Newbie Artist Training Grounds VI: Day 9
by Calpain
I had a hard time choosing a header for tonight's post because you guys were so creative tonight! But something about this pony's eyes stopped me in my tracks and I just had to put him here. Plus the combination of a drawn image with artistic photography was an amazing touch I might add! Excellent work Bumskuchen!
We're almost a third of the way through ATG VI! How are you all feeling? Are the prompts working out for you guys? Let me know in the comments if you have any feedback! In the meantime why don't we look at 257 tiny ponies? Which brings us up to a total of 2329 ponies! Well done my pony friends!
Now that we've covered your basic ponies, a variety of backgrounds, moving ponies, expressions, inanimate objects and more let's tackle something special I've been saving for you guys: draw a video game pony/draw a pony playing a game. You can find today's submitter here!
Check on after the break for today's gallery!
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Equestria Girls producer Ishi Rudell has revealed the face behind Gloriosa Daisy from the upcoming Legends of Everfree next month. Enid-Raye Adams will be lending her vocal talents for the character that we still don't know much about outside of toy lines. You can go bother her with the usual brony questions over on Twitter!
Thanks to Andrew and Jason for the heads up.
Nightly Discussion #812
by Calpain
Seeing all the fillies and colts in the ATG tonight really makes me wonder what the childhoods of our background ponies were like? There is probably quite a story to tell considering how crazy they all are.
Evening guys, ready to chat it up?
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Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Plushie Compilation #227
by Calpain
I wondered when we'd get a plushie of this little guy! I wonder if in future episodes we'll see Thorax running around in his pony form in the background?
Plushies guys! Come get some cuteness after the break!
[1] Source
Crystal Hoof Custom Plushie by shindeeru
Comic: Design Philosophy / Intimate Strangers / Everfree 46 / Before the Fall 6 / Growing Pains 2
by Calpain
You know, I never thought of this solution! Episode could have been done right then and there and all that suffering avoided. Poor girls...
Anyhow, more comics guys! Get them after the break.
After the Fact: Appleoosa's Most Wanted
by Calpain
Silver Quill is back at it with a new After the Fact as he tackles Appleoosa's Most Wanted! What sort of observations has our friend come up with this time?
Check on after the break to find out!
Update: Apparently it is a reupload of a video taken down some time ago. At least we have the new version up for the archive!
I hear Shining Armor is a regular at the spas in the Crystal Empire.
Get the arts below!
[1] Source
Shining Pamper by Circus-Cinnamon
Spotlight Music: A Changeling Can Change (Eurobeat Remix) / Pinkie's Present (Piano Cover) / MLP Theme (Secret Metal Remix)
by Sethisto
Eurobeat, piano, and metal. We have three vastly different remixes for show songs today. Go get them all below!
1.) A Changeling Can Change (Eurobeat Remix) (Remix - Eurobeat)
2.) Pinkie's Present | MLP | Piano Cover (4 hands) (Remix - Piano)
3.) Secret Metal - MLP Extended Theme BM (666 sub special) (Remix - Metal)
A store called ASDA apparently has the set above in stock. Most of the figures within are just blindbag repeats, but they do have a few new ones in the mix for those out there wanting to collect em' all.
As always, be sure to call in before making the trip, as they could be limited stock at only a few stores.
Thanks to Ryan for sending them.
It looks like yet another new writer was added this season. Jennifer Skelly is the mind behind the September 3rd "Buckball Season" episode. Her IMDB page seems to focus primarily on animal shows, she does have a few credits for animation in a Nickelodeon cartoon called Zevo-3 and the pre-school targeted 3d animated program "The Zula Patrol".
I wonder what she will bring to the pony table? The announcement looks to be the only MLP related thing on her twitter at the moment.
Thanks to Raffaele for the heads up.
Morning Discussion #594
by Calpain
When I saw some Final Fantasy 6 in the ATG tonight I had to use it as header somewhere! Man, I really should play the pony version sometime.
Morning guys, ready to chat?
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Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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