Newbie Artist Training Grounds VI: Day 21
by Calpain
Now this prompt has made me hungry, good going you guys! Seriously, I was expecting some waffles and you guys did not disappoint with last night's prompt. So many delicious ponies! With all sorts of ideas in your heads you guys turned in 92 ponies, waffles or not, bringing us up to 4481 ponies!
With the end of summer at hand now that Labor Day weekend is over I thought it would be appropriate to say goodbye to the season with the following prompt: Draw a pony at the beach/Draw a pony catching rays. I'm really interested to see what you guys come up with for today, you all are always full of surprises. Find the submitter here.
Onward to the gallery after the break!
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I admit, early on I wasn't too fond of Applejack. I've always lived in Arizona, and that hard working traiditonal cowgirl trope gets incredible tiring when you are constantly bombarded with it. Luckily she has shown to be much more than that over the past few seasons, and because of this, we celebrate with apples this month!
Below the break, get your monthly celebration post. This month we will be introducing a few new forum based things to the patreon page in general.
As always, I don't want any of this to be "exclusive access to early things" or anything. That always drives me nuts. Forum things will just be cosmetic, as well as permanent.
We also have a new patreon commission supporter on the side bar. Be sure to check Sidera's art out and support them for supporting us! Her art is ridiculously cute.
We also need more normal ideas for patreon rewards. If you have any good ones, feel free to email or drop them in the comments here.
And if you want to join the patreonage, check out our post on why over here and hop in!
Now go get your patreon celebration below!
(Update: And go check out this too cause twilight's best journal waifu)
Nightly Discussion #826
by Calpain
So how do you think the Princesses would play? It's probably a rule violation to have three alicorns on a team, but I guess if two assume the roles of earth pony and pegasus it would work out.
Evening guys! Time to head back to work after the long weekend. Hope you enjoyed yourselves!
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
August played host to the end of that major summer news flood and brings on the start of the end season-next season hopes and dreams. With school starting up, things tend to slow down a bit in the early weeks then pick up again once all the students out there get into a routine and figure out their free time schedules.
For us, that means a slightly lower content flood, but still a lot.
I'm working on an editorial about the seasonal side of EQD. Keep an eye out for that in a few days. We've been light on editorials lately as a few of our newer guys have been dealing with new jobs and crazy work hours.
Now go get your month in review below! And for past months, check out the label for this. TONS OF PONY.
2007 was my planned "take a year off to discover myself", which turned into "play WoW nonstop for a year". Woops.
Get the arts below!
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Octavia by t-Hoodie
One of the most important parts of any MMORPG is the character creator, more-so in a fandom where most people have their own OC pony in general. Legends of Equestria hopes to expand their selection of manes and tails by opening up submissions to the public. Your submission can be anything from a perfectly rendered masterpiece set for direct upload if its a winner, to a MSpaint drawing of what you want it to somewhat look like. It's open to all.
Head on over here for the contest details, along with downloadable templates of both the stallion and mare models.
Amazon has a new listing up for an augmented reality pony book, complete with it's own unique 3D Models. Equestria Comes to Life includes a phone or tablet app that lets you scan the pages "interact" with the ponies, or make them interact with eachother with connected devices.
How extensive that will be is still a mystery. With an October 6th release date it's right around the corner to try out. Color me curious.
Get the description below, it's a long one.
Plushie Compilation #228
by Calpain
Some Fallout Equestria to header this plushie compilation! I may know next to nothing about it, but I do know this Littlepip looks really cool.
Plushies are back guys, get them after the break!
[1] Source
Littlepip plush by agatrix
If your group hasn't signed up for the Fan Group Support Program yet, you have until midnight to get in on the action and snag some free cards for your group! Even if you don't actively play the MLP:CCG, you're still eligible - just nominate one group member to fill out the quick form here and that's it, easy peasy.
Then later this month Enterplay will send out your special foil copies of cards from High Magic - Pf12 Under the Wire and Pf13 Applejack's Hat. But not if you don't get in by midnight, so if you're interested don't put it off any longer! -
The 32nd installment of the Friends Forever series marks a team up between Daring Do and Fluttershy. You can read the synopsis and other infos on that at our reveal over here. We now have a three page preview if you want a bit of a heads up before diving in.
Head on down below the break to check it out!
Zap2it has confirmed the finale for the season (probably through derping, like the title leaks a few months earlier). "To Where and Back Again" is now our finale, completing the leaked list of episodes earlier this year. Along with this the title "Top Bolt" was revealed for episode 24.
What do you think it will involve? More time travel seems to be the most popular guess, but a few people have pointed out that the actual way the wording it laid out refutes that. I'm betting we get some major changes out of it regardless if the last few season finales are any indication.
Also Glim. Please.
The listing has since been removed from Zap2It, but you can find a screencap below the break!
Morning Discussion #608
by Calpain
Sunset has really turned into a great character over time. I don't think I'd have come back to the Equestria Girls series if it wasn't for her and her character development over the past few movies. Here's hoping we get some more of it in Legend of Everfree!
Morning guys, hope you slept well!
New EqD Commenting Rules
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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