Plushie Compilation #226
by Calpain
Coco is so surprised to be header this time around she can't contain her blushes! It's ok Coco, revel in the limelight!
Plushies guys, get them all after the break.
[1] Source
Brush-A-Plush Miss Coco Pommel plushie For Sale by Zooher-Punkcloud
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Nightly Discussion #790
by Calpain
I wonder what sorts of songs the ponies would listen too? For some reason I can really see Fluttershy listening to Enya or maybe she will surprise us all and listen to heavy metal.
Evening guys! Ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Recovering from drawfriend explosion with some Luna to start it off. I'm still getting everything cleaned up and separated, but for now, you can at least get some pony art while you wait! Expect source links soon.
Go get art below while you wait!
(Should be fixed, albiet less pretty. )
Source - Header
(Click this image to help!)Update: Olivia's mother posted a recent summary of her progress in the comments.
For those of you who follow Tara Strong on Twitter (hint: she voices that purple princess on the right), you've probably seen #TeamOllieOxen pop up on her timeline. It's a given that someone with her following is going to get flooded with all kinds of GoFundMe campaigns and retweet requests, but after talking with her at BronyCon and SDCC, I learned this was something of a special case.
Olivia is a fourteen-year-old girl battlingmetastasized lung cancerdiffuse large B cell lymphoma (Edit: thank you, Kristin!) and immune system complications. And it's more than just Tara knowing this young woman personally -- her two sons have been her friends since kindergarten.
As you'd hope to expect, Olivia's folks have thrown everything at pursuing the medically-indicated standard of care for her disease: chemotherapy regimens, broad-spectrum antibiotics, whatever it takes to keep her alive.
You can begin to imagine what the hospital bills are looking like. Thankfully, as of this posting, Olivia is still with us.
If you're willing and able to donate some funds to Olivia's care, you can find #TeamOllieOxen primarily on GoFundMe. Olivia's caretakers have also set up Facebook and Twitter accounts to follow for those so inclined.
Regardless of whether you choose to donate to or share the campaign with your more affluent friends and followers, I'm sure Tara would love nothing more than to hear about it. Shout her up on Twitter when you're done so she can call you "puddin'" and all the other names you never heard during your childhood. -
As promised, we are now archiving up all of the best of the best pony content out there for easy browsing and to help new people find things to watch that they may have missed over the past half a decade. This post starts us off with the best of the best My Little Pony fan animation, and there are a LOT of them.
Below, you will find some of the top animations the brony fandom has to offer, covering My Little Pony characters from both the online pony world, as well as the mane cast. There are five major categories to choose from:
- Drama and Emotion
- Action and Adventure
- Comedy and Slice of Life
- Dark and Creepy
- Random
Go get it all below!
Want more? Check out the other archives! More coming soon:
September 1st UPDATE: 5 animations added
… I seriously think the show runners really took the title of this episode to heart. Seeing Sethisto and Trixie like this… dang I really was not expecting it.
I also wasn't expecting Seth to let me keep this episode followup after he saw this. Huh. Guess somethings really are stranger than fan fiction.
On an completely related note, Seth wants to read this particular fan fiction. For some reason I get the feeling the inbox is about to be flooded with Trixisto fan fics.
I hope everyone is ready. Season 6 returned yesterday, and today I—The Illustrious Q—bring back Equestria Daily's Episode Followups!
Be sure to grab a sandwich before you check it out after the break!
Discussion: Twilight Sparkle Has Been an Alicorn For As Many Epsiodes As She Was a Unicorn Now
by Sethisto
With the 130th episode airing, Twilight Sparkle is officially about to pass the threshold of being an alicorn for longer than she was a unicorn. Magical Mystery Cure was the halfway point between the start of MLP and now.
I have to admit, there are many times where I miss the old Twilight and her freshly social adorkable ways. We haven't had a cute Twilight episode like Look Before You Sleep in forever. But what has replaced her isn't really bad at all in my opinion. She's still an excellent character with lots of fun characterization.
What do you all think? Was she better as a unicorn? Or is she superior as an alicorn?
Discuss below!
Thanks to Nutbar for the heads up.
Hasbro has hopped on Snapchat with a new filter titled simply "Friendship is Magic". Right now all it does is add the effect you see up above to whatever image you use. There wasn't any kind of official announcement for this, so I have no idea if more options will eventually be available. For now, I guess you just need to stick to Twilight and Pinkie!
Thanks to PrincessLuna101 and Perfectly Imperfect for the heads up.
Morning Discussion #572
by Calpain
What a lovely start to the second half of the season! If we keep getting episodes like this I bet the season will end on a high note.
Morning everyone! Ready to chat?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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