Nightly Roundup #1355
by Calpain
Hmm, she makes a very compelling argument, but the problem is I don't have any cookies! Time to rob a bakery...
As I panic and plot, why not read the news?
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I feel like we haven't reported on anything involving the My Little Pony game in forever. The newest update shifting it's numbering to 3.0 is officially out now, with a fully animated Coloratura pony as their newest addition. Along with this, expect:
- Enjoy an amazing new quest line based on one of the TV show's most popular episodes, complete tasks and get Rara
- Use the tokens to unlock Countess Coloratura, Svengallop, Coloratura's dancers, and others
- New Big-Apple Stage, Countess's Chariot and other shops and decorations
As always, get it on iOS or Android.
Thanks to Nichol.as for the heads up.
Animation: My Little Tale
by Calpain
We've got another little crossover with Undertale for you guys today! A lot of effort seemed to go into this and the ending isn't quite what you'd expect from other crossovers of the two worlds we've seen before.
Much like the real game if I say anything about the ending it'll spoil the animation so just just it out after the break.
Nightly Discussion #794
by Calpain
Some great artwork from Jowybean again! This episode did have a lot of great visuals didn't it?
Evening guys, chat time!
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Artist Training Grounds Returns August 15th!
by Calpain
Hello everyone! You guys have been asking for it and today I am here to give you what you want: The Return of the Artist Training Grounds! It feels like forever since our last edition of the beloved event but some changes behind the scenes (and real life busyness) have slowed things down.
First and most unfortunately, Phoe has stepped down from the event leaving me in charge. It has been a pleasure working with Phoe on these events over the years and it is sad to see her go, but in keeping with the spirit of the event I will try my best to keep the spirit of the ATG alive with prompts I hope would make Phoe proud as well as a good dose of enthusiasm for each and every day of our pony drawing adventures!
Secondly, as suggested by a few people, I am going to try and return the ATG to its original format by extending the event to 30 days! Even if you can't participate in a few days of the event, it should give you lovely artists out there double the time to join in on the fun, especially as summer starts to draw to a close and things get busy again.
So What Is The Artist Training Grounds (ATG)?
Now for the nitty-gritty of the event for those of you joining for the first time and for returning artists as well! The Artist Training Grounds is an event for people in the fandom hoping to take their first stab at drawing colorful equines (and improving skills/just having fun for people who are already in the trade) and then have their artwork shared on the website for others to enjoy and provide feedback! The hope is that by drawing every day it can become a habit that can lead to a lifelong love for not only creating pony art but art in general.
Each day we will have a prompt, usually starting off very simple and then progressively moving into more complex territory with prompts I hope can be interpreted in multiple ways thus tickling the artistic muse and resulting in a variety pics. These prompts will last for 24 hours in which time you can submit your picture or pictures (if you're feeling really creative with a prompt) to our compiler, though it is usually a soft 24 hours and pics can be accepted for a half hour to an hour after the 'official' closing time.
Are There Limits On The Media I Can Use?
In the past we've had ponies submitted on all sorts of media, drawing with all sorts of tools. If you want to draw your ponies completely on a chalkboard with colorful chalk, go for it! If you want to just use lined paper with your mechanical pencil from school, no problem! The point is to get you guys drawing and as art takes many forms it would be unfair of us to limit how you want to express your art.
Neato! When Can I Expect The Event?
The ATG will take place on August 15th, starting at 12am Blog Time (PST), so get your art supplies ready and get hyped up for a month of pony! We hope to see you then.
If there are any questions not answered up above, leave them in the comments and I'll be sure to answer them.
Twitter: Calpain
I feel like wings are kinda cheating as an Indiana Jones character. What if Indiana could just take to the air at any time? A lot of those movies would be pretty trivial.
Art! Go get it below.
[1] Source
Daring Do! by Kurochhi
With Legend of Everfree inching closer and closer to release it looks like the promotional train for the movie is now well underway! A new clip has surfaced on the official Equestria Girls channel on Youtube, showing off some more of the movie!
Check it out after the break and thanks to Hadas, Brandon and Jason for sending it in!
op 4:08 PM
Labels: Clip, Episode Clip, Equestria Girls, Legend of Everfree, News, Not-Fanfiction, Trailer -
Does everyone want some Little Strongheart action? No, well too bad!
iTunes has released their usual 3 page preview a good two weeks before the comic is out. best part of all they finally fixed the annoying clipping issue that has been plaguing their previews for years!
We can expect the extended preview to come out later this month, prior to the issue's release on August 17th, 2016.
So ready to take a look at MLP Comic Artist Tony Fleecs's first writing credit on the MLP Comic series?
Even if you're not you can find it after the break!
Special thanks to Chevistian1 and everyone else who sent it in!
Author: GaPJaxie
Description: Sassy Saddles loves her craft. But can she and Rarity reconcile their different visions of the fashion industry?
Additional Tags: Lovecraft Stories Are Remarkably Fashionableop 2:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: GaPJaxie, Complete, Fanfiction, Rarity, Sassy Saddles, Star-Needed, Story -
FUTURE BASS. Finally. We need more of that!
And joining it, some good ol' Glitch hop and orchestral for those in the mood for the more traditional brony genres. Go get em below!
1.) Crystarium - Going Nowhere (Instrumental - Future Bass)
2.) EPT, Lutarifan & TMB - Start again (DJT Remix) (Remix - Glitch Hop)
3.) Shurrikane - A King [♫] (Instrumental - Indie Orchestral)
op 1:00 PM
Labels: Future Bass, Glitch-Hop, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Remix, Not-Fanfiction, Orchestral -
Josh Haber has officially revealed that Ed Valentine is the writer behind the upcoming "Cart Before the Ponies". So far he has two writing credits on Friendship is Magic from way back in the earlier seasons, with Three's a Crowd and Flight to the Finish.
Expect it this weekend!
And in other news, apparently Mike Vogel was the one that came up with the idea for it.
Thanks to Toxic Mario for the heads up.
Shout Factory now has the DVD and Blu-Ray versions of Legend of Everfree up for pre-order over on their website. A free 18x24 poster is included until they run out. We got the usual bonus features in this one too:
- Audio Commentary
- Bloopers
- Animated Shorts
- Sing-Alongs
Get it over here! Expect it to release on November 1st!
Thanks to Nailwraps, Jason, Hunter, and everyone else for the heads up!
Morning Discussion #576
by Calpain
I like this idea of Twilight gets Smarty Pants back and using him to teach Flurry Heart little lessons. It's just so cute!
Morning guys, ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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