Rarity Day - Comic Dubs and Fanfic Readings
by Calpain
With Rarity Day almost at a close, our little marshmallow is winding down for the day with a little reading. If you guys would like to join her we have a plethora of audio readings and some comic dubs for you tonight!
Get them all after the break!
Tuesday, September 13, 2016 op 11:30 PM
Labels: Audio Book, Comic Dub, Fanfiction, Media, Rarity Day, StoryShare This!8 Comments
Newbie Artist Training Grounds VI: Day 29
by Calpain
I would like to dedicate this post to Phoe and her love of Bon Bon and Lyra. You know, I remember the very first ATG back before I was a significant part of EqD, remembering what a cool idea it was and how impressive it was to see a fandom come together for the sake of drawing cute little ponies. It was all thanks to Phoe that we are here today and though she doesn't actively work on the site anymore I bet she still checks in to see how you all are doing and how proud she must be of you guys. Thanks Phoe, even if you can't be here for the ATG physically we know you're here for us in spirit!
Evening guys, we're almost at the big day, huh? Today is the final day for a unique prompt and I've picked out one I think is appropriate considering all the work you've put into the past month! What can we expect next though? Well tomorrow will be our last Makeup Day, letting you guys tackle any of the ATG's past month of prompts with the day after being your graduation day prompt.
With business out of the way, how did you guys do last night? Well, you all brought in a total of 98 ponies bringing our total up to 5344 ponies! Nice work once again my friends.
Now, remember I said I had a special prompt picked out just for you guys tonight? Considering all you have gone through to get to this point I think it's appropriate to draw a reaping an award/draw a pony at the end of its rope. Heck, I'm tired after just keeping track of everything over the past month, I can't imagine how tired you all are but I assume it's also been an award to many of you! As usual find our submitter here.
To the gallery my friends!
As with all pony days, we set aside a separate post dedicated to free submissions for all on whatever pony is the spotlight that day. Rarity Day brought in a healthy 40 entries specifically for the event! Sunset Shimmer day is next, so get to drawing for that one if you want in. All skill levels welcome!
Go get them all below.
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Fashion Week 2016 by HarmonicDazzle
Rarity Day Story: The Best of Tensions
by Calpain
Author: BlazzingInferno
Description: A massage is just a massage, isn’t it? Apparently not when Spike is involved. Somehow finding a book on pony massage specifically for handed creatures like himself is fated to end the way that most of his adventures do: with the untimely destruction of Ponyville.
The Best of Tensions
Unless Rarity can help, of course.
Additional Tags: Out of This World Massagesop 9:00 PM
Labels: Author: BlazzingInferno, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Random, Rarity, Shipping, Spike, Story -
RARITY TIME! Want Rarity art? THIS IS IT! We have the best of the best of the best Rarity of the past few years. Primarily from 2014 onward, but there are a few mixed in that had weird dates. Just consider it MORE RARITY!
I ran into a bit of a snag with the compiling of Rarity here. It turns out, a lot of her stuff 2014 onward falls into a category of images we usually need to tag and hide behind a link. Typically I like to get two ~100 image mega best of posts up per pony now on pony days, but the remaining ~100 images are suggestive. As someone who is both an artist and friends of many artists, I still want to show off the best of the best here on EQD, even if they might venture into the weirder side.
And so, I'm splitting it into two. This is normal Rarity art, with no "saucy" things at all. Post #2 will be the saucy tagged one. If you don't like that type of imagery, please don't visit post #2!
If you submit art for Rarity day, specifically for Rarity day, that post will go up later this evening.
Now go get tons of normal, awesome, crazy, and general Rarity below!
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Artist at work by spittfireart
Nightly Discussion #834
by Calpain
This must be what appreciation days feel like for our ponies: lot's of loving affection and cheek rubs! Well, metaphorical cheek rubs except in this case.
Evening guys! Ready for chatting on this Rarity Day?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Lead Character Designer Kora Kosicka - Rainbow Dash's Dad Not Her Dad, Apple Parents Dead and More
by Calpain
Some interesting news out of a convention held in Warsaw, Poland this month (Middle Equestrian Convention) during a panel with Kora Kosicka. During the hour and a half panel a variety of questions were asked but some key information has been summarized for us by some people that were at the convention and the panel.
Check on after the break for the full details.
Update - Some information on who Kora is: (From BABSCon Presser)
"Kora’s been working her magic as a character designer for MLP:FiM since season 3, becoming lead character designer for seasons 5 and 6. She also provided the character concept designs for Equestria Girls, leading the character design efforts for Rainbow Rocks and Friendship Games. And she was the character designer for season 1 of Littlest Pet Shop."
Harwick brings on the epic for Rarity Day! We will probably have a dedicated Rarity drawfriend later, though we did already have one in 2014 so expect a bit of crossover.
Anyway, go get tons of art below!
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Rarity day by harwicks-art
Rarity Day Cosplays
by Calpain
Since cosplay involves a lot of fashion in of itself, Rarity is a perfect pony to dress up as! What better way to show your appreciation to the Queen of Fashion than putting your all into a killer cosplay?
Check on after the break for all the fashion you can handle!
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MLP: Rarity- Art of the dress by Shirokii
Taking their name from the Princess of the Night, Luna, who deals primarily in trance-style music has put out some pretty cool stuff in the past. Here, they've released an uplifting trance track with some help from their brother that progresses in a really satisfying way. The real start hear is the high pluck-y piano-like melody that starts to really take hold around 2 minutes in.
You can't have an appreciation day without comics! We've got a nice mix of the very very old and a bit of the more recent today. You'll see comics like the classic Book Fort, a nice helping of the DoubleWBrothers and of course the giant multiparter comic, where Spike and Rarity are the main characters, Rogue Diamond!
Now check on after the break to get a nice dose of Fashion Horse!
Butch Hartman, most known for creating Fairly OddParents, has been drawing classic and modern cartoons in the style used for the Fairly OddParents show. Since Tara Strong voiced both Timmy Turner and Twilight Sparkle it just had to be! Up above is the completed work, but if you'd like to watch the quick time lapse of him drawing it out it starts at 1:37 in the video after the break!
Thanks to everyone who sent it in!
She's looking a little goofy from the front view, but we have another leaked brushable image appearing from the Chinese market over at Taobao. If you haven't been here the last few days, we are seeing a brand new lineup of first party toys for the future. Check out the rest of the ponies here, and a variant Fluttershy here.
Thanks to Micheal and Bonez for the heads up!
Silva Hound's 'Egomania', much like previous tracks Silva's recently released, is the subject of an upcoming remix EP, and after Vylet's remix, this remix by Aviators is the second to be revealed. Aviators has put up a string-filled dance remix with a lot of influences from all over the place - I especially like the trance-y synth that comes in around 3:38.
Morning Discussion #616
by Calpain
Well that nap didn't last long! It's still early morning and Rarity is ready to go to see all the exciting posts about her for today. Don't worry Rarity, we won't let you down!
Morning everyone, sleep well I hope?
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Rarity Day Commences!
by Calpain
Today we have a special little gift to the world of fabulousness as we present Rarity Day! Rarity is resting up for the big day ahead which she is going to need thanks to you guys sending in a ton of emails since our last reminder just hours ago!
So stay tuned as we present Rarity in all her forms, from plushies to comics to art and more! We even have a new story an author published and didn't want us to post until today so watch out for that.
Now onward to a most fabulous day ahead!
Twitter: Calpain
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