Nightly Roundup #1343
by Calpain
Anyone ever play Four Swords? It was quite a few little game if you could get your friends together to play it with you!
News my friends, ready for it?
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If you weren't around back in march, a company called River Horse has obtained the license to create an official Friendship is Magic pen and paper RPG. They had a short demonstration in an interview. You can watch that one over here.
Fast forward to today, we have a new update released to their fans via email on the project, including some concept art (above). Get the full announcement below the break!
op 9:00 PM
Labels: Media, Merchandise, News, Not-Fanfiction, Official Pony RPG, Riverhorse, Traditional Game -
Nightly Discussion #758
by Calpain
Trouble Shoes was a neat little character. It was nice to see a Clydesdale on the show, especially since that horse breed is my sister's favorite.
Evening everyone! Time to chat.
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
The world of pony gaming has slowed down a bit over the past year, but we finally have some projects popping up again as we move into the second half of 2016. Undertale made waves with it's unique style and simple graphics, making many wonder why we weren't getting more pony love on that front. Someone going by the name of Jeremy is looking to change that.
Check out his Nightmare Moon battle demo scene below.
Magical girl Derpy Hooves. I want that to be a thing. Why can't it be a thing? Why is this world so boring that we haven't had 20 spinoff pony series yet? Why hasn't everything been replaced by pony?
Go get art below!
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Card Captor Derpy by Imalou
When I first set out on making this list, the original idea was to simply dig up 10 interesting episodes that people seem to agree are the most rewatchable, and analyze each. After many a battle between close friends and various pony Skype rooms, I quickly discovered that it just doesn't work like that. No one could agree on anything, and when we did, another faction would disagree. Tiny episode based cliques started to form, and a war of words, best ponies, best writers, best themes, and a slew of other things caused the entire concept to collapse.
It really all boils down to one question: What exactly makes an episode rewatchable? The common theme I ran into was simply personal experience. Some episodes hit others harder, based on what was going on in the fandom at the time, how they watched it, or even relatability to the actual story. A few episodes won just based on how well they worked, but that wasn't usually the case.
And so, out of the fires of a failed post comes a different style. You are still going to get your top 10, but It's going to be a more personal list than originally planned. Head on down below for the episodes I've rewatched the most, and why I do it!
After two years of silence, the team behind the pony dating sim from Gentlecolts Collaborations has come out of the woodwork with hopes of reviving their frozen project. Unfortunately their entire artist team left way back when, and they weren't able to replace them to continue development.
They are currently looking for new blood to help draw up some ponies and fulfill the need of cartoon equine based dating for the more obsessed among us.
If you are interested, go blabber over on their comments here. Their demo is still available if you have no idea what the project actually is.
Ashleigh Ball tweeted this out a few days ago. It's looking like the song portion of the development of the My Little Pony movie is currently in full swing. Either Applejack, Rainbow Dash, or both are getting some vocal love.
I wonder what genre we will get this time? I'm still a fan of rock for Dashie.
Thanks to Damir for the heads up!
The book version of the Legends of Everfree movie releasing later this year is now pre-orderable over on Amazon in book form. This one's synopsis is literally word for word the movie, so it may be a simple retelling as opposed to a side story like the first EG movie book.
Expect to see it release on the 6th of September. Find it here.
Thanks to Perfect Blue for the heads up.
Morning Discussion #539
by Calpain
Nothing like relaxing and just enjoying some music, especially music yourself create. It's a nice way to let your creative side let loose a little, even if you may not be good at it.
Morning everyone! Ready for Tuesday?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here
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