Color me envious once again. If only I had ALL THE MONEY so I could buy ALL THE PLUSHIES that keep releasing after each episode this year. Starlight Glimmer's new Snowfall Frost persona already has her very own plushie, minus the glasses. I, for one, recommend all ponies aquire top hats.
Thanks to Munkari for the heads up!
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Go CMCs Go!
The new set of the official My Little Pony CCG is called "Marks in Time" for two good reasons: the timey-wimey hijinks of magical ponies, and the cutie marks little foals earn as they grow. And who are the flag-bearers for cutie marks in MLP: CCG? The Cutie Mark Crusaders, that's who!
Players have been craving Mane Character cards of Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle for a while now, and while this mash-up of all three helped to tide folks over, Marks in Time finally fulfills their destiny! Along with Manes, the CMCs also appear on plenty of other cards, so head on down below the break to see the EQD exclusive reveals of Super Rare Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle as a Mane Character, and more.
Exclusive First Look: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #45—Synopsis, Artists, and Writer!
by The Illustrious Q
I think we only need one guess to figure out what happens to cause this particular villain to show her dark head again. This is going to be an amazing grand finale to the Ponies of Dark Water!
To see if your guess is correct, be sure to check out the solicitation below!
Exclusive First Look: My Little Pony: Friends Forever #31—Synopsis, Artists, and Writer!
by The Illustrious Q
Does anyone remember Little Strongheart all the way back from season one's episode Over a Barrel? I certainly do! It was the first brand spanking new episode I watched of the series live! And here she is teaming up with Rainbow Dash!
Furthermore, there's one more detail that's kind of awesome to look at when you read the credits. I'll save the realization for after the solicitation, which you can find after the break!
Exclusive First Look: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #1—Greatest Hits Edition
by The Illustrious Q
Seven Printings. Seven Printings! Just let that sink in for a moment. With the upcoming release of IDW's new $1.00 imprint, the first comic issue of My Little Pony will have been published seven times over the course of four years.
That is incredible.
For those of you who want to give your friends a cheap way of trying the comic, without them having to borrow yours, or if you're looking to get into the series for the first time, there really is no better place to start than at the beginning.
As Always, you can check out the full solicitations after the break!
These are going to be coming a bit faster than usual since there's pretty big coming down the pipe. So onwards and upwards!
Here is Series 4 of the My Little Pony Micro Comic Fun Packs. This time specifically calling out Friends Forever, and apparently being rebranded as Adventure Packs if the concept art for the wrapping is anything to go by.
There are a couple of other changes into series four that the solicitation goes into in nice detail. Furthermore, these aren't coming out in August, but rather September. Apparently if you want these in your local comic shops, it might be a good idea to let them know now!
Be sure to check out the full solicitation after the break!
Exclusive First Look: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Volume 10—Official Solicitation
by The Illustrious Q
It's time for my favorite time of the month folks!
No, it is not time for me to head to another comic convention. Though that is coming up relatively soon in July with BronyCon. But it is time once again for IDW's Solicitations to be released, once again exclusively by Equestria Daily!
So, what's coming up in August of this year? Well to start things off, we have a trade collecting Friendship is Magic issues #38 – 42. For those who have been paying attention to Amazon shouldn't be surprised that this exists since they tossed up the preorder link about two months ago.
You can check out the full official solicitation after the break!
Comic: Alicorn Rebirth / Best Gamer / Pinkielovania / Investigation #6-7 / Day in the Lives #9 / Star Mares #18
by Sethisto
Comics Comics. Get your comics. We have the most ALICORNS, the most brony comic ever, some Undertale crossover I don't even know what is happening in, Gilda, and updates. Go get em below and click for full!
Get her and tons of other art below!
[1] Source
The Fate Thou Hath Wrought by NCMares
A bit of book news arriving today if you want to read some OFFICIAL pony fanfiction. The 6th installment in the main Equestria Girls series of books has released, titled "Twilight's Sparkly Sleepover Surprise". If you want 208 pages of humanized ponies doing humany things, head on over here for it.
And in other news, the "Equestria Girls: Journal" book has been delayed until January 3rd, 2017. We do have a slightly different synopsis for that one though. Head on down below to check it out, and avoid it if you want to dodge spoilers!
Finally remixes! It seems like they have been pretty sparse this season. Maybe because they were saving all the songs for this one.
If you like µThunder's usual style, expect that and more here. We haven't gotten many for Glimglam's villain song in comparison to Luna. It might be time to poll the favorites here.
Get it down below.
We Love Fine has dropped a teaser on their upcoming series 2 chibi figure set. We actually had a poll way back in January for the characters that would be included this time, but we haven't seen the actual ponies themselves yet. Considering how popular the first round was, I wouldn't be surprised if these sold out quick once pre-orders appear on Thursday.
And in other news, set #1 has a sale going on fork anyone that didn't get a chance to pick them up before. It's first come first serve on these, so get 'em while you can. Check out the sale page over here.
A few promos have started airing over on the Latin American version of Discovery Kids, showing off the coming of a 2017 version of The Hub over there. Unfortunately none of their online sites hint at anything involving this, all we have is a few grainy videos filled with promos that look like the days The Hub was running here, but with 2017 tacked on the end.
We are still looking to dig deeper on confirmation, but we might just see a return of the hub, at least outside the USA.
Get the videos showing it off below the break.
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