gamer Luna came to be.
Anyhow, news time guys! Get it after the break!
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Newbie Artist Training Grounds VI: Final Day
by Calpain
Now that is a lot of prompts! Ponies sure do live interesting lives now don't they? I'd like to think we had some decent prompts for you guys to enjoy, borrowing from the old and combining with some new ideas while trying to keep them in an order that wouldn't be overwhelmingly challenging. Hopefully next time around we can offer the same quality for you guys!
But that is the future, what's important is today! That's right guys, it is the final prompt for the ATG and the end of this long exercise that you all have put so much time and effort into. At the beginning of this event I was a little nervous of how successful the event would be, whether or not people would be interested in the prompts or stick with a 30 day program after our run of 15 day ATG events.
But as time went on I knew I could count on you guys to deliver, taking our prompts in directions I couldn't imagine and pushing the envelope each and every day. I've heard from a few of you of how the ATG has inspired you to draw and how you're going to stick with it beyond our 30 days here, leaving a smile on my face with the knowledge the ATG has been successful in its goal of creating new artists. Not only that but we saw some fandom veterans participating as well, having fun and honing their skills, making me glow with happiness at how our event has managed to incorporate everyone. You all make me so proud and it humbles me to have you all listen to a silly science horse for 30 days giving you prompts, you guys are truly the best.
While I can probably gush all night I bet you'd like your prompts and some statistics for tonight, right? Well tonight for our final makeup you guys brought in 102 ponies bringing us up to 5544 ponies in total! We did it guys, we broke 5500 ponies! Woo!
Now onto your final prompt guys, are you ready? Every ATG we have ended the event the same way because today is your day whether you did one prompt or all of them. Today is your graduation and it's time to spread your wings so tonight I want you to draw a pony graduating/draw a pony party. As usual you can submit your artwork here.
Onward to our makeup gallery! Get it after the break!
UndreamedPanic is well known for his strongly mastered house tracks, and here he delivers one with some really nice lead melodies about rainbow dash up in the skies. With all the hallmarks of powerful festival-style progressive house, this is definitely one of his better recently released tracks, and well worth a listen!
Is everyone ready for Fluttershy and Daring Do's team up next week on September 21st?
Yes? No? Kitty?
Well, to help you make up your minds, our friends at IDW have provided us here at Equestria Daily with an exclusive extended preview for the upcoming new issue. I seriously want to see what happens when Daring goes to Ponyville's animal expert for help.
As always you can find the preview after the break!
Nightly Discussion #836
by Calpain
It's almost fall everyone, have you got your fall fashion in line for inspection by Rarity? If not I'm sure she'll sell you her very latest, just make sure you have a lot of bits.
Evening guys! Ready to chat?
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Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
As we look on into the future at the episode in a few days, lets celebrate the excellence that was Gabby. She has already flooded us with tons of fan art.
Get your arts below!
[1] Source
Closer Than Far by Jowybean
And a new banner from Drawponies!
op 15:00
Sildid: EDM, Electronic, Hardstyle, Media, Music, Music: Remix, Music: Vocal, Not-Fanfiction -
Equestria Girls director Ishi Rudell has confirmed over on Twitter that we are indeed getting a soundtrack for the upcoming Legend of Everfree movie. We may not have even heard the songs yet, but if the last few are any indication, it's probably going to rock it in that category. Even Daniel Ingram is saying it's his favorite set so far.
Thanks to Andrew for the heads up!
Even with some conventions eventually coming to a disheartening close, we still have the occasional new conventions springing up. At the end of August, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend one of these brand new conventions; the very first FillyCon! Held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania from August 26-28.
Find my thoughts and retrospective followup of FillyCon 2016 after the break!
This story has been hitting our inbox a bit this morning for not only it bringing pony to online news sites again but also because of how silly it was.
Apparently there has been an iOS 10 update that included an overhaul for iMessage which included an option to now send GIFs through the service. While many search terms were censored by Apple, for some reason the word 'butt' wasn't one of them, leading to a very unexpected result with poor poor Fluttershy as the star.
To be honest, the GIF itself is from an old animation, but more importantly isn't explicit but probably something saucier than we'd put in the Drawfriends. If you're a saucy pony enthusiast I'm sure you've seen saucier.
Regardless, Apple seems to have since censored search terms for 'butt' so once again all is right with the world and Fluttershy can stop being embarrassed.
Thanks to everyone who sent this one in! We aren't posting the GIF here, but for those interested you can find the link below.
(Update: Since pony uses different terms for explicit material, there are still some out there. Be wary)
Twitter: Calpain -
Tyandaga teams up with Spirit to discuss a question a lot of people have been asking over the years - What effect is analysis having on the fandom?
Do analyzers stretch things in the show a bit too far for the sake of providing some wild theory where there really isn't anything? Are you all becoming jaded with higher expectations as reviewers pick apart every little thing an episode has to offer? Or is this all a good thing, and hopefully doing... something to improve everyone's pony life? ANALYZE IT!
Go check it out below!
Jyc Row has quickly established himself as one of the leading orchestral musicians currently active in the fandom, often specialising in celtic-style epic orchestral. That's exactly what's on show here, with a pretty epic track about Fluttershy, dragon master - I think the title fits her quite well! The track speeds up in intensity as it goes on, and definitely gets me hyped up.
From Taobao to eBay! The new brushable designs that were leaked a while back have now made their way over to eBay, including a few we didn't have previously. Oddly enough, the listing actually states that they are indeed movie based, though we still have no official confirmation on that. It's just another interesting tidbit to add to the pile!
Get lots more images down below. As always, when ordering things from Hong Kong off eBay, be wary.
Morning Discussion #618
by Calpain
Rara sure was a treat to have on the show, wasn't she? Her song The Magic Inside was just so wonderful to listen to.
Morning everyone, ready to chat?
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Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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