Diamond Tiara joins Linkin Park. News at 11.
Seriously though, this is really cool. I'm surprised at how well they match up. Usually mashups for me sound awkward since I'm so used to a specific song sounding a certain way. This somehow gets past that after a few seconds of listening to it.
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Nightly Discussion #684
by Calpain
Not exactly sure how Trixie became the mascot for the Nightly Discussion, but it happened! Have another great banner by Turbo!
Ready for the weekend everyone?
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here. -
Fluttershy Day in Two Weeks!
by Calpain
It's been a little while since we had a character themed day and with Spring now here it seems like a perfect time to celebrate some Fluttershy! While Earth Day was going to be my official Fluttershy Day, I realized it would be during BABSCon when I'd be away, but thankfully just a week after that is Arbor Day in the US!
Help celebrate our favorite Tree Pony by sending in your plushies, art, videos, music, and whatever else to submit@equestriadaily.com by April 29th! Let's make this an awesome day everyone!
Twitter: Calpain -
CELEBRATE THE MOON WITH FANGS. Look at how much those improve all ponies. Fangs should be mandatory for edgy night-based equines.
Go get the arts below!
[1] Source
Nightmare Luna by MagnaLuna
"Until we meet again."
For nearly four years, Katie Cook has been a staple of the MLP Comic series. Whether you love or hate her work, she has always been there. From the well received opening "Return of Queen Chrysalis" all the way through this month's "Rainbow Dash and Very Bad Day", her stories have always been something to look forward to year after year.
However as of next month her stories will go on hold for a while. Katie has announced on her twitter account that Friendship is Magic #42 is going to be her last story on the comic. She has a lot of other projects she is focusing on for 2016 and 2017, so there isn't much room left in her schedule for spending time in Ponyville.
I can't help but feel that it's the end of an era. A wonderful era filled with lots of great humor, and for some reason lots of cats, from one very talented comic artist.
We here at Equestria Daily hereby wish Katie all the best of luck on her future endeavors. And I would also like to personally thank Katie for encouraging me to pursue my dreams—not to mention my obsession of collecting all the variants for the comic—back in NYCC 2012. Without you, I would not be where I am today.
Katie, you will be missed.
You can check out Katie's full goodbye tweets after the break.
Special thanks to everyone who sent it in!
Just a quick heads up for all you card fans: brand new card spoilers are now showing up semi-daily over on the MLP Collectible Card Game Twitter, plus some more getting shared on Enterplay's Facebook page. This is all part of the ramp up for the debut of the new set, Marks in Time, which should be arriving in May!
Head below the break to see a whole bunch of cards that haven't been seen yet here on EQD, plus a new EQD exclusive card reveal!
Las Pegasus dominated this one. How was Hollowshades on the surpreme city though?! Don't you all want to explore bat pony land?! Ridiculous.
New Short poll: Which pony do you want to see with episodes this season?
Go get it on the side bare!
We need polls. Suggest in the comments!
And get the results of this one below.
Kristine Songco and Joanna Lewis are the minds behind this week's episode. These two worked on Castle Sweet Castle, Rarity Investigates, and The Hooffields and McColts if you want a comparison. I'm not gonna lie, I watched Rarity's Investigates especially a few times. If this one is anything like that, I'll be in heaven.
We will find out tomorrow morning!
Thanks to Nick and Andrew for sending it !
The Legends of Everfree is the next installment in the Equestria Girls movie series if you missed all the news during Toy Fair, and joining it we have the usual book tie-in. Both a chapter book and simpler storybook version will be available.
The synopsis is pretty much the same as the movie, which I'll include below the break for the sake of spoilers. Expect the book on the 9th, which means we will probably see the actual film some time right after it.
A Goodbye to BUCK Con
by Calpain
BUCK Con celebrated it's last event over the weekend, saying farewell to all it's visitors over the years. It's always sad to see a convention go (I experienced it myself with Ponycon, a personal report I'm almost finished with) so for those of you that visited BUCK this year or sometime in the past, share some of your experience in the comments!
Twitter: Calpain -
Morning Discussion #476
by Calpain
With these two as friends I bet it's only possible to handle them in small doses. Hold in there Rarity!
Morning everyone! Happy Friday!
Twitter: CalpainVote for and view our comic. Patreon here -
Pony History of the Day - Unanimous Delivers
by Calpain
Keeping with our theme lately of revisiting the earliest parts of the fandom, tonight we look at the popular works of Unanimous Delivers whose works were some of the earliest in the fandom to mash up sounds from the show into music and created a video capturing the earliest memes in the fandom at the time (1000 People Clicked).
Check on after the break from some tunes and some of the earliest pony history and make sure to leave any suggestions you have down in the comments!
Nightly Roundup #1319
by Calpain
With Rarity opening a shop in Manehattan I wonder if we'll see a return of Suri? She probably has quite a grudge against Rarity after being humiliated and losing her apprentice.
Anyhow, news time my friends! Get it all after the break!
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